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LISTENING PART 1 Match the subjects with the colors and write a-e next to the numbers 1-5 green yellow blue 4... black pink PART 2 French geography be | history maths. Do this exercise while you listen. Complete the gaps with a word from the box Pilot Dentist Shop assistant Tour guide Nurse 1 Speaker A works as a Zz Speaker B works as a 3. Speaker C works as a 4. Speaker D works as a ¥ 5. SpeakerEworksasa PART 3 Do this exercise while you listen. Which six activities do the speakers say they are going to do? Tick (Y) all the correct answer. saLIVEWORKSHEETS snowboarding dirtboarding canyoning bungee jumping go up the Eiffel Tower visit Notre Dame cathedral visit the old parts of the city go round the Louvre go to the Musée D’Orsay visit Montmartre and look at the views PART 4 Circle the best option to complete these sentences 4. The teacher wanis the students to ... a. take notes after she has finished speaking. b. take notes while she |s speaking. c. forget about taking notes. 2 The teacher suggests eating ... a. sugary snacks. b. only apples. fruit and cereals 3. Theteacher suggests finding a. study place with a lot of... a. light. b. space. . books. saLIVEWORKSHEETS 10. If students feel strassed they should a. goto bed b. go out for a walk, c. drink some water. Students are advised to ... a. select the important things to learn. , read through everything once. c. make notes about every topic. The teacher understands that repeating things can be ... a. difficult. b. uninteresting ¢ tiring Students can do past exam papers ... a. in the library only b. at home itthey take photocopies. ¢. in the after-school study group The teacher recommends a break of five minutes every ... a. hour. b_ two hours. c. thirty minutes It's important to ... a eat regularly. b. sleep when you fee! tired. c. Keep hydrated. The teacher is sure that the students will ... a. pass their exams. b. fail their exams. c. do their best. S8LIVEWORKSHEETS READING PART 1 Read an email and circle True or False Simon Ater Subject: Ho) 19 August, 12:31 Fran Romero gain? Hey Fran Thaven't heard from you since you arrived in Edinburgh. How are you getting on? is the family you're staying with OK? What are your English classes like? Write scon! Simon Fran Romero te Simo Allan Subject” Re: How's gong? 20 August, 10:37 Hi Simon Sorry I haven't written till now. Since I got here I've been really busy with the course and making new friends. I'm speaking English all the time anc going out in the evenings with my Classmates. We're a real mix of nationalities: Chinese, Russian, Thal, Italian, Spanish, Brazillan We ell talk in English but I'm learning loads about other languages and countries too. My host family are really nice. The parents, Susan and Paul, are very friendly and kind. The children are called Lewis and Amy. They're both in primary School and are very sweet but they an be a bit ennoying too. If have to watch the film Frozen with them one more time, I'm going to go crazy! I know ali the songs by heart now. Ahhh! We live pretty near the school so 1 walk there every day. It's only a short bus ride from Edinburgh city centre, and there are loads of shops and cafés there. There's an ancient castle too arid we're going there on a school trip next week. Edinburgh is @ really interesting plece to be and there's a festival on at the moment. It's awesome but a bit expensive for us students, so we've been hanging out in the streets watching the free street performances from actors and musicians. Yesterdey I saw a magician doing card tricks — it was so much fun! I'l send some photos of Edinburgh Cestle next time. Take care end let me know how you are doing. Fran S8LIVEWORKSHEETS 4. Fran is in Edinburgh now. True False x Fran is staying at Simon's house. True False 3. Fran has been busy since he arrived. True False 4. Fran strongly dislikes the host family's children. True False 5. Fran has been to Edinburgh Castle. True False 6. Fran thinks the street performances are expensive. True False PART 2 Read the blog. Then match sportsperson with their sporting achievement and write a-e next to the number 1-5 1 . Mo Farah a . Jessica Ennis b Nicola Adams c Usain Bolt d. Oscar Pistorius. bbacame the fist British woman to win a boxing medal in the Olympics became the fist disabled person to compete in the Olympics. ‘won