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L. A. Hanison, E. L. Squires2, T. M. Nett and A. 0. McKinnon

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Colorado State University3 Fort Collins 80523

Natural GnRH and its analog have potential for hastening ovulation in mares. A study
was conducted to evaluate the efficacy of a GnRH agonist given either as an injectable or
S.C. implant for induction of ovulation in mares. Forty-five seasonally anestrous mares
(March) were assigned to one of three groups ( n = 15/group): 1) untreated controls; 2) i.m.
injection of the GnRH agonist buserelin at 12-h intervals (40Fdinjection for 28 d or until
ovulation) and 3) GnRH agonist administered as a S.C.implant (approximately 100 ~8124h
for 28 d). Six mares per group were bled on d 0,7, 14 and 21 after injection or insertion of
implant. Samples were taken at -1, -.5 and 0 h and at .5, 1, 1.5, 2, 4, 6 and 8 h after
GnRH.Additional daily samples were drawn for 28 d after injection or until ovulation.
Samples were assayed for concentration of LH and FSH. Progesterone concentrations were
determined in samples collected on d 4, 6 and 10 after ovulation. Number and size of
follicles and detection of ovulation were determined by ultrasonography. Number of mares
induced to ovulate within 30 d was 0 of 15, 7 of 15 and 9 of 15 for groups 1, 2 and 3,
respectively. During treatment, follicle sizes were smaller for mares in group 3 (implant).
The LH response to GnRH agonist (area under c w e ) was similar among groups at d 0 but
was greater (P e .05) for mares in group 3 on d 7 and 14 and groups 2 and 3 on d 21 than
for controls. A similar pattern was detected for peak concentrations of LH after GnRH on d
0. 7, 14 and 21. Daily concentrations of LH remained low in untreated control mares
compared with GnRH-treated mares throughout the sampling period. Concentrations of LH
for mares in group 3 that ovulated were elevated greatly above those for group 2 mares,
whereas concentrations of FSH were similar in both treatment groups prior to ovulation.
(Key Words: GnRH, Ovulation, Seasonal Behavior.)
J. h i m . Sci. 1990. 68:690-699

in the hypothalamus with subsequent increased

lntmductlon synthesis and secretion of LH (Silvia et al.,
The mare is a seasonal breeder with estrous Extended photoperiod hastens cyclicity in
cycles occurring during May to October mares (Loy. 1968; Kooistra and Ginther,
(Ginther, 1979). Transition into the breeding 1975). but it is necessary to initiate this
season b r n winter anestrus (transitional regimen 2 to 3 mo in advance of the desired
mares) is characterized by restoration of GnRH first ovulation. Investigators using progestins
(Squires et al, 1979. 1983), prostaglandin
(Lamond et al., 1975) and pituitary extract
'Funded in part by Colorado State Univ. Exp. Sta and (Douglas et al., 1974) have had limited success
Hoechst-Rousscl Agri-Vet. Sommuville,NJ. in hastening ovulation. However, natural
2~epri.trequests: E. L. squires, Equine Sciences ~ 0 -GnRH and its analogs have potential to hasten
gram. ovulation in transitional mares (Johnson, 1986,
3Anim. Reprod. Lab.
Rcceivcd March 7.1989. 1987; Affleck et al.. 1987; Allen et al., 1987;
Accepted June 27,1989. Fiagerald et al., 1987; Hyland et al., 1987).
Although initial studies with daily injections of determined. In addition, daily blood samples
GnRH in acyclic winter anestrous mares were were drawn for 28 d after injection or insertion
of limited success (Evans and Irvine, 1976, of implants, or until ovulation from the same
1977), more recent studies showed that pulsa- mares to determine chronic changes in LH and
tile administration of GnRH will induce FSH prior to ovulation. All mares were bled at
ovulation in anestrous mares (Johnson, 1986, d 4. 6 and 10 after ovulation to determine

