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1. Unzip the folder anywhere, it will give you below files:

2. Copy the content of respective Liquibase configuration file and paste it in their respective
microservice. For example copy the content of and paste it
in collections-service/src/main/resources/liqibase/db/changelog/ like
3. In docker-liquibase.yml on line#11, line#23 and line#36 replace the path with the path
before “:” with the path of your changelog folder like below:

4. Run the command “docker-compose -f docker-mysql.yml up -d” inside the unzipped folder
and check the connectivity to mysql (localhost:3306) using your favorite tool like dbeaver,
datagrip etc.

using user: local_user

password: password

5. Once connectivity is done, run “docker-compose -f docker-liquibase.yml up -d”.

6. Check the container logs if there is any error.
7. Your Liquibase migrations will be done when container exists successfully.
8. For updating the migration just do step no 5 again.


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