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微信公众号/视频号:杨帅英语口语 版权所有,盗版必究

You Have to Prioritize Your Sleep

A new study has shed light on the importance of getting a good night's sleep for optimal
concentration. The research, conducted by a team of sleep experts from the University of
California, San Francisco, found that people who get sufficient sleep tend to have better focus
and mental clarity throughout the day.

The study, which involved over 500 participants, examined the relationship between sleep
duration and cognitive function. The researchers found that individuals who slept for at least
seven hours each night were more likely to perform well on cognitive tasks, such as
problem-solving and decision-making, than those who slept for less than seven hours.

The findings are particularly relevant in light of recent trends towards sleep deprivation, with
many people sacrificing their sleep in order to meet work or social demands. In fact, a report by
the National Sleep Foundation found that up to 60% of adults in the US do not get enough sleep
on a regular basis.

One of the key reasons why sleep is so important for concentration is that it allows the brain to
consolidate memories and process information from the day. During sleep, the brain undergoes a
process of memory consolidation, where it reorganizes and strengthens memories from the day.
This allows individuals to better retain information and recall it when needed, which in turn
improves concentration and mental clarity.

The study's lead author, Dr. Rachel Salas, emphasizes the importance of prioritizing sleep for
cognitive function, stating that "sleep is essential for our overall health and wellbeing, and it is
particularly important for our brain function. By getting enough sleep, we can improve our
concentration, focus, and overall productivity."

The findings of this study add to a growing body of research highlighting the importance of sleep
微信公众号/视频号:杨帅英语口语 版权所有,盗版必究

for physical and mental health. While many individuals may struggle to prioritize sleep in today's
fast-paced society, experts recommend aiming for at least seven hours of sleep each night in
order to reap the benefits for concentration and overall wellbeing.


shed light on sth 阐明...、使...清楚

sleep expert 睡眠专家

get sufficient sleep 充足睡眠

have better focus and mental clarity throughout the day 全天注意力更加集中,大脑更加清晰

sleep duration and cognitive function 睡眠时间与认知能力的运行

be more likely to perform well on cognitive tasks such as problem-solving and decision-making

sleep deprivation 睡眠不足

sacrifice their sleep 牺牲他们的睡眠

meet work or social demands 满足工作或社交需求

allow the brain to consolidate memories and process information from the day 让大脑巩固记忆

better retain information and recall it when needed 更好地保留信息,并在需要时进行调用

prioritize sleep 优先考虑睡眠、将睡眠视为最重要

sleep is essential for our overall health and wellbeing 睡眠对我们的整体健康至关重要

particularly important for our brain function 对我们的大脑功能尤其重要

overall productivity 整体生产力/工作能力/工作效率

in today’s fast-paced society 在当今快节奏的社会

reap the benefits 获得好处

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