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1987; Hyland et al., 1987). GnRH agonist concentrations of progesterone.
administered twice per day (Affleck et al., All mares were teased daily throughout the
1987) or as a slow-release implant (Allen et study with a teaser stallion for detection of
al., 1987) appeared to hasten ovulation in estrus. Each mare’s ovaries were palpated per
anestrous mares. rectum and examined by ultrasonography
The objective of this experiment was to every 3 d from February 1 until detection of a
evaluate the efficacy of a GnRH agonist follicle 235 mm, then daily until ovulation or
(buserelin) given either as an injectable or S.C. regression of the largest follicle to S25 mm in
implant for induction of ovulation in transi- diameter. Number and size of follicles, as
tional mares. determined by ultrasonography, were recorded
at each examination period.
Mares were pastured together and had ad
M.terials and Methods libitum access to alfalfa hay, water and salt.
General. Forty-five nonlactating, seasonally On the day of acute blood sampling, mares
anestrous, light horse mares were assigned were kept in a small corral, separate from the
randomly to one of three groups (n = 15/ remaining mares, to facilitate collection of
group): 1) untreated controls: 2) i.m. injection blood.
of the GnRH agonist buserelin4 at 12-h Blood Sampling and Hormonal Assays.
intervals (40 pg/injection) for 28 d or until Injection of GnRH analog or insertion of
ovulation, whichever came first; and 3) GnRH implants occurred between 0600 and 0630.
agonist administered as a S.C. implant designed Blood samples were taken at -1, -.5 and 0 h
to release approximately 100 pg/% h for 28 d. before GnRH and at .5, 1, 1.5, 2, 4, 6 and 8 h
Total GnRH agonist in each implant was 2.9 after GnRH. Samples prior to GnRH (baseline
mg. Implants were 1 to 2 mm in diameter and samples) were not drawn after d 0 in groups 1
10 mm in length. A small portion on the side and 3 because group 3 mares were fitted with a
of the neck was clipped and scrubbed with continuous slow-release implant and untreated
iodine and the implant was inserted through a control mares were not administered GnRH
12-gauge needle. Prior to assignment, mares (group 1). Thirty milliliters were obtained at
had met the following criteria: 1) largest each sampling period by venipuncture. Blood
follicle e30 mm in diameter and 2) no was allowed to clot at room temperature for 1
evidence of a corpus luteum based on ultraso- h. Samples then were cooled to 5°C and serum
nography of the ovaries for at least 30 d prior was harvested 12 to 24 h later. Samples were
to assignment. assayed for concentrations of LH (Nett et al.,
As mares became available, they were 1976). FSH (Nett et al., 1979) and progester-
assigned to one of three replicates; five mares one (Niswander, 1973) by RIA.
per treatment group per replicate. Treatment of Statislical Analysis. Number of mares ovu-
mares within each of the three replicates lating within each group were compared using
started March 10, 11 and 12, 1987, respective- chi-square analysis. LH and FSH response to
ly. Two mares from each treatment group, GnRH was determined by measuring total area
within each replicate (six mares per treatment under the response curve for samples taken at
group), were selected randomly to be bled. 0 to 8 h post-GnRH injection or insemon of
Frequent blood samples were drawn on d 0, 7, implants. Concentration of hormone at each
14 and 21 after injection of insertion of time period from 0 to 8 h was determined and
implant and the acute effects of GnRH on a curve was constructed. The area in each
blood concentrations of LH and FSH were trapezoid at each time period was determined.
These areas then were summed to determine
total area under the curve. Peak response was
determined by the highest concentration of
4Hoecbst-Rousscl Agri-Vet Co.,Sommerville, NJ. hormone detected during the 8-h sampling

period. Comparisons were made using one- did not ovulate exhibited signs of esuus (mean
way analysis of variance (SAS, 1987). Tukey’s 8.0 f 8.5, 13.7 f 8.0 d, respectively). Thirteen
HSD test (Steel and T h e , 1980) was used to of 15 untreated control mares that did not
determine significant differences among ovulate exhibited signs of estrus (7.0 f 7.2 d)
means. during the 30d treatment period.
Hormonal data were arranged in two ways Follicular Data. At initiation of treatment,

