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The most important axes of Nestlé's HR policy are as follows:

a. Employee Well-being: Nestlé emphasizes providing a safe and healthy work environment, flexible
employment opportunities, and work-life balance to support the overall well-being of its employees.

b. Talent Attraction and Retention: Nestlé focuses on hiring individuals with both relevant skills and
values aligned with the company's culture. The policy ensures that only skills, experience, and
adherence to Nestlé principles are considered during the hiring process.

c. Learning and Development: Nestlé promotes a culture of continuous learning and development,
with a focus on on-the-job training and experience as the primary sources of learning. It also offers
various training activities and programs to support employees' growth and development.

d. Performance and Rewards: The company encourages a high-performance culture by setting clear
and challenging objectives for employees, regularly evaluating their performance, and providing
feedback. Rewards are linked to sustained performance and future potential, and there is a focus on
promoting diversity and equal opportunities for career advancement.

e. Communication and Collaboration: Nestlé emphasizes open communication and dialogue

between management and employees, supporting positive individual and collective relationships. The
company values freedom of association, collective bargaining, and two-way dialogue to address
important matters.

f. Organizational Structure: Nestlé is committed to maintaining a flat and flexible organizational

structure with minimal levels of management and broad spans of control. This promotes cooperation,
efficiency, and innovation within the company.

2. Nestlé's HR policies reflect a commitment to values of trust, mutual respect, and dialogue within
the organization. These policies prioritize employee well-being, learning and development,
performance and rewards, and effective communication. The focus on hiring individuals based on
values alignment and skills, and the dedication to removing barriers to career progression for women
and men, aligns with a culture of inclusivity and diversity. Nestlé's policies emphasize sustainability,
employee engagement, and the importance of creating shared value.

3. Through its HR policies, Nestlé aims to achieve the following objectives:

a. Employee Satisfaction and Well-being: Nestlé seeks to create a work environment that supports
the well-being and satisfaction of its employees, contributing to their overall happiness and

b. Talent Attraction and Retention: The company aims to attract and retain top talent by focusing on
values-aligned hiring and offering career development opportunities, contributing to its long-term
growth and success.

c. Learning and Development: Nestlé's goal is to foster a culture of continuous learning and
development, ensuring that its employees acquire the necessary skills to adapt to changing market

d. Performance and Rewards: The company aims to maintain a high-performance culture where
employees are motivated to excel and are rewarded accordingly, ultimately driving business success.

e. Inclusivity and Diversity: Nestlé seeks to promote an inclusive and diverse workforce by removing
barriers to career progression and providing equal opportunities for all employees.

f. Innovation and Efficiency: The flexible organizational structure and emphasis on cooperation aim
to drive innovation and increase efficiency, enabling Nestlé to stay competitive in the market.

g. Sustainability and Social Responsibility: Nestlé's commitment to employee well-being extends

beyond its own workforce to include service providers, emphasizing fair and constructive dialogues
and working conditions for all. The company also places a strong focus on sustainability and corporate
social responsibility, including health, safety, and environmental concerns.

h. Long-term Growth: Nestlé's policies aim to ensure the long-term growth and success of the
company by developing a pipeline of successors, promoting international assignments, and aligning
rewards and development with employee values and market conditions.

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