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‭ thics is important in the intersection of science, technology, and society.

It ensures that‬
‭advancements are made responsibly and contribute positively to society. Scientists should be‬
‭trained to understand ethical aspects and comply with ethical norms. Research institutions‬
‭should promote ethical considerations in scientific work. The international scientific community‬
‭should emphasize environmental ethics. Protecting the rights of research participants,‬
‭enhancing research validity, and maintaining scientific integrity are essential ethical principles in‬
‭scientific research. Ethical considerations must be integrated throughout the development and‬
‭implementation of emerging technologies, such as AI, biotech, and robotics. New ethical‬
‭problems continue to arise and raise questions about the potential impacts on human rights.‬
‭Ethics must be integrated into technical education to prepare future tech leaders and workers to‬
‭think ethically about their work. Overall, ethics are essential to foster responsible and beneficial‬
‭advancements in science and technology, encompassing various aspects such as education,‬
‭research, adoption of new technologies, and the protection of research participants.‬

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