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Dear friend,

Hi! how are you? I'm glad for your dad, but moving to a new town where you don’t have any
friends sucks. By the way, where have you moved?

Well, I’m not sure if asking me for advice was the best idea, but let’s see…

For a start, you should think in positive. The town can’t be that boring, I’m sure there’s
something interesting, you just have to find it. Try going to different places, like the library, the
cinema, a coffee shop…I know you will find something.

And, about your friends, I think that’s the worst part, but, as I said, you should think in positive.
You are going to make new friends! Besides, you can talk to the old ones on Facetime, or visit
them in holiday, you’re going to find the solution. It’s not like you are going to forget about
them, really, don’t worry.

So, I hope this has helped you in some way. You know you can count on me anytime.

Kisses, bye!

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