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Bardic College of Dance
“The College of Dance is one of the oldest colleges that still practices the bardic arts.
There is a wide schism that separates this college from the others. This is due to their
performance, which does not rely on song, instruments, or sound at all, but dance.
“Bards of this college are often simply referred to as Dancers, but the roles they play
are anything but simple. There are Dancers who perform holy dances used in prayer, there
are Dancers who tell stories and keep history alive through their performances, and there are
those who dance in the very battlefield, mixing performance with combat, lifting the spirits of
their companions and allowing them to perform feats beyond their normal capacities. These
bards use dance to become a blur in the enemy’s eyes, dodging their attacks with expert
grace and poise and clouding their minds with enchanting movements to become harder to
pin down.
“It takes courage to stand in the thick of battle among armed warriors and armored
paladins, but it takes a bard to do so while dancing.”

This bard subclass leans on the support role that the bard can embody. The cornerstone of the
subclass is the Dance ability. A Dancer’s main job in the battlefield is to keep their dance ability
up for as long as possible to enhance the damage capabilities of their allies and to prevent
having to restart their dance with additional uses of inspiration. The bonuses gained by dancing
are very strong, providing an ongoing bardic inspiration bonus to an ally once per turn and
several advantages for the bard themselves. This is balanced by the ability’s drawbacks: the
bardic inspiration roll decays every round; the bard needs to stay close to the ally they are
inspiring while maintaining concentration on their dance, which puts them at risk of losing
concentration because of enemy attacks; and the bard cannot cast concentration spells while
dancing, as they have to maintain concentration on their dance.

In order for the bard to survive being closer to danger, they gain bonuses as they level up that
make them harder and harder to hit as they go up in levels, culminating in an agile combatant
who casts spells and deals damage, all while expertly avoiding the enemy’s blows and
enhancing their allies’ attacks.
3rd Level: Somatic Performance
Starting at 3rd level, you are able to cast your magic using only the precise, meticulous, and
elegant movements of your body. You may choose to replace all verbal or material components
of a spell with only the somatic component of dancing, so long as the material components of
the spell do not have a cost.

3rd Level: Dance

Also at 3rd level, you can perform an arcane dance that empowers and inspires an ally in
combat. As a bonus action, you can start your dance and choose one creature you can see
within 15 feet of you. Roll the Bardic Inspiration die. That creature can now add the result of
your Bardic Inspiration roll to one ability check, attack roll, or saving throw per round. On the
next turn, the creature you inspired can add your bardic inspiration roll again, so long as it
remains within 15 feet of you and you keep dancing.
The bardic inspiration roll decreases at the end of your turn by one. For instance: you use your
bonus action to start your dance and select an ally within 15 feet of you. You roll a 6 on your
bardic inspiration die. The creature you’re inspiring attacks an enemy and adds 6 to their attack
roll. After the end of your next turn, the creature you’re inspiring now adds 5 to their attack
against that enemy. The creature you’re inspiring will add 4 in the next round, then 3, and so on
until the bardic inspiration roll reaches 0.
The creature automatically loses all benefits of your dance when leaving the 15 radius of it.
You must maintain concentration on dancing as if it were a spell. You can end your dance at any
point during your turn without using any actions or bonus actions.

6th level: Deadly Dance

At 6th level, your calculated movements blend dance with battle prowess, allowing you to
double your attack prowess while you dance while moving across the battlefield seamlessly.
While you’re using your Dance ability, your movement increases by 10 feet and you can attack
twice, instead of once, when you take the Attack action on your turn.

14th level: Danse Macabre

When you reach 14th level, you have mastered the art of dancing on the battlefield, your very
presence inspiring even more combatants to transcend their physical limits in combat, becoming
even deadlier in turn.
The radius of your Dance ability is now 20 feet. When you use your Dance ability, you may
empower two allies simultaneously. Both allies must remain inside the 20-foot area of effect to
receive the benefits of your dance. If one leaves while the other one remains in the dancing
area of effect, the one remaining still enjoys the benefits, but you must use a bonus action and
roll your bardic inspiration die if you wish to empower a second ally again. The new roll
overrides the previous one.
For instance: The original bardic inspiration roll is 8, and you are inspiring two creatures. One
creature leaves the radius of your dance and loses the benefits of the dance. A new creature
enters the radius and you use your bonus action to roll your bardic inspiration die to inspire that
second creature, the result being a 4. Both creatures now add 4 instead of 8 to their ability
checks, saving throws, or attacks.
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Robert J. Schwalb, Bruce R. Cordell, Chris Sims, and Steve Townshend, based on original
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