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Question Bank for Mobile Application Development (Flutter 2023-2024)

1 Mobile Applications:

A. Don't need any installation

B. Maintenance is easy
C. faster than web apps
D. Does not require approval from the app store.

2 One of the limitations of Mobile Applications is ………

A. Need internet connectivity

B. slow
C. less availability
D. No compatibility between different platforms
E. Less guaranteed security.

3 Mobile Applications

A. No installation is needed
B. Provides more functionality
C. Maintenance is easy
D. Self-upgradation
E. Quick implementation
F. Does not require approval from app store.

4 Mobile Applications

A. No installation
B. No need of internet connectivity
C. Maintenance is easy
D. Self-upgradation
E. Quick implementation
F. Does not require approval from the app store.

5 Mobile Applications

A. Provides security
B. No installation
C. Maintenance is easy
D. Self-upgradation
E. Quick implementation

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Question Bank for Mobile Application Development (Flutter 2023-2024)

F. Does not require approval from app store

6 Mobile Applications

A. No installation
B. Maintenance is easy
C. Self-upgradation
D. Easy to implement.
E. Quick implementation
F. Does not require approval from app store

7 Mobile Applications

A. Need internet connectivity

B. Increased development costs
C. Slow
D. Less availability
E. Less guaranteed security.

8 Mobile Applications

A. Need internet connectivity

B. Slow
C. Less availability
D. Less guaranteed security.
E. Maintenance is expensive

9 One of Mobile Applications limitation

A. Difficult to get approval from app store.

B. Need internet connectivity
C. Slow
D. Less availability
E. Less guaranteed security.

10 One of the following is not a mobile application development model

A. Native application development
B. Rapid application development
C. Hybrid application development

11 In the Cross-platform application development model

A. The application can run on android devices
B. The application can run on ios devices

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Question Bank for Mobile Application Development (Flutter 2023-2024)

C. The application can run on different devices.

12 Hybrid mobile applications are ………..

A. More performance native apps
B. As performance as native apps
C. Less performance than native apps

13 Native mobile applications have ………..

A. More performance Hybrid apps
B. As performance as Hybrid apps
C. Less performance than Hybrid apps

14 Hybrid mobile applications have ………..

A. More performance cross apps
B. Less performance than cross apps
C. As performance as cross apps

15 Cross mobile applications are ………..

A. As performance as Hybrid apps
B. Less performance than Hybrid apps
C. More performance Hybrid apps

16 The way To access the native features of mobile device in the native apps

A. Direct access
B. Use third party plugins
C. You can not access to native features

17 The way To access the native features of mobile device in the cross- platform
A. You can not access to native features
B. Direct access
C. Use third party plugins and APIs

18 The way To access the native features of mobile device in the hybrid apps
A. You can not access to native features
B. Direct access
C. Use third party plugins

19 Hybrid mobile applications are ………..

A. As reusable as native apps

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Question Bank for Mobile Application Development (Flutter 2023-2024)

B. Less reusable than native apps

C. More reusable than native apps

20 Native mobile applications are ………..

A. As reusable as Hybrid apps
B. Less reusable than Hybrid apps
C. More reusable than Hybrid apps

21 Cross mobile applications are ………..

A. Less reusable than Hybrid apps
B. As reusable as Hybrid apps
C. More reusable Hybrid apps

22 Hybrid mobile applications are ………..

A. Less reusable than Cross apps
B. As reusable as Cross apps
C. More reusable Cross apps

23 Cross-platform mobile applications are ………..

A. As reusable as native apps
B. Less reusable than native apps
C. More reusable than native apps

24 Native mobile applications are ………..

A. As reusable as Cross-platform apps
B. More reusable than Cross-platform apps
C. Less reusable than Cross-platform apps

25 If it is ok to have two teams to work in different platforms use ……. application

development model
A. Native
B. Hybrid
C. Cross-platform
E. Desktop

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Question Bank for Mobile Application Development (Flutter 2023-2024)

26 If the time to market is more important than performance use …… application

development model
A. Hybrid
B. Cross-platform
D. Desktop
E. Native

27 If you need less time to market,less time to develop and less performance
use…… application development model
B. Desktop
C. Hybrid
D. Native
E. Cross-platform

