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And Then There Were None

The game accommodates one to six players in a cooperative mode. Variations on the
rules based on the number of players are explained in the instruction manual.

The objective of the game is to reveal the identity of the murderer before all of
the characters are killed. To do this, the players must meet two objectives:

1. Obtain 9 of the 11 clues from the island locations that reveal the identity
of the murderer.

2. Discover the identity of the accomplice, if playing in Accomplice mode (and

there is an actual accomplice).


1. The game board should be situated between all the players. The character records
should be placed on both sides of the board.

2. Place an Investigation Token face down at random on each of the 11 locations on

the Game Board. Do not include the entrance nor the second floor bedroom- this
location is used for cards left by murdered characters and will only be available
starting on the second turn.

3. Two Discovery Cards are chosen. These cards determine the location of an
additional six Investigation Tokens that appear at the beginning of the game. In each
of the sites indicated on the cards, an Investigation Token is placed face down. The
rest of the Investigation Tokens are placed face down in the "Clues," area to be
added as new Discovery Cards are revealed.

4. The Victim Cards are shuffled and one is selected and placed faced down on its
spot on the board. This card determines which character is the murderer; finding the
clues to reveal this card is the players’ goal during the game.

5. The remaining Discovery and Victim Cards are placed along the top of the board
depending on the level of difficulty selected for the present game (see page 18).

6. After shuffling the Object Cards, place two cards face up next to each Character
Record and a third face down. The rest are placed face down on the board forming the
Object Card deck.

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