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<App />
); expalin this
This code snippet is written in JSX, which is a syntax extension for JavaScript
often used with React to describe the structure of UI components. Let's break it

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<App />
root.render: This line suggests that there's a root object, likely representing the
root element of the React application, and it has a render method. In React, the
render method is typically used to render React elements onto the DOM.

<React.StrictMode>: This is a feature in React that helps in highlighting potential

problems in the application during development. When React.StrictMode is used,
React performs additional checks and warnings in the development mode to help
identify unsafe lifecycles, legacy API usage, and other potential issues.

<App />: This is a custom component named App. In JSX, components are declared
using uppercase names by convention. This component is being rendered within the
React.StrictMode wrapper.

Putting it all together, this code is rendering the App component onto the DOM
using the render method provided by a root object. It wraps the App component in
React.StrictMode for additional development mode checks.

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