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TTT le STUDENT'S BOOK 2ND Enon Cee ea ea nt There’s no place like home READING en Se ay eV g outed eens ei GRAMMAR Pi aa ire ae emery) Cae Mole CUE Rech oemaneena! Cre LISTENING. SAE Gan Bem s information’ Pa eto) SPEAKING ey Panay taske describing a photo WRITING Se oreat een re Ae ol ed Pe? — Bee anid 1 There's no place like home READING Power up Hi choose thre adjectives to describe your town/ty. Share your ideas withthe clas attractive lively moder" quiet relaxed Safe traditional Read on Bou are going to read a blog about a place where Young people are happy. Look atthe photos nthe blog. Can you guess the country? [El Rea te introduction and the st ine of the blog and check your ess. [reas the blog quicky, Match the headings (AD) with the paragraphs (1-4) A Freetobeme B Less stress, € Allabout me D The outdoor life IB ead the blog aguin. Which sentences are true? 1 Lucas doesn'thave any brothers or sisters 2. Alex Amy and Lucas lve near each other. 3 Lucas feels eis fee to go where he kes. 44 Lucas says thatthe weather doesntstop people having fun §5- Young people Holand worry about school as much as teenagers England 6 More than three quarters of Dutch teenagers feela connection to thelr schoo 7 Lucas says hat in his country t's easyfrchicren of all ages to tak to their parents. 8 Alex wants to give up the plano because cass a better player Fina words/phrases in the blog that have these meanings. 1 hen somebody takes you ta car (para 2 2. spend time with friends (9278 2). nmnann 3. turn to ice (para 2} 4. afeeling of worry (para 3) - 5 a group of people in the same place (para 3): 6 honest and easy to talk to (para 4): dutt 'PPY industrial Sum up Bh wien person trom the biog might sa these things? ‘Do | have to continue? I've already played for two hours and I'm bored! Speak up [Bl Workin pars and discuss the questions. Share your ideas with the clase 1 Inwhat ways is your life + similar to Lucas”? Alex and Amy's? + diferent fom Lucas? Alec and Amys? 2 Lucas says he's hcky to five in 2 relaxed place In what ways ae {you lucky olive where you ive? 23 Lucas sayshe can't complain about fe in Holland, What do {young people complain about inyour town/city? ‘4 Which do you think’ the coolest country for young people to ive in? Why? ‘My name's Lucas and I'm a student in Amsterdam. My mum's English but my dad's from Holland. 'm an only child but | have two cousins in England, Alex and Amy. Recently, our teacher told us about a report on happiness. In the report, it says Dutch teens are alot happier than young people in other parts of the world So is Holland really a great place to grow up? Everyone knows that Dutch people love their bikes. There are cycle paths everywhere, so going by bike is fast, easy and safe. It also means | can be more independent, Amy and Alex have to wait fora lift from their mum or dad. But here | can get on my bike and meet up with my friends all over town, There are some great places to hang out. And we don't mind bad weather. If it's wet on the day of a school sports match we play anyway. We love cold winters too. When the canals free whole city goes skating! | think m lucky because Holland is quite a relaxed place. For Alex and Amy, schoo! life seems quite competitive. They have homework every night and there's alot of pressure from exams ~ more than we ha here, | think. Dutch kids actually seem to enjoy school Inthe happiness report it says that eighty percent feel that they are part of their school community Here most families are quite open. Parents ask even younger kids for ir opinion. In my case, my parents listen but they don't make me at if | don't want to, And they don’t message me on my mobile twenty times a day! They are just there when | need help. And | don’t have to be the best at anything. Both Alex and | play the piano. | enjoy it but Alex would like to give it up. That's because his parents make him practise for ympetitions all the tim Now you knowa little about Holland, Of course, things aren't perfect but can't complain, So what's life like where you live? 1 There's no place like home GRAMMAR [Ed ead the grammar box. Match the example Sentences (1-6) with the rules Uf), 4 Tima sera Aster 2 man ony 3 Dutch teens ar happier than young people inother parts ofthe word 4 urteacher old us about a report, the report say Dutch teens are hoppy. 