28 ……… a cross-platform framework that support developing mobile

application for both Android and IOS OS.
A. Dart
B. Cordova
C. Ionic,
D. Flutter

29 One of the following is not a flutter feature

A. No JavaScript bridge
B. Direct access to device services
C. Compile time is less
D. Code sharing
E. Code maintenance:

30 a general-purpose, high-level modern programming language developed by


A. Cordova
B. Ionic,
C. Flutter
D. Dart

31 One of the following is not a dart feature

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A. Open-source
B. Object-oriented
C. Platform-independent
D. UI framework

32 ………….is where you’ll be adding code for a Flutter project

A. Android
B. pubspec
C. Test
D. Lib

33 To run your flutter app you must call runApp with your top-level widget passed
as an argument.

A. True
B. False
C. In special cases

34 In Flutter everything is …………

A. Object
B. Class
C. Widget
D. Variable

35 Many built-in widgets have both regular constructors and const constructors.

A. True
B. False
C. In special cases

36 ………… is how Flutter apps are structured.

A. Widget
B. Element

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C. Element Tree
D. widget tree

37 every widget has a child property.

A. True
B. False

38 In the following widget tree

A. The child of center is an AppBar and the parent of AppBar is column

B. The child of center is a column and the parent of AppBar is Saffold
C. The Text Widget has no parent
D. The Text Widget has a child

39 In the following widget tree

A. The child of center is an AppBar and the parent of AppBar is column

B. The children of center are two Text widgets and the child of AppBar is
one Text widget
C. The Icon is FloatingActionButton’s child

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Question Bank for Mobile Application Development (Flutter 2023-2024)

40 Choose the correct statement

A. A Stateful Widget doesn’t have any internal state that changes during the
lifetime of the widget.
B. A StatelessWidget doesn’t have any internal state that changes during the
lifetime of the widget.
C. A stateful widget is immutable.
D. A stateless widget is mutable.

41 Choose the correct statement

E. A Stateful Widget doesn’t have any internal state that changes during the
lifetime of the widget.
F. A stateless widget is immutable.
G. A stateful widget is immutable.
H. A StatelessWidget has an internal state that changes during the lifetime of
the widget.

Draw the widget tree for the following method

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Question Bank for Mobile Application Development (Flutter 2023-2024)


Draw the widget tree for the following method

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Question Bank for Mobile Application Development (Flutter 2023-2024)

Draw the widget tree for the following method

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Question Bank for Mobile Application Development (Flutter 2023-2024)


Draw the widget tree for the following method

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Question Bank for Mobile Application Development (Flutter 2023-2024)


Which function will return the widgets attached to the screen as a root of the
widget tree to be rendered on screen?

A. main()
B. runApp()
C. container()
D. root()

47 What is the key configuration file used when building a Flutter project?

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A. pubspec.yaml
B. pubspec.lock
C. config.xml
D. main.dart

48 Which widget type allows you to modify its appearance dynamically according
to user input?

A. Stateful widget
B. Stateless widget

49 What is the purpose of the setState() method in Flutter?

A. To create a new widget

B. To manage the state of the application

C. To handle user input

D. To define the layout of the user interface

50 What is the purpose of the MaterialApp widget in Flutter?

A. To define the layout of the user interface

B. To provide a set of material design widgets

C. To handle user input

D. To manage the state of the application

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Question Bank for Mobile Application Development (Flutter 2023-2024)

51 What is the purpose of the StatelessWidget in Flutter?

A. To build a widget tree based on the state of a future

B. To build a widget tree that does not depend on any mutable state

C. To manage the state of the application

D. To create a new widget


The Flutter tooling supports _____ modes while compiling the application

A. 2
B. 3
C. 4
D. 5


pubspec.yaml file does not contain?

A. Project general settings

B. Project dependencies
C. Project language
D. Project assets


Flutter is not a language; it is an SDK.

C. Can be true or false
D. Can not say

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Question Bank for Mobile Application Development (Flutter 2023-2024)

55 ………………is a widget that abstracts away a number of features required for

most mobile apps, such as setting up a navigator and using an appwide theme

A. Navigator
B. Them
C. WidgetsApp
D. RunApp

56 The …………… lets you transition smoothly between screens of your


E. Column
F. RunApp
G. WidgetsApp
H. Navigator

57 …………… is the widget that gives your app structure.

