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Today I will tell you about and adventure movie that I saw.

The movie is called Jack the giant Slayer.

Jack lived in a house out of town. He lived with his father.

His father sent him to sell a horse in the city, he went to the city, but he couldn’t sell it.

A monk exchanged his horse for some magic beans.

When Jack got home, he explained to his father that a monk had given him magic beans in
exchange for the horse.

His father couldn’t believe what Jack did, he threw the bag of beans and Jack picked it up but
not all of them.

That night it was raining, and Jack saw a big stalk heading for the sky.

That same night he met a princess.

At dawn the King arrived at the place where Jack lived, and everyone saw a large stalk heading
for the sky.

The princess climbed to where the giants lived.

They could cut the stem, but the king’s love was so great for his daughter that they decided to
be brave and look for the princess.

The soldiers went up, but some died because there was a traitor.

Jack was very brave and climbed overcoming his fears.

Many times, they found themselves in risky situations, but Jack and the remaining soldiers
were very brave.

Jack could find the princess.

Saved her from being eaten by a giant.

Rescued her and brought her safely to her father.

He could die but his bravery was admirable.

They cut the stem and returned to their homes.

But the giants had the beans that had fallen.

All seeing the giants running couldn’t escape.

The giants ate people.

They wanted to eat the King and the princess, but they couldn’t because Jack defended them.

Jack became the King of the giants and sent them where they came from

He could now get marry with the princess.

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