5 Dutch people lve tel bikes, 6 They have homework everynight PTT Ls articles ‘no article with uncountable nouns when talking in general ‘jan forthe first time you talk about something; the after that ‘with singular nouns that start with a consonant (b,c d, etc) D the when there is only one of something E an with singular nouns that start with avowel (0, 1,0, u) F noarticle with countable nouns when talking in general AED) ston and match the speakers 1-2 with the questions they are answering (A-C)._ {A Whats good and bad bout Big fais? B Is being together as a family important? © What do you knaw about young people in cther countries? BED 12 complete the sentences wth a ‘an, “the’ or no article (-). Listen again and check your answers. 1 think t's good for... fails to spend veatie th each der evry day. 2 Miysoters.. university student 3 lhaverit been manypars of. But rope trees 4: tsaw TV programme about schools in singapore In programme Iesid Stadt were da tof pressure from wears 5 think larger failes are good because you Team to share and you get wren belce from people of erat ges, 6 ifyoute..._.. oni ch. there’s just you and you get eeything you wart. Ti choose the correct words to complete the comments on Lucas blog. Hoi, Lucas! 'm Dutch, too ~ from Eindhoven. For people outside Holland, that’s ‘a / an small city in the south. I's OK but there isn't much for young people to do, Anda / the city isn't very pretty. You're lucky living in capital / the capital. Thanks for fa / an interesting blog. | live in England and I'm from a / the big family. can't imagine being fa/ an only child, My parents are open too and we talk all the time. But | agree with you about exams. "English kids / The English kids are under pressure at school. Hi from me in Spain! Yes, nice blog. | laughed at the bit about your mobile! My parents message me all the time, so | put my phone on silent. "Communication / The communication is important but | don't need twelve messages in one hour! ®) o 389 ‘Ana Speak up [By Ada’a; ‘an’ or ‘the’ where necessary in the sentences, Life is betir for leenagers in capital than in’small town, Seem. «onree) have more fung 2 I prefer to ask people my own age for advice. 3 When teenager gels message from adult, they should reply immeciciely. CTT 4 I'd prefer to live in modern city than old-fashioned village. 1 Being only child is boring - big fori cans Look at the sentences in Ex 5 again. Decide how much you agree or disagree. Share your ideas with the class. a ‘Turn to page 153 and look at the photos. What do you think they show? Match the photos (A-F) with these words, Read the vocabulary box. Find six places in the word snake ‘to complete nouns 1-6. There are three words you don't need in the word snake, Sometimes we use two nouns together to make a word ‘To make the plural, add -s/-e5/ies to the second word. 1 art 2 sports... 3 swimming 4 skate 5 department 6 apartment... lj Complete the article with words from Ex 2 and 3. Peabaee ee er yy REO In the past the only place 10 Find colour and design was in an But now design is coming to the streets ... When you wait at the ® ‘on your daily journey to sschool, you can admire the artwork painted on the side. The fend of a cycle ride can make you smile with 2% that looks like a comb. Even the grey concrete ® we walk on is changing. As you go along, you can see 30 art, adverts and even poetry. And ® inthe street don't have to be made of wood, ail brown and boring. Now places to sit appear in a variety of shapes, colours and sizes Buildings are becoming more interesting, too, Imagine shopping ina futuristic ¢ like Selfridges in Birmingham! ‘And which of the 7... which I would lke to live in below do you prefer? | naw Listen to four people talking about places in town, Match the speakers (1-4) with four of the photos in Ex-2 wr, Tc oe 3 a Work n pairs. Close your eyes. imagine a route around your ‘town and the places and buildings that are there. Mime thie activities that people can do in these places. Your partner’ guesses the places and buildings, BJ What do you think of the places/objects on this page? Woald you like your town or ety to have them? Why/Why not? ry 1 There’s no place like home LISTENING Belge Power up eek: ie luluitls 1 usualy go after sc do you do there? [il Where do you usualy go ster schoot? Why? What do you do thes some, any, (how) much, (how) many, + home + tothepak a ise reat acre aie aoe 1 Weweot shoplng for some fany new tsar oe nee, 2 There won't be some / any problems. ji 3 How much / many people do you want to invite? Usten up 4 How much / many money do you need? EAE 1+ Read the exam tip and complete the task, 5 Every / All the classes start in ten minutes. alittle, a few, a lot of 6 I need to give you alittle / afew information. 