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The purpose of this report is to outline The attitudes of peple thorwards

public health campains, describing the curent concerns and mașini
suggestions for improvements.

Curent health concerns

Nowadays there are incresing health problems among people of all ages, and
the problem does not ședem to get better. În the country obesity has become
a major concerns which poses great health risks. However, the vast
majoritatea of people do not take it seriously. With the dissemination of the
fast-food restaurants and candy shops it is realy challanging for individuals
to eat healthy.Therefore, enhacing knowledge and critical thinking is vital in
order to solve these problems.

Past campains

Although many campains tried to raise awarness upon the gravity of the
problems, by disseminating informations and providing heps, individuals
did not chage their behaviour. Moreover, provided the efforts made in
order to assure a healthier lifestyle, people do not seem to take notice and
their atitude remains ignorant.


If peoples’ lifestyle is to be changed into a healthier one, drastic measure

need to be taken in modernizing the campains, in order for them to be
interesting and appealing. For this reason, the health campains should be
advertised on social media platforms, due to the fact that in this way
spreading of information is not only faster, but also easier. What is more, in
order for people to do healthier choices in life, there campains should be
accurate and interesting, giving solutions for healthy alternatives. In
addition, implementing in schools programs in order to teach pupils the
importance of healthy plays a crucial role in this process.


I fell certain that these reccomandations will be of crucial help and that will
have a positive impact on peoples’ lifestyles.

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