A. MaterialApp
B. Scaffold
C. Them
D. AppBar

58 a Scaffold argument that represents the main portion of the screen.

A. Body
B. Home
C. homePage
D. AppBar

59 It provides navigation features for free. It automatically inserts a menu button if

the app bar’s parent is a scaffold and the drawer argument isn’t null.

A. Scaffold
B. AppBar
C. Drawer

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Question Bank for Mobile Application Development (Flutter 2023-2024)

60 One of the AppBar properties

A. Direction
B. Body
C. trailing
D. leading

61 primarySwatch is a property in …………… widget

A. Scaffold
B. MaterialApp
C. AppBar
D. ThemData

62 Automatically adds sufficient padding to the child widget to avoid intrusions by

the operating system.

A. Padding
B. Margin
C. SizedBox
D. SaveArea

63 A widget to display text using multiple styles

A. Label
B. Text
C. RichText
D. RichLabel

64 ……………… class provides access to custom resources such as images, fonts,

audio, data files, and more.

A. AssetBundle
B. AssetImage
C. Pubspec.yamel
D. pubspec.lock

To get the orientation of the user device use

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A. Orientation class
B. Landscape class
C. Portrait class
D. MediaQuery class

66 you can build more complex widgets by composing them

A. True
B. False
C. In special cases

67 ……………….. arrange other widgets, columns, rows, grids, and many other

A. Visible widgets
B. Basic widgets
C. Layout widgets

68 The three common categories of layout widgets are

A. Container, Row, and Column layout widgets
B. ListView, GridView, and ListTile layout widgets
C. Single-child, multi-child, sliver layout widgets

69 Examples of single-child layout widgets

A. Stack, SizedBox, Padding
B. Expanded, Align, Padding
C. Expanded, Table, Padding
D. Expanded, SizedBox, Wrap

70 Examples of multi-child layout widgets

A. LayoutBuilder, Flow, ListBody
B. Align, Flow, ListBody
C. LayoutBuilder, Padding, ListBody
D. LayoutBuilder, Flow, Expanded

………… a portion of the scrollable area which is used to achieve a custom

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scrolling effect.

A. Scrollable
B. CustomScroll
C. SliverList
D. Sliver

72 …………….. is a standard widget from the widgets library,

A. Card
B. Container
C. ListTile
D. CheckBox

73 …………….. is a specialized widget from the Material library.

1. GridView
2. ListTile
3. ListView
4. SliverList

The most suitable layout widget for this app is

A. ListTile
B. ListView
C. SliverList
D. GridView

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Question Bank for Mobile Application Development (Flutter 2023-2024)

The most suitable layout for this app is

A. ListView of ListTiles
B. ListTile of ListViews
C. SliverList of ListView
D. ListTile of GridView

76 Row and Column are ……………………..

A. Visible widgets
B. Interactive widgets
C. Invisible widgets
D. Material widgets

77 automatically provides scrolling when its content is too long for its render box.

A. ListView
B. Column
C. Card
D. Row

The most suitable layout for this app is

A. Gridview of Columns
B. Listview of Columns

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Question Bank for Mobile Application Development (Flutter 2023-2024)

C. ListView of Rows

79 Navigator is a widget that manages a set of child widgets with a………….


A. Queue
B. Map
C. Stack

80 To start navigating between pages, you use the Navigator.push, pushNamed, and
pop methods.

A. True
B. False

81 To push a new Route you create an instance of the …………class that replaces
the screen with the appropriate animation transition.

A. Scaffold
B. MaterialApp
C. MaterialPageRoute

82 One of the following is NOT a navigation method

A. GestureDetector
B. Navigator

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Question Bank for Mobile Application Development (Flutter 2023-2024)

C. BottomNavigationBar

83 One of the following is a valid route name

A. ‘/secondScreen’
B. ‘secondScreen’
C. ‘{secondScreen}’

84 …………………….is a shared element animation between two different pages.

