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10/12/11 Term Project- Summary of Strengths 1.

Judgment, critical thinking, and open-mindedness I feel that this strength is me but not the true me. I feel that this strength gives me motivation to better myself by way of critically thinking of myself. I believe that this strength is connected to personal improvement. I also feel that this strength makes me work extremely hard on the work I do. My overall performance as a student is enhanced by this strength. 2. Curiosity and interest in the world I feel that this strength is definitely the true me. This strength gives me a lot of motivation so as to satisfy my curiosity about the world. I feel that this strength is amongst the top of those that provide growth and improvement of self. My success as a student waxes and wanes depending on the topics

catch my interest because of this strength. 3. Capacity to love and be loved Embarrassingly, I feel that this strength is a part of me and of everyone. This strength gives me the motivation to succeed so as to not disappoint my mother. I think that his strength is geared to personal improvement. My success as a student is related to my strength in the way I dont want to disappoint my mother with bad grades. 4. Caution, prudence, and discretion

I dont feel that this is a large part of me. I feel that all this strength gives me is the energy to avoid confrontation. This strength is associated with growth by prudently moving forward and avoiding fights. My success as a student relates to this only in that because of this strength I am unlikely to provoke a fight in school. 5. Creativity, ingenuity, and originality I feel that this strength is a large part of me. This strength gives me energy and motivation to innovate and be creative in whatever I do. This strength is definitely related to both motivation and personal improvement in very obvious ways. My success as a student largely relates to this strength because I can be very creative and original in the work I do. 6. Bravery and Valor I believe this strength to be only a minor part of me. This strength only gives motivation to get revenge against those who hurt me or those I like. This strength is best known for personal improvement. My success in school has nothing at all to do with this strength. 7. Gratitude I believe that this strength is a large part of the real me. The strength gives me both motivation and energy to move forward so as to show those who have helped me gratitude for their actions. This strength is most definitely known for personal improvement. I believe my success as a student is due in large part to this strength because I want to show my mother gratitude through actions in my school environment. 8. Love of Learning

I believe that a pure love of learning is only a minor part of me. This strength gives me energy to learn class materials in boring subjects. This strength is generally associated with personal improvement because as the saying goes knowledge is power. My success as a student relates to this strength in that it keeps me paying attention in science and math courses. 9. Humor and playfulness I like to believe that I can be a playful person and that this strength is a moderate part of me. This strength gives me energy to enjoy myself with my friends. This strength can be associated with personal improvement in the emotional context. Truthfully, this strength is not a strength when it comes to failing to complete school work because of play.

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