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for analysis, either by day of treatment period size of the largest follicle and number of
or by day prior to ovulation. Differences follicles 210, 220 and 230 mm in diameter
among means at each time period were were not different (P > .05) among groups.
determined using Students T-test. For compari- Mares that were injected with GnRH agonist
son of concentrations of LH and FSH among (group 2) and did not ovulate (n = 8) had a
groups. data were grouped into three sets: 1) similar number of follicles 210, 220 and 230
all mares in each treatment group; 2) only mm throughout the observation period com-
mares in each group that ovulated; and 3) pared with controls (n = 15). In contrast, mares
mares in each group that failed to ovulate. that failed to ovulate and were administered
Comparison among groups was made for GnRH agonist as an implant (n = 6, group 3)
mean diameter of the largest follicle and for had fewer (P c .05) follicles 210 (d 8 to 22)
number of follicles 210, 220 and 230 mm and 220 (d 10 to 26) than either group 1 or 2
diameter. Within each group, mares were mares (Figure 1). Diameter of the largest
categorized as those that ovulated (responders) follicle gradually increased in group 1 mares
and those that failed to ovulate (non- from the initiation of treatment (19.0 f 6.3
responders). At each time point, means were mm) until d 28 (33.8 f 9.3 mm). However, in
compared using a one-way analysis of vari- group 2 mares that did not ovulate, the largest
ance. Differences among means were tested mean follicular size occurred on d 14 (30.6 f
using Tukey’s HSD test. 10.2 mm) then declined slightly as the
treatment period progressed (25.0 k 5.3 mm,
28 d). Diameter of the largest follicle in group
RewltS 3 mares that did not ovulate remained the same
GnRH agonist administered either as an for the entire treatment period. In general, the
injectable or as an implant hastened (P c .05) largest mean follicular diameter was less in
ovulation in transitional mares compared with group 3 mares than in group 1 and 2 mares.
nonmted control mares. Seven of 15 mares in Number of follicles 220 mm was less (P <
group 2 responded to twice-daily injection of .lo) in group 3 mares than in group 2 mares
GnRH agonist (40pghjection) and ovulated between d 8 to 18 and less (P < .05) than in
between d 10 and 25 after initiation of group 1 mares from d 14 to 24 (Figure 2). Size
treatment (mean 18.3 f 5.2 d). Similarly, of the largest follicle was similar between
mares fitted with an implant of GnRH agonist group 2 and 3 mares from d 0 to 18 of
treatment. After d 19, group 2 mares had a
(group 3) ovulated (9 of 15) between d 4 and
larger mean follicular diameter than group 3
30 (15.8 f 9.2 d). Response time and number mares, which probably was a reflection of the
of mares responding to administration of mean ovulation date (18.3 f 5.2, group 2; 15.8
GnRH agonist were not different (P > .05) f 9.2 d, group 3).
between treated groups. Fewer (P e .05) Acute Changes in Gonadotropins. Acute
control mares (0 of 15) ovulated within 30 d of LH response to GnRH agonist (area under the
initiation of treatment than treated mares ( 16 curve) was greater (Pe .05) for mares in group
of 30). There was no difference (P > .05) in 3 than for controls on d 7, 14 and 21 (Table 1).
the number of follicles ovulated (1.3 f .5 vs The response for mares in group 2 was similar
1.1 f .3 follicles) or the size of the ovulatory (P e .05) to that for mares in both groups 1
follicle prior to ovulation (44.3 f 5.4 vs 39.4 f and 3 on d 7 and 14 but was greater (P < .05)
6.4 mm) between groups 2 and 3. than that for control mares at d 21.
Duration of estrus in mares that ovulated in Blood concentrations of FSH in response to
groups 2 and 3 was not different (P > .05) 9.0 GnRH agonist were only different (P < .OS)
f 3.1 vs 6.6 f 3.2 d. respectively). Two mares among groups at d 0 when means for groups 2
in group 3 ovulated without exhibiting signs of and 3 were similar and values for group 3 were
behavioral estrus. Seven of eight mares in greater (P e .05) than those for controls (Table
group 2 and six of six mares in group 3 that 1).

Peak concentrations (highest concentration mares in group 1 (controls) and group 3

during the frequent blood collection period) of (implant).
LH after GnRH administration were higher (P Peak concentrations of FSH after GnRH
<.05) for group 3 mares than for controls on d agonist administration were only different (P <
0, 7 and 21. Concentrations of LH in group 2 .05) among groups at d 0,when concentrations
mares wexe intermediate between those of in groups 2 and 3 were higher than in group 1.

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20 A Control
T 0 Inject
0 Implant I

0 5 IO 15 20 25 3
Figure 1.Follicularchange~inmaresthatfailedtoovulate.
Control n = 15 (group l),inject n=9(group2), implant n = 6
(group 3). Anow designate difference (P< .05).

LH response, as determined by area under than on d 0. Although LH-response was

the c w e , did not change ( P > .05) during the similar ( P > .05)at all four periods in group 3
course of the treatment period in group 1 mares,there was a trend (non-significant) for a
mares. In contrast, LH response in group 2 much larger response on d 7, 14 and 21 than
mares was greater ( P < .05) on d 7, 14 and 21 on d 0. Peak concentrations of LH remained

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0 Control
o Inject
+ Implant


6 --


I .5
E 1.0

0 5 IO 15 20 25 3
Figure 2. Follicularchangesin GnRH-treated mares that ovulated compared with controls. Control n = 15 (group 1). inject
n = 7 ( p u p 2). implant n = 9 (group 3). Arrows designate period where differences occurred (P< .05).