7. Ispent the afternoon with a little / a few friends from schoo. have a lot of / many different hobbies. exam tip: multiple choice (pictures) Read the questions and look atthe pictures before you listen. For each recording, think about (a) the speakers and (5) the situation. ‘Then lsten to understand the general idea, Look at Ex 3. What words might you hearin each recording? ‘Make a list Listen and check your ideas. Ei complete the guiz with words from the grammar box Write one word in each gap. EXE 1s Uisten again. For each question, choose the correct answer ae 11 How do the girl and her friend spend thelr free time after school? é money. 2 ploces lo go are expensive, so you n hangout house. What would it be like? 1 You wont o invite 2, frionds. Do you need to ask fisie 2 Hows. friends con hang out wih you in your room® 8 HOW Fann fi can you spend in your oom belore your mum/dad comes int Is i) OK to take drinks ond a snacks from the kitchen Speak up [lb the quiz in &x 5, Workin pars anid compare your answers, Whose house would be better to Fang out at? Why? Use words from the grammar box to write six ‘ules for the perfect hangout house. Then work in ‘groups and share your Ideas. “4 UNIT CHECK Wordlist Adjectives to describe bus stop (9) places crossing (n) attractive department store (o) ull pavement (a) happy rubbish bin (n) industrial ‘seat (n) lively skate park (n) modern sports centre (r) viet swimming poo! (n) pee Saying where things are . inacit aiona oe one Around town inan areafa region called apartment block (0) inthe capital art gallery (n) inthe centr of bike rack (n) in the north/southjeast/west Vocabulary IED) 110 tsten ove sentences, When you heara beep, nite the correct word from the Adjectives to describe places section of the wordlist. BAI 111 tisten and check your answers. [EF Find the rotowing inthe Around town section ofthe wordlist, 1 an object for transport on two wheels. ‘to places where you can walk safely place where you can see water ‘an object where you can put an empty packet 2a place where you can see paintings an object where you can sit fr few minutes place where you can choose things to buy a place where people lve eyvounen “ near the border with Extra near the capital betthe best at something (ph) near the mountains concrete (n) fon the coast ‘yc path (n) ina photo ‘design (7) atthe back sive Up (phrv) atthe front ‘grow up (ofr v) on the left brary (n) (on the right made of wood (phir) Other meet up (ph ¥) ‘community (n) ark (a) freeze () ass the time (ohn hhang out (ahr ¥) shape (n) if) pen (od) pressure (n) [i choose the correct word to complete the sentences A Air Ge Kale rer [cape of PG 2 My cousins live in Canada, in an area / a coast called The’ Gatineau Hil, 2 We stayed na smal Bulgran vilage that was near the region border wth Romana 4 love tolve in abighouse by the sea/ south, 5 We had lunch in a restaurant in the coast / centre of }ialby, 2 sal town ner ou hte Bib vnten 1-5 wth Aci to make sentences. You do net need otha a. 4 Vou cnt eee Wit pts Heche Yat |'m quite good at the piano but | always feel under | walt shoot ater waltng atthe bus ‘There rent many paces where can heng Ines phot, fm standing on Stepan ves in pressure just before | take an exam theleft, next to Ben, the back behind the rest of the group. the border into another country. ‘out with my fronds after school. stop for thirty minutes in the rain. thenorth of Norway. station isn't very near here. ro™mone> ouaun UNIT CHECK Review Hil choose the cect answers in brackets to complete the fentances (= no article), _-sandwich and sandwich was horrible, (the /an/a) apple for lunch, 2 Where would you prefer to IVE! If aun. Capital of {YOU COUMETY, 7 samme COaSt OF IN, afea with, mountains? (en /the | the) 3 When Ineed........2dvice,| ask... older friends more often than... adult. (-/an |=) 4 They DURING ann NY IDFETY WED sen 3788 FOF exhibitions and tals, (@/-/ an) 5 [couldn't G8 OF aaun.Mternet 10 9€T information | needed for. project: (-7/a/ the) complete te article with’s ‘an the’ or no arte (3 TechTalk: 20 IED 1:2 iste 0 Josh speaking onthe phone thls mum. ‘ou dort hear Ns mus vole Read her questions and put them in the order she asks them (1-4). {8 Wilyou go shopping fr me? : 1 id you remeber hat grandia is coming? Have you ad anything to eat? D Isthe weather bad? il complete the sentences with these words/phrases. ‘afew alitie alotof all any howmany how much 11 [didn’t want a big party so | only invited friends. 