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Key term Definition

Exports Selling products/services to other countries

Globalisation The process of integrating markets, businesses and countries at an

international level
Multinationals A company that operates in 2 or more countries

Free trade Are treaties between 2 or more countries deciding to reduce or eliminate
agreements certain barriers

‘Home’ country the country where the headquarters is located

Tariff A tax imposed by one country on the goods or services from another
Protectionism the theory or practice of shielding a country's domestic industries

Quota The limit of goods that you can bring into a country

Imports bring (goods or services) into a country from abroad for sale.

Trade bloc A group of countries that work together to provide special deals for trading

1. Tick / shade in the countries where you think McDonald’s operates:


Check the link and write the main exports and main imports of Spain/Germany.

Main products Country Main products exported / To…

imported origin Brands
Crude oil Spain Cars Germany
Steel Spain Refined petroleum Spain
Clothing and textiles China, Pharmaceuticals Spain
Olive oil Spain

Value of exports Value of imports Trade surplus/Trade

2019 $337,215M $3.11Trillion
2020 $2.81Trillion

%change in exports =-8%

% change in imports = -13%

3. Fill in the below table:

Potential opportunities of globalisation Impact on business:

for a business:

We can start selling into foreign markets Access to more customers abroad
means the business could increase its
sales (by opening a store in another
country or using the internet to sell to


We could open a factory in another

country and make the product there


We could import some raw materials

from other countries instead of buying
from Spanish companies

We can start selling into foreign markets However,

4. And this one:

Potential threats of globalisation for a Impact on business:


Foreign businesses will be able to export

their products to our country


Big businesses may come to set up in

our country

Some workers may leave to work for big
companies that pay better wages


5. Explain whether you think there are more opportunities than threats from globalisation
for a business that sells drinks bottles (6)

● Look at this list of countries with the highest tariffs / taxes on imports
- They do this because they want to discourage imports from entering their

6. The president of Gambia says that his country makes its citizens pay tariffs to import
foreign goods because he ‘wants to protect Gambian jobs’. Explain how tariffs might
save jobs in Gambia.

7. What is the main disadvantage for consumers of import tariffs?

8. Write a letter to the president of one of the countries above (research their name and
address and find a template online) explaining why he (or she) should stop using tariffs
and choose free trade instead for their country

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