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Activity 01

1. According to the image below the boy is

(De acordo com a imagem abaixo, o garoto está:)

( ) ( )
a) sad.
b) angry.
c) cheerful.
d) tired. ( )
( )
2. Observe a imagem: (1)angry
(6) sad
A phrase that matches the
image is (9)sleepy
(A frase que representa a imagem é:) (10)thirsty
a) The boy is tired.
b) The girl is very tired.
c) My father is tired. 4. A sequência correta de acordo
d) The boys are sad. com os emoticons é

3. Combine palavras e imagens de acordo

com o sentimento:

a) sick / sleepy / hot

b) thirsty / angry / hot
c) cold / hot / sleepy
d) scared / sleepy / hot
( ) ( )
5. Choose two words best related to the
(Escolha as 2 melhores palavras para descrever o
( ) ( )

a) angry and hot.

( ) ( ) b) happy and hungry.
c) hot and thirsty.
d) hungry and happy.
6. What would be the correct 8. Qual é a melhor pergunta para a
sentence to describe the picture? resposta da imagem abaixo:
(Qual seria a frase correta para descrever a

a) Are you sleepy?

b) Are you angry?
a) The boy is happy. c) You are thirsty?
b) The boy is thirsty. d) Is he scared?
c) The boy is sad.
d) The boy is sleepy.
9. Qual é a melhor pergunta para esta
7. The best word to describe the boy in
the picture is
(A melhor palavra para descrever o garoto na
figura é:)

a) Are you thirsty?

b) How is she?
c) How are you today?
d) Did you drink coffee?
a) angry
b) happy
10. What is the correct pair of question
c) thirsty
and answer? (Qual o par de pergunta e
d) scared resposta?)

a) Is he happy? No, he isn’t angry.

b) He is happy? No, he is angry.
c) Is he angry? No, he is scared.
d) Is he scared? No, he is angry.

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