2 ntunnmnnntime did you spend at the museum? 3 Town was realy busy, There were... ..People in the square. A. Why did YOU 03t left tor me. _the chocolate? There isn't 5 vm Students are there in your lass? 6 I never go to the gym but | get. ‘every day by walking to school. nc enercise [Bites the blog. foreach question, write the correct arswer. Wite one word for each gop- Where are you from? Fora’ of people, that's a simple question. They answer With... place where they were born or lived as a child. Birt for me, things are a litle different. I'm half Argentinian and half English, and |* Up in Thallane:t'm nowat* international schoo! in Switzerland but my parents are still working in Bangkok. I’ also an only child. Not having 8, vm brOthers OF Sstors. means the people at school are my family. And this oan be a problem, too. I's easy to make friends but itwan be harder to keep them because kids like me travel 8 much, You start hanging 6. mune With a Greet group end then they have to change schools because of their parents’ work. Of course, I'm lucky to see different places, but i's hard to call anywhere home. [Gi You have a new English-speaking pen friend. Write @ ‘message to him/her about your family and where you lve. 2 Try something different READING ee eae about? Read it quickly and check your ideas. Power up [Hl] Which of these things do you think you can learn online? Put them in order skill tip (1= the easiest toleam online, 8= the most dificult) Waar iehwen nite acai for the same words asin the question. Look for the same ideas, but using different words. cooking dancing drawing languages making films playing the gutar singing sports skills Ei reas the skl tip. Then read the article again, Match each sentence (1-6) with a hobby: Read on write’C’ (card tricks), ‘8 (animation) or Bi read the exam tip and complete the task. "H'(hip-hop dancing). 1 It canhelp youto relax. 2. Your friends will enjoy watching 3. You need to buy something for your ‘computer... 4 It's Fun doing it witha friend... 5 It'snot good for people who want to do exam tip: multiple choice Read the notice or message carefully to understand the details. Sometimes ‘you also need to think about why the person wrote it Read the notice and text message in Ex 3. Which one is making a request? things qty. Ei Gress the notice and text message again, For each question choose 6 ‘Youcan lear some things quite easy the correct anewer [Ei maten the words in bold nthe article with their meanings (1). 11 something you put onto your cofiputer so it ‘can do a particular task... 2 awebsite:, os 3 send a website address to someone so that they can visit the website 4 look for something online 5 touch asmall picture on a screenwhen you want something to start: . {6 website names or addresses you touch ‘on your screen to go to that website: ‘A There is only one prize, B Films can be four minutes or less, © All flms must be on a particular subject. Sum up = 4 mo El Workin pairs and eiscuss the questions. € Messages Dette 1. Which skill in the article do you'think is the most difficult? Why? ® 2 Which person do you admire the fost? Wy? 3. Which hobby would you lke t learn? Why? Speak up Tabi is writing because A she wants Elie to send her some information about a website B she wants Elie to teach her some dance moves. she wants to practise dancing with Elie. Eh think ot tree other way of larlg anew land the advantages thesb ways. Share your dear with the css You can bo you think ot to start nw hab? = ‘Think again! You don't need to find a teacher OF goto a case. You can farm excting new tkile without leaving your bedroom. Here are tiv Kise for fun hobbies you can start learning at home, and at home! Some oun peop re er : What? Card tricks How? Go online and search for ‘learn card tricks’. There are some really good websites that show you how to do easy tricks. For ‘example, you can loarn to show people one card and then it suddenly changes into another. Some tricks are simple to learn, but others take time. You can also follow links to other websites that sell special trick cards Why? It's great for parties and everyone thinks card tricks are amazing! Who? Henry Richardson does some amazing tricks and he hardly ever makes mistakes. He's probably learning some new ones right now! He's famous after being on the TV show ‘America’s Got Talent’. Watch the video of the show online! Animation ‘You don't need famous actors to make a good film. Animation Is the skill of making films on a computer, without real people. ‘The computer program that you need isn't fee, but it isn’t too ‘expensive and there's lots of information online to help you get started. Its @ great hobby if you have lots of ideas and enjoy stories, but not for people who want results immediately Gorge Summers ioves making fms. He uses small toys as the characters in his fims, and he's starting to develop his career fs a young film-maker. His fms include the prize-winning ‘Just Some Morning Tea’. Watch it online to gat some ideas, Hip-hop dancing All you nood is some music and some good dance shoes. Go to 8 Video site online and search for ‘hip-hop dance lessons’. Find ‘one you like and just press ‘Play’. I's great to share videos with your friends too, and leam dances together. Dancing is great fun and its @ good way to get rid of stress. Kyndall Harts is stil very young, but she's already becoming famous. She is occasionally on stage with well-known singers, like Janet Jackson. She's enjoying life and wants to show other teenagers that I's possible to follow your dream, 2 Try something different GRAMMAR [Hl ead the grammar box. Complete the explanations with these words and phrases after before dont usually use is always true Ishappening now will happen ellie lg present simple and present continuous ‘A present simple a habit/outine or something that * Henry Richardson dees some amazing tricks something that at a particular time in the future The library opens at nine o'lock tomorrow. Your classes start tonight! present continuous something that? enunon, OF a temporary situation He's starting to develop his career as a young film-maker adverbs of frequency ‘Adverbs of frequency come the verb be, He hardly ever makes mistakes. ‘She is occasionally on stage with well-known singers. verbs we don’t use in continuous forms ‘There are some common verbs that We 8 a. in continuous forms: agree, believe, hate, hear, know, lke, love, néed, see, think, understand, want. These verbs are called stative verbs. George Summers loves making films. ‘the main verb, but | FADIED 2: watch oristento people taking about what they do in their fee ime, Complete the table withthe actives they mention, sports | tna NOFSE-TICING, 2 gymnastics, trampoline music| dancing and? keel computers | recording videos, playing * ather | working in a care home, watching TV series and savin SHOPPING FEIDIED 22 complete the sentences withthe present simple or present Continuous form ofthe verbs in brackets. Watch or iten again and check your answers. 1 Inmyfreetime'l.. (play) hockey asm in the school team. 2 canna (ain) tWO times a week for my Footbal dub. pees (dance) every day. 4 Atthe weekend |... (like) to watch television series and fms BU cess AEN) t0 play the ukulele and | (teach) riyself by watching YouTube videos. Hi choose the correct words to complete the sentences 41 hardly ever ary eve go sviing, 2 Forme exerci never/ never un 3 see rarely / acy see ands at a weeeare 4 pay occsionaly /ccaslonaly play computer games 5 think watching sport on TV sometimes serena Is Boe [Ei Tiek the sentencesin Bx 4 that are tre for You Then werk in pairs, Can you guess which Treas beta fot your pore? ‘Complete the article with the present simple ‘of present continuous form of the verbs in brackets. They cant Stop uf! ‘Most people in Braz Jove watching football, Its the national sport and it's popular with all ages. But in most schools, gis * en nemnne (NOK Play) Football. Many people ® (think) ts a sport For ‘boys, not for gis. But now, in one school, things. (change) The gis in this