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This report project by mercy Kanyanta Kabwe is approved as fulfilling part of the requirements
for the award of diploma in secretarial and office management by kabwe institute of technology.

Examiner' signature

Signed................................................... Date .............................................

I Mercy Kanyanta Kabwe declare that this research project titled: To investigate the effects of
information and communication technology (ICT) on academic performance of students. A case
study of Kwame Nkrumah university of Kabwe district, central province" is original work. I
have properly acknowledged all sources used in this project and have cited them according to the
prescribed format. It does not contain any material published previously or written by another
person expect when due reference is made to the sources and acknowledged at the appropriate

..................................................... Date………………………................
Mercy Kanyanta Kabwe

STUDENT ID: 624888

EXAMINER Signature…………..................................
This research project is dedicated in loving memory of my late father Mr.Emmanuel Kabwe
who's unwavering belief in my abilities has been a constant source of inspiration, to my
remaining mother Mrs.Barbra Bwalya Kabwe and my siblings; Prudence,Jane,Ruth,Monica and
Emmanuel, they have always encouraged and supported me in pursuing my academic goals.
I would like to express my sincere gratitude to my supervisor Dr.Mubita for his invaluable
guidance and support throughout this research project. His generous feedback, patience and
positive consistently encouragement made my study possible.thos shall be unforgettable and
invaluable to me.

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