A. The hero animation

B. Fade Animation
C. Container Animation

85 Each Hero tag must be unique and match on the

A. originating and landing pages

B. originating page
C. landing page

86 Material Design widget that displays a list of BottomNavigationBarItems that

contains an icon and a title at the bottom of the page

A. BottomNavigationBarItem
B. BottomNavigationBar
C. MaterialBottomNavigation

87 The BottomAppBar widget behaves similarly to the BottomNavigationBar,


A. BottomNavigationBar has an optional notch along the top.

B. BottomAppBar has a mandatory notch along the top
C. BottomAppBar has an optional notch along the top

88 …………………… intended to display generic or custom information by

setting the padding, child, decoration, and other properties

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A. Drawer
B. DrawerHeader
C. UserAccountsDrawerHeader

89 …………………. is intended to display the app’s user details by setting the

currentAccountPicture, accountName, accountEmail, otherAccountsPictures, and
decoration properties.

D. Drawer
E. DrawerHeader
F. UserAccountsDrawerHeader

90 If you have a relatively small collection of key-values to save inside the local
storage of a mobile device , you can use the plugin…………..

A. Http
B. Dart:convert
C. shared_preferences

91 ………………………… plugin can be used to persist key-value data on disk.

D. Http
E. shared_preferences
F. Dart:convert

92 setInt, setBool, and setString methods are provided by ………… plugin

G. sqfLite
H. Dart:convert
I. shared_preferences

93 final counter = prefs.getInt('counter') ?? 0;

This statement does
A. Save counter variable on disk
B. Assign 0 to counter variable
C. Retrieve counter value from disk

94 ………………………. is a common open-standard and language-independent

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file data format with the benefit of being human-readable text.

A. Shared_preference
C. sqLite

95 It’s a great way to exchange data between different programs because it is

human-readable text.

A. Html file
B. Text file
C. Json file

96 In JSON files :

A. Objects are declared by {} and arrays by using the square [] brackets

B. Objects are declared by curly {} brackets and arrays are declared by
using the square [] brackets
C. Both Objects and arrays are declared by using curly {} brackets

97 path_provider package is used to ……………..

A. retrieve the local path to the document directory.

B. Retrieve data from internet
C. Retrieve user login data

98 A ……………. widget works with a Future to retrieve the latest data without
blocking the UI.

A. FutureResponse
B. FlutterBuilder
C. FutureBuilder

99 To check whether data is returned in FutureBuilder, you use the……

A. snapshot.connectionState
C. snapshot.hasData

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100 The JSON file data is stored as plain text (strings)

A. False
B. True

101 To save data to the JSON file, you use serialization to…………………..

A. convert a string to characters

B. convert an object to a string
C. convert a string to an object

102 To read data from the JSON file, you use deserialization to

D. convert a string to characters

E. convert an object to a string
F. convert a string to an object

103 use the json .encode() method to serialize and the json.decode() method to
deserialize the data.

C. False
D. True

104 both the json.encode() and json.decode() methods are from the ………. Library.

A. Dart:io
B. Dart:material
C. Dart:convert

105 Deserialization commonly refers to the entire process of translating data

structures to and from a more easily readable format.

A. True
B. False

106 For apps with several JSON models with more complexity use ……………….

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Serialization strategy

A. Manual
B. Complex
C. Automated

107 json_serializable and built_value are used for …………….. Serialization

D. Manual
E. Automated
F. Complex

108 If you are writing an app that needs to persist and query large amounts of data on
the local device, consider using ………………..

A. local file
B. key-value store.
C. sqflite

109 databases provide faster inserts, updates, and queries compared to other local
persistence solutions.

A. True
B. False

110 To insert an object into the sqflite database you should …………..
A. Convert the object into a string
B. Convert the object into a map
C. Convert the object into a document

111 Query method in sqflite returns ……………………

A. List of object
B. List of string
C. List of map

112 the state that you do manage in Flutter can be separated into two conceptual

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A. ephemeral state and local state

B. global state and app state
C. ephemeral state and app state

113 whatever data you need in order to rebuild your UI at any moment in time is

A. Provider
B. state
C. widget

114 the currently selected tab in a BottomNavigationBar is considered………

A. Local state
B. App state
C. Dispose state

115 State that you want to share across many parts of your app

A. Dispose state
B. App state
C. Local state

116 The shopping cart in an e-commerce app

A. App state
B. Dispose state
C. Local state

117 In Flutter, it makes sense to keep the state ……… the widgets that use it.

A. below
B. in
C. above

118 ………… is a simple class which provides change notification to its listeners.