school (want) play football and right now they * 0) everything they can to make this Fappen Every time the boys ae) football, the gts”, ~feun) / ‘onto the pitch and start piaying wit nem, Now the boys ® (start) 2 is BD I never waste time on my im > > > > Do you ave what it takes to get to the top? | don't give up if don't get ‘good results quickly. phone or chatting online. {things don't go wel at frst, 1y harder. ‘¥m always happy when I'm 213 making progress and getting better at something. ‘ove taking part in L2lsy competitions and winning, | accept that something might 1206 ot work the frst time and | keep going until get it right. Look at the phrases in bold in the quz. Match 1-6 with AE TSeonpoes ok eating 1 2 3 4 If you waste time, ‘A you doiitin the correct way. something goes well, B itis not successful Ifyou make progress, © you get better at something, Ifyou tate part in D you spend itn a way that something, not useful, Ifsomething doesn't itis successful, work, F you doit with other people, Ifyou get something right, explore vocabulary ‘We use some very common verbs like do, get, go and moke ina lot of informal phrases. Try to learn common phrases lke the ones on this page: do wel, get good results, go wel, ‘make progress. You can do well inthis competition Ie takes time to get good results EE rca the vocabulary box, Then read the article For each question, choose te correct answer 1A give B spend C put —D get — 2 Age By make D win ( BAget Bdo Cfind D make - 4 Ago Boge tum —D gain 5 Alose B drop € waste D miss 6 Aget Bdo Cmake Dwin Speak up Do you agre that anyone cn become very good at aly ‘AMY Why Why nt? What other things are necessary fF people tbe succesful? t game on ‘Work in pairs. Take itn turns to say the second half of onte=—= ‘of the phrases in bold in the quiz. Your partner makes a sentence with the phrase that Is true for you, ‘You want to make progress with your gaming Skis 2 Try something different LISTENING Power up Hl Workin pais. what do you think are the Dévantages of lng Cub? BA ED)2:3 tisten to part of a news report about Clubs. Does it mention any of your ideas from x 12 Which facts do you find surprising? Listen up Read the exam tip and complete the task exam tip: sentence completion Read the sentences before you listen and try to guess what kind of information fs missing. For example, iit 2 date, a time, a place or an activity? Try to guess what the missing words might be. You will heara man caled Adam Chambers teling a group of students about a youth club in thelr area, Read the sentences in Ex 4 {and think about what kindof information is missing from each gap. TERED 2 tisten tothe tale and complete the sentences i ferbo ox ire werd: cra tpn or aets SP RUIN The club is quite new, but already has members. The club meets every? The club often invites quests to come and talk about different [At the moment, some members are making their own Everyone really enjoys the ‘Adam wants to organise mores, every month, the future, Ei complete the grammar box with these questions fom the tak, Which questions inthe grammar bor ask about the subject of the ve? A Who comes to our cub? B What do we do? explore grammar subject and object questions Notice the difference between these questions and answers ‘A: Wh do we invite? B: We invite speakers Boonen ‘A: What happens once a month? g; We do activities, B: A quiz happens [El fea the answers and complete the questions. Then work in pairs. Ask and answer the questions about you. 1A: Who..... maths? Br Mr Edwards teaches me maths. 2 A: What , for breakfast? B: | eat cereal and bread for breakfast. BREAN nnn ERED IN C5? B: | sit next to Sara, 4A: Who themost TV in your house? Bi: My dad watches the most TV. Complete th question inthe blog. Use "who or ‘what’ and the words in brackets. 