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Good Morning Cambrinites! Today ,we’re here to talk about something important:happiness!

Happiness isn’t just about feeling good. Studies show happy people tend to live longer,
healthier lives. So, how can we unlock more happiness in our own lives?

The secret lies in three key ingredients:

Mindfulness, gratitude, and kindness.

Mindfulness means paying attention to the present moment, without judgment. It’s about
focusing on what’s happening right now, rather than getting caught up in worries or regrets
which helps you manage stress, understand your emotions and build stronger relationships.

Next, let’s talk about gratitude. Gratitude is being thankful for the good things in your life, big
or small. It’s all about taking a moment to appreciate what you have. Studies show it can
improve your physical and mental health, boost your mood and give you a more positive
outlook on life.

Finally, Kindness is the last key ingredient.

Kindness is about being helpful, friendly, and considerate towards others. It’s about doing nice
things without expecting anything in return. Acts of kindness unlock the “reward center” in
your brain, leaving you in a good feeling. It can also reduce anxiety and depression, and
increase your sense of purpose.

Let’s welcome Advica to share today’s thought for the day, offering words of wisdom and
inspiration to start our day mindfully.

Next, we’ll hear the latest news and stories from around the world with our esteemed news
anchor, Karen.

Please join me in welcoming Sukhmeen, our speaker today. She’ll be sharing practical tools and
insights on cultivating the three key ingredient of happiness in our daily lives, helping us find
more peace and presence.

By incorporating these practices into our daily lives, we can all take steps towards a happier and
more fulfilling life!

Remember, happiness is a journey, not a destination.

Thank you!

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