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Fade In:


In the middle of a desert, an abandoned house lay waste, eerie
and silent. Establishing the location.


A man walks over to a pile of wood and begins collecting it with
his younger brother. He notices the abandoned house and looks
intently at it.
The sound of a LAUGHTER is faint in the background and begins
slowly growing louder.
In the faint distance, the sound of WHISPER and CHATTER also
begin to fill the atmosphere.
He walks towards the house, enters it. He looks at a specific
room, where his concentration is focused, as sounds begin to
come from it.
He enters it impatiently to see what's in it. Strangely,
straight away he finds a bloodstained, dusty hammer. He reaches
for it, not knowing the curse will follow him as soon as he
touches it.
He begins looking around, timid, and begins breathing heavier.
As he looks around, he sees the outlines of shadows, very
faintly, cast by the darkness, in the corners of the room,
staring at him.
Noticing the shadows, he frantically runs outside the house,
crashing to the floor as he exits.
He gathers his footing and runs towards his car. He calls his
brother to return home immediately.
He opens the car door, desperately looking for his keys as he
turns on his ignition, slams the accelerator, and jets off,
leaving only dust in the shadows.
The dust subsides and shows the silhouettes of the faces he
thought he saw in the house.
He tightly closes his eyes, breathes heavily, and reopens them
to find nothing there.

Smash Cut/graphic match to:


Music stops as they enter their home.
The man's eyes are heavy with sleep but goes to light the fire
up as he was told to by his parents. He unloads the wood
collected by him and his younger brother, walks towards the tent
and starts arranging it.
He starts lighting it up as he turns his face to the window and
sees the same overcast shadows.
This time, more prominent, more sharp, eviler.
His face turns pale, Not knowing that the shadow had followed
him back home.
His facial expressions change immediately as he looks around,
not knowing from where this shadow keeps appearing.
Black page


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