1 acnrna 99 Want) to do today? That's my parents’ favourite question. Is always the ‘seme. m just relaxing in my room, when 4 (happen)? My mum comes in and starts suggesting ‘better things | could do."You could go for a walk. Or we could go to the cinema. A vue (¥0U £ think) might lke io come with US? She just doesn't understand that doing nothing swan) to be buBy all the time? | don't want te spend my life hurrying from one activity tothe next. (enjoy) Living like that? Maybe some people, but not me! ee {1/ need) to do to make ther Understand that free time ie ME time? is fine! | mean,* Speak up [El Workin pairs, tink ofan idea fr an after-school club that people in your class would lite. Share your Ideas with the class. Vote for your fevourite club. °° er eT UNIT CHECK Wordlist Hobbies and activities Practising and improving acting (n) do well (oh) art () get better (ohn) cooking () get good results (ahr) ceyaling (n) get it ight (ohn) dancing (n) go well (ohr) drawing (7) make progress (ohr) gaming (n) spend time (ph) languages 0) take part Gn) (phn) ‘making fims(r) waste time (phy) playing the guitar (n) puzzles (n) singing (n) team sports (7) wwting (7) Vocabulary HED) 29 tisten tox speakers When you hear beep write the correct word from the wordlist Maas Scan gate 2 So By, 6. BADD 2:10 tisten ana check your answers. Look atthe things you need for esch hobby and activity. ‘Write the correct hobby or activity from the wordlist. a pencil and some paper. amicrophone, some music: a video camera. AD KE nnn soine nisi ahd caiortable thes ane shoes 6 books, dictionaries, CDs: Ti what re their hobbies? Read the sentences and write ‘the correct hobby or activity from the wordlist. 1 Mika's friends love her food... 2 James would tke to star ina fm one J) 3. Lindsay plays beautifully, Her music is amazing! A PELE OES PANNING, ae mennman 5 Eva and Alex play with their friends In the park every Saturday, Personality adjectives Extra careful animation (9) lever card trick (0) confident choice (n) fendly exercise (0) honest {get rid of something (pha, polite get started (phn) quiet get tothe top (phy) serious go for a walk (ohn) Other o.entine (ohr) tO) make a mistake (oh) ress (7) taekwondo (7) program (0) search (for) share (v) site (») itch each desertion with a personaly adjective gn the wordlist, 11 Jasmin would never take something that doesn’t beking ‘toher! 2. Maxnever says very much... 3. Sara always takes time so she doesn't make mistakes. Pauls sure that he can win the race. Lily never laughs or makes jokes... Stan always gets 100 percent in tests, liver always says please’ and ‘thank yout... Eta is always kind to us and offers to help whenever he Gn... Complete the sentences wth word from the Other section ofthe wordlist. 4 Towateh the video just Poy 2. | often take photos of my pets and .. then ‘thy tends 3. Canyou gieme the 4 You should sit that videos a photos 5 Ive got threw _for makin videos ony computer's great and fee! 6 To find heinformaton you nee for your projet go line AN ee fOr story of Npshop Musi: to that music website? it’s got some great: 31 UNIT CHECK Review Hi choose the corrct verb forms to complete the sentences, 1 | usually play /’m playing tennis on Saturdays. 2 Telwondo becomes is becoming more eae 3 Hury up! ts 930 andthe tin eaves / Iseaving at sit 4 No thats rot ue dont elev /m not believing you! 5 Dart wor, Stele often ates srg ae 6 rm ely td at sdence-| peer do ['m never day een ts 7 ames realy ood atthe gitar and ehardly ver kes hardy ever king mistakes, 1 Our Engish teacher doesnt usualy give / nt thualy gg us too much Pomenor. ‘Complete the conversations with the present simple or present continuous form of the verbs Inbrackets, 1A: Wow Jack (get) really good at tennis! BE LENO, He a annanrn (Practise) every dayafter school BA cece (YOU / have) a guitar lesson every week? Yes, (learn) a really nice song at the moment. 3A: Whatttime.... (the film / start) this evening? I. (not know). 7.30, maybe? smn, OU J eed) some help with those bags? 2B: No, thanks. sew (think) Lean manage on my own 5 ADH What... (you / do)? BI. (ty) some new dance m™ (you / like) ther? 6 AHL. (you / enjoy) the party? B: Yes. Milles partes nnn (08 always) fun! Th {you / usually / go) to the Youth club on Wednesdays? B: Yes. {you / want) to come with fe next week? 8 sa lyOu / always / have) abig Breakfast? (not eat / usually) (try) to lose much and weight at the moment. 32 Complete the questions with these words/phrases. You do not need two ofthe words/phrases. doyouenjoy doyouspend doyoutravel doyouwant happens hates spends travels 1 What _..doing at the weekenc? 2 Who. sna !05ing at games in your family? 3 What, sulf you make 3 mistake when you're ‘on stage? BWC to school with? 5 Who.... ‘the most time reading in your Family? 