Ana under Peak
curve, units concentration, ng/ml
Tme o i o u o a LH FSH LH FSH

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Control (n = 6) 25.9 f 29Ab 347 f 321' 6.3 f 6.4' 58.0 f 48.9'
0 Injcct(n=6) 70.5 f 51.5 764 f23@ 13.7 f 9.0* 125.4 f 34.7d
Implant (n = 6) 118.2 f 80.7 841 f 276d 23.8 f 12.0d 137.9 f 47.0d
Control (n = 6) 23.6 f 8.3' 260.4 f 78.9 6.5 f 2.5' 49.8 f 15.9
7 Injcct(n=6) 175.8 f 9O e. 389.1 f 214.0 27.1 f 15.4d 59.0 f 40.0
ImpIant (n = 5) 456.3 f 4Q0Sd 369.0 f 370.8 65.2 f 57Sd 46.6 f 41.8
Control (n = 6) 23.1 f 19.p 267.2 f 154.7 6.4 It 5.5' 58.8 f 45.2
14 Injcct(n=4) 155.8 f 47.pd 303.2 f 126.5 25.3 f 6Sd 43.0 f 17.4
Implant (n = 2) 503.7 f 481Sd 263.0 f 59.8 78.0 f 78.9d 36.3 f 10.3
coatrol (n = 6) 24.4 f 9.1' 295.8 f 143.6 7.7 * 3.8' 40.4 f 22.1
21 Inject(n=3) 225.4 f 92.od 314.5 f 141.8 33.5 f 129 43.3 f 18.1
Implant (n = 2) 432.0 f 159.F 169.8 f 52.5 72.6 f 19.1e 22.7 f 72.6
'Lconuol= nontnxued mares,Injea = GnRH agonist at 12-h intervals, and Implant = GnRH agonist implant.
c~~cMcans within column within time pcricd with different superscripts differ. (P< .05).

unchanged in group 1 mares throughout the similar throughout the sampling period,
treatment period. Group 2 had greater (P < whereas FSH concentrations in GnRH-im-
.05)peak concentrations of LH ond 7, 14 and planted mares tended to be suppressed after d
21 than on d 0. Although mean peak concen- 7 compared with the other two groups (Figure
trations of LH increased between d 0 and d 7 3a).
and 14 in group 3, this change was not Mares in group 3 that ovulated had in-
significant due to the large variation in creased concentrations of LH from d -23 until
response at d 7 and 14. d -15 (Figure 4b). Thereafter, concentrations
Chronic Changes in GoMdotropins. Prior of LH decreased between d -15 and -10, then
to treatment on d 0. concentrations of LH increased to a second smaller peak at d -5. A
among groups were similar (P > .05, 1.7 f .9, similar profile of LH was not detected in
6.5 f 12.1 and 6.5 f 6.5 ng/ml, respectively, GnRH-injected mares.
for groups 1. 2 and 3). Mares in group 1 had Concentrations of FSH in GnRH-treated
minor elevations in plasma concentrations of mares that ovulated decreased toward the latter
LH during the treatment period with a differ- part of the treatment period (Figure 3a). The
ence (P < .05)only between d 0 and d 28 (1.7 changes in concentrations of FSH were similar
f .9 vs 6.3 f 2.6 ng/ml). Mean concentrations between the two GnRH treatment groups.
of FSH in these mares fluctuated between 25.7 Mean concentrations of LH on the day of
f 8.1 ng/ml and 56.8 ng/ml during the ovulation were similar (P > .OS) in group 2
and 3 mares (12.1 f 3.8 ng/ml vs 47.4 f 40.0
treatment period (Figure 3).
ng/ml). Concentrations of FSH also were
Changes in FSH and LH concentrations for similar for group 2 and 3 mares on the day of
group 2 and 3 mares that did not ovulate were ovulation (21.7 f 3.8 vs 24.8 f 14.1 ngfml).
similar (P > .05;Figures 3a and 4a). In both Progesterone concentrations on d 4, 6 and
GnFtH-treated groups, concentrations of LH 10 post-ovulation were not different (P > .OS)
increased from d 0 to 7 and then remained between group 2 and 3 mares, although group
relatively constant from d 7 to 28, except for 3 mares tended to have slightly higher
randomly elevated concentrations detected in concentrations at each respective time period.
group 2 mares (Figure 4a). Concentrations of
LH in both treated groups were greater (P <
.OS) than those in control mares throughout the
treatment period. Concentrations of FSH in Turner et al. (1979) characterized patterns
control mares and GnRH-injected mares were of follicular development and serum concentra-

tions of gonadotropins during anestrus and another study (Hart et al., 1984), pituitary
transition into the breeding season.About 60 d concentrations of FSH did not vary throughout
prior to the first ovulation, the number of large the year, but concentrations of LH were
follicles (>20mm) increased and number of dramatically lower in December and March
small follicles decreased. Nine days prior to than in July and October. Silvia et al. (1987)
ovulation, there was a rapid increase in administered single injections of GnRH during

