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11/28/23, 1:16 PM Custom Audiences

Custom Audiences
Most eCommerce store owners recognize that it’s extremely important to have the
right kind of campaigns running.
Without proper strategies, there’s very little growth an eCom brand can achieve
with Google ads.
However, they often end up focusing only on one piece of the puzzle: cold traffic.
As a result, they completely disregard one of the easiest ways to drive extra
revenue AND make the algorithm smarter fast.
That’s through custom audiences.
One of the best strategies I’ve implemented over multiple eCommerce brands is
the strategy of adding retargeting audiences on an “observation” basis to cold
campaigns. 1/2
11/28/23, 1:16 PM Custom Audiences

These include shopping campaigns, search campaigns, and any other type of
campaign you have running.
In fact, there are no campaigns we have running that don’t have some form of
retargeting audience within.
The beauty of having this done on an “observation” basis is that the campaign
does not narrow down to only this audience. Instead, it observes those given
audiences and retargets to them while feeding the campaign as a whole valuable
When you combine this cold + hot traffic approach, the results explode very
quickly. Simply put, that campaign can now use the retargeting audiences to go
out and find more similar ones.
And if you created the right kind of retargeting audiences, they should be
extremely accurate to your ideal customer. 2/2

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