a gold medal in the heptathlon. ‘won gold inthe 5,000 and 10,000 metres. won bath the 100 and 200 metres sprint. saLIVEWORKSHEETS What an Olympics! Posted by Helen Nolan on 10September, 2012 at 21:25, It’s all over! I've been writing my blog from London every day during the Olympics and the Paralympies and this is my final post to look back on a wonderful couple of months. Here are some of the things that were the mast memorable for me: ‘The Opening Ceremony — this set the scene for the Games with an amazing show featuring music, dancing, historical figures, fireworks and British humour. A huge number of valunteers practised for ‘months to make everything perfect. The best moment was when the old lady in Buckingham Palace turned round and showed that she was neither a lookalike nor an actor but Her Majesty the Queen. The next best bit was when she jumped out of a helicopter with James Bond (although | ‘think that actually was an actor!). ‘Team GB — | was very proud of our team as we kept on winning medals and finished in third position in the medal table, which is truly a great result for Great Britain. There were so many incredible sportsmen and women, The ones that stand out for me are Mo Farah, the Somalian- born Londoner who wen the 10,000 and 5,000 metres with the whole stadium going crazy, Jessica Ennis, the popular super-athlete from Sheffield who won the heptathlon, and Nicola Adams who won the first female boxing medal in Olympic history for Britain. The Olympic Stadium crowd - although the crowd cheered on the British, there was lots of support for athletes of other nationalities too like the wonderful Usain Bolt, from Jamaica, who won the 100 and 200 metres sprint to become the fastest man alive. There was also Oscar Pistorius of South Africa who was the first disabled person to compete in the Olympics. He went on to win two gold medals anda silver in the Paralympics. New sports — | have really enjoyed being able to watch sports which are not normally shown on television. Before the Olympics | didn’t expect to love watching judo or find myself screaming at the television during a game of wheelchair tennis, but I really got into them. | didn’t know anything about goalball before the Paralympics but it became one of my favourite sports. ‘The organisation and the atmosphere — it took seven years of planning and 70,000 volunteers to make everything go well. Many people have said that the organisation was not as perfect as that of the Beijing Games, but there was a much better atmosphere which spread out through the whole city. The volunteers were always friendly and helpful and Londoners even began talking to each other, and visitors, on the underground trains! saLIVEWORKSHEETS PART 3 Read the Noticeboard and circle the best word to complete the sentence | | 2® prummer WANTED eo now for for recently formed band. Must DM csne i scces A hes etree eemiorcen : ses! fy mostly inde rock, Many songs perce dara tran Part-time pastures ta eal pa Ne Dec. Send details and sound supermarket work Evening and weekend hours eal. ‘Esperaree of shal Babysitter wanted for 2-year-old = occasional Student with some experience. £4.50 an hour. Phone Jan on 719 873 466 1. Inwhich notice can you eam just under £5.00 an nour? a. notice A b. notice B ©. notice © 2. In which notice can you find somewhere to live? a. notice B b. notice C . notice F 3. InWhich notice can you get help installing some new software? a. notice A b. notice E ©. notice G S8LIVEWORKSHEETS 4. Inwhich notice can you get ft? a. notice D b. notice E c. notice F 5. In which notice can you find part-time work on Saturday, Sunday and some weekday evenings? a. notice E b. notice F c. notice G 6. In which notice should you reserve a place before the end of September? a. notice D b. notice E © notice F WRITING TASK Write a message to your classmate. Include the following information: : Imagine that you live in a flat and are going to away for the weekend. Tell him/her where you've gone. Remind him/her to do something that involves a household appliance Ask him/her to buy some food/drink. Say when you'll be done. saLIVEWORKSHEETS TASK 2: Swap notes with a partner. Now write a note accepting the invitation * Thank the person for the invitation * Accept the invitation © Ask a question about the party. saLIVEWORKSHEETS

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