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Question Bank for Mobile Application Development (Flutter 2023-2024)

A. ChangeNotifierProvider
B. ChangeNotifier
C. Consumer

119 ……………… the widget that provides an instance of a ChangeNotifier to its


A. ChangeNotifierProvider
B. ChangeNotifier
C. Consumer

120 It is best practice to put Consumer widgets ………………in the tree as possible.
You don’t want to rebuild large portions of the UI just because some detail
somewhere changed.

A. as high
B. in the middle
C. as deep

121 Compare between any two state management approaches

122 The http package is used for

A. Connecting to firebase
B. Opening cloud firestore
C. Making get and post network requests

123 <uses-permission android:name="android.permission.INTERNET" />

This is required for

A. Permitting ios application to connect to internet
B. Permitting android application to connect to internet
C. denying ios application to connect to internet
D. denying android application to connect to internet

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Question Bank for Mobile Application Development (Flutter 2023-2024)

124 The…………….class contains the data received from a successful http call.

A. http.Response
B. http.Request
C. http.Output

125 The http.get() method returns

A. Future<Response>
B. Future
C. Response

126 ………………is a core Dart class for working with async operations. Its object
represents a potential value or error that will be available at some time in the

A. Builder
B. Await
C. Future

127 The http.Response class contains ……….

the data received from a successful http call.

128 To fetch data from the internet use………….. Method

A. Fetch
B. Post
C. Put
D. Get

129 If the server does return an OK response with a status code of 200, this

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A. Successful posting data to internet

B. Failing to post data to internet
C. Failing to get data from internet
D. Successful fetching data from the internet

130 It is recommended to Call the fetching data method in……………..method

A. initState()
B. build()
C. dispose()

131 It is not recommended to put an API call in ………. Method

A. build()
B. didChangeDependencies()
C. initState()

132 To display the data which fetched from API on screen, use the

A. Future
B. Builder
C. FutureBuilder

133 To send data to the internet use ……….. Method

A. Fetch()
B. Post()
C. send()
D. Get()

134 Both The and The http.get() method returns a Future that contains a

A. True
B. False

135 factory Album.fromJson(Map<String, dynamic> json) {

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return Album(
userId: json['userId'] as int,
id: json['id'] as int,
title: json['title'] as String,

What does this constructor do ?

A. Converts an Album object to Map
B. Converts an Album object to json
C. Converts a map to Album Object

136 If the server returns a CREATED response with a status code of 201, this

A. Successful fetching data from the internet

B. Successful posting data to internet
C. Failing to post data to internet
D. Failing to get data from internet

137 …………………. .handles the entire backend server infrastructure connecting

iOS, Android, and web application

A. Firebase
B. Firestore
C. Authentication

138 ………………… Store and sync NoSQL data in documents and collections
between devices.

A. Cloud storage
B. Cloud functions
C. Cloud Firestore

139 ………….. provides Real-time crash reports

A. Performance monitoring
B. Crashlytics
C. Test lab

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Question Bank for Mobile Application Development (Flutter 2023-2024)

140 …………………… is a NoSQL document database to store, query, and sync

data with offline support for mobile and web apps.

A. Cloud storage
B. Cloud Firestore
C. Cloud functions

141 One of the following is NOT a feature of Firestore

A. The ability to store data in tables as relational database

B. the ability of a mobile app to function while an Internet connection is not
C. the ability to synchronize live data between devices automatically

142 In Cloud Firestore , ………………………. are containers for documents; they

hold them the same way a folder holds pages

A. Documents
B. Fields
C. Collections

143 ……………………… hold data that is stored as a key-value pair similar to JSON

A. Authentications
B. Collections
C. Documents

144 ………….is a class that defines a specific piece of your UI.

A. Class
B. Screen
C. Object
D. Widget

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