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Question Bank for SE

TE Even Sem(2023-24)
1 Identify activities in the production of a software system.
2 What is software engineering?
3 Explain project metrics?
4 Explain Extreme Programming?
5 What are process metrics?
6 What are the Advantages of the Spiral model?
7 Illustrate agile Process ?
8 Discuss Importance of Software Engineering.
9 Illustrate RAD model?What are the drawbacks of the RAD model?
10 Develop General Evolutionary Process Models for product?
11 Explain Waterfall Model.
12 Compare between process & project metrics?
13 Explain Spiral Model.
14 Describe process metric in detail?
15 What is Requirment Elicitation?
16 Explain different techniques of Requirement Validation.
17 Describe Types of Software Requirement.
18 Characterize the types of Feasibility.
19 Distinguish between DFD and Class Diagram.
20 Compare Activity Diagram and Use Case Diagram
21 List the different notations of Sequence Diagram
22 Distinguish between Scenareo Based Model and Class Based Model with example.
23 Distinguish between Flow Orinted Model and Behavioural based Model.
24 Sketch the Activity Diagram for online shopping website.
25 Describe Collaboration Diagram in detail with example.
26 Classify the different process of Requirement Engineering.
27 Analyse the functions and Sketch Use Case Diagram for Student Information System.

Describe Sequence Diagram with example.
29 Explain LOC with example.
30 Explain Cost benefit analysis.
31 Enlist the advantages of COCOMO model
32 Define feasibility analysis and state types.
33 State the different applications of Project scheduling.
34 Define Software Project Estimation.
35 State and explain Function Points.
36 Explain the COCOMO Model in detail.
Given the following values, compute F.P when all complextly adjustment
factors and weighting factors are average
• User I/P = 50
• User O/P = 40
• User Enquiries = 35
• User Files = 6
• External Interfaces = 4
38 Explain in detail Planning Poker
39 Analyze the User Story Planning in estimation for agile
40 Explain in detail Gantt Chart with a diagram and state its advantages and disadvantages
41 Explain CPM in detail.

Given the Following Values, calculate the Functional Point when

complexity adjustment factors are significantly complex product and
weighting factors are high.
42 • User input = 55
• User Output = 35
• User Enquires = 40
• User Files = 8
• External Interfaces = 5

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