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diameter of the largest follicle and concentra- anestrus, early transition and late transition and
tions of LH in serum. Freedman et al. (1979) demonstrated that the LH response increased,
reported a significant decline in concentrations whereas the FSH response decreased, from
of FSH beginning 20 d prior to ovulation. In anestrus to the breeding season. They attrib-

loo- 0Control
A Inject
80-- + Implant

E 60-


0 1
1 1

A Inject
70- 0 Implant
=E 60--
5 30--
04 1 I 1

-25 -20 -15 -10 -5 0

Figure 3. Changes in concentrationsof FSH in mares that failed to ovulak (a) -control n = 6 (goup 1). inject n = 1 (group
Z), implant n = 1 (group 3) - md changes in concentrations of FSH relative to ovulation (b). Inject n = 5, implant n = 5.

uted this to increased pituitary stores of LH. istration of GnRH agonist in implant form
The increased response to GnRH agonist over resulted in a greater response area under the
time in the present study indicated that GnRH curve, peak concentrations and daily serum
agonist increased pituitary stores of LH by d 7 concentrations of LH and a more rapid and
in mares given the implant and by d 21 for larger decline in FSH response parameters than
mares injected with GnRH agonist. The de.- twicedaily administration.
creased FSH response during the 1st wk of The reason(s) for some mares’ failure to

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GnRH agonist treatment also was analogous to ovulate in the GnRH-treatment groups was not
the diminished response in late transitional determined. However, two possible causes are
mares reported by Silvia et al. (1987). Admin- an insufficient concentrations of FSH to

50T 0 Control
A Inject
f + Implant

c 1 I
1 I
1 I I I

-4 0 4 8 12 16 20 24 28 32

A nject
IlO+ 0 mplant

E 70-

I 30-


-25 -20 -15 -10 -5 0

Figure 4. Chronic changesin concentrationsof LH in mares that failed to ovulate (a) -control n = 6 (group l), inject n = 1
(group2), implatll n = 1 (group 3) - and concentrationsof LH relative to ovulation (b). Inject n = 5 , implant n = 5.

stimulate follicular growth and down-regula- lutrelin, which consistently induced ovulation
tion of LH receptors at the ovarian level. Only in early and late transitional mares (Affleck et
one group 3 mare that was bled did not al., 1987; Fitzgerald et al., 1987) when
ovulate. Her serum concentrations of FSH administered at the rate of 100 pg every 12 h.
were only slightly lower than those of group 1 Comparisons between concentrations of
and 2 mares that did not ovulate. Therefore, gonadopropins in ovulating and non-ovulating
from these data it is impossible to determine

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mares did not indicate a pattern that would
whether failure to ovulate was a consequence allow one to predict which mares would
of low FSH levels. Amundson and Wheaton respond to GnRH administrations and ovulate.
(1979) demonstrated a significant reduction in
the number of ovarian follicles greater than 2
mm in diameter when ewes were given Implications
continuous LHRH for 4 wk. In their experi-
ment, concentrations of LH in LHRH-treated A GnRH agonist hastened the initial ovula-
sheep were within the range of control levels tion of the breeding season in mares. The
but did not fluctuate to the same degree as they ability to administer GnRH agonist via a
did in control ewes. Therefore, it was hypothe- subcutaneous implant has practical applica-
sized that periodic pulses of circulating LH are tions for early foal production. Although these
necessary for follicular growth. In light of data results are encouraging, further studies are
from the present study whereby LH showed needed to determine the most effective dose of
minimal fluctuation during the frequent sam- GnRH agonist for hastening ovulation in
pling period and follicular populations were anestrous mares.
significantly reduced in group 3, this hypothe-
sis may be applicable. However, in addition to Literature Cited
the absence of periodic fluctuations in LH
concentrations in group 3, mean LH concenua- Affleck, K.J.. R. G. Loy and B. P. Fitzgerald. 1987. Serum
tions were greater than in either group 1 and 2 gonadotropin concentrations in mares treated with a
mares. GnRH agonist to induce ovulation. Proc. 19th Equine
Nuu. and Physiol. Symp. p 325.
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with peaks at approximately d 6 and 16 to 20 Rossdale. 1987. Induction of ovulation in anestrous
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