6 What , vnunet buy in the supermarket? TEDED)2 11 Listen and choose the correct question (A or 8} for each answer (1-4) 4A. Whodoyou message the most often? B Who messayes you the most often? 2A Who do you buy birth present for? Who buys birthday presents for you? 2 Wo sual goes to the youth cub? B Who do you usually got the youth club wth? 4A Who pays tenis in your family? Who do you pay tenis wih? BEIED)2-12 usten and check your answers. Eibreod the advert For each question, write the correct answer. Write one word fr each gap. Your new fiend wants to know what you do In you free tine, Waite an tml bout what you usualy doin the eveningy and atthe weekend, and fan about vomething new you ere learning at te moment Read all about it READING VOCABULARY Aaa ey WRITING eer eon mon D Bnet erred Sead : el UNG TG i Sie Re aE ee eon ee eae Pics 3 Read all about it READING Power up [I Read the news headlines and answer the questions. 1. What do the storles have in common? They are all about: A anaccident. B ajouney, —€ aresue 2. Which story would you mast like to read? Why? Read on [Bl ou re going to read a news story about the rescue ofa family. Look at photos A-C and guess what happened. [El Read the news story quickly and check your ideo. [Ey Read the exam tip and complete the task exam tip: gapped text Look carefully atthe words before and after each gap. Remember not to choose an answer just because you see the same words in the sentence asin the main text. Read the first paragraph of the news story. Think about the ‘missing information and choose the correct sentence (A-H) from x5. [Gl Bieead the news tory again. Fve sentences have been removed from the text. For each question, choose the correct answer There are three extra sentences which you donot need to use. Ak Inthe en, Jon rang the police for help B Although the accommodation was basic, they were warm and they had food € They got back sfely to thelr car and went home. The children couldnt believe their eyes. E F rae ay The chiklren were tired, so they stayed on the boat. Luckily for the Cluetts, there was 2 railway line just near house, G There was no road access, so they parked their car a few Kilometres away H twas small and cold, so they wanted to leave Find words/phrases in the news story that have these meanings. 1 farfrom other people (para) - 2. held something in place with rope or string (para i} 3 water moving (paral) 4 unable to escape (para il... 8 collect them (para) 6 things or possessions (para v) (On a recent trip, the Cluett family had quite an adventure when ‘The officers wore helpful but they gave the family. they were staying in Scotland. The remote holiday cottage Jon more than a€ViC®. 4. mn TE Pole ‘and Helen Clustt had booked was on 3 amtanged for a train to make an extra the-edgo oa lke and aif to gto, n stop and pick them up. And it wash't ..The only way to reach the just any train. The next service that was house was on foot or across the water. 0 passing was a wondecul steam train called The Jacobite. Itruns tourist tps Fortunately, the family had their canoe through beautiful countryside and orr and so they paddled across the lake. Ten minutes later, they ite route it crosses the Glenfinnan Viaduct wore inside the cottage. * ‘Jon tie their canoe up safely ina ile stream Behind the house and they all {As soon as they knew about the plan, the fail thought everything was fine, Unt the next mocring ‘throw thor auff into bags and boxes. While they wore running up tothe railway ine, the tain, The family woke up and found the whole area was under sraaiaion te tacks. When Water. The stream was flowing very fast and the ties around ta tan suopped fohe ned hare they wade their boat wore broken. The canoe had gone. Jon and Helen pleat andl i ei ic't want to be stuck there. They knew thay had to got it weet just bocause thay wens af. The KA | back to their car. But how? It was too dificult for the younger recognised the train from a story they knew. Fie children to walk on wet ground. » Do you recognise it too? fb jo ko Cs | | Sum up Speak up Hi] imagine you are one of these people in the story. Work in EE} discuss the questions. pairs and retell the story to your partner. Can hedshe guess 4 Whats = fo you think about the place the family chose for Se ane a holiday? + the parents * the police officers 2. Have you ever been stuck in a remote place? What happened? + the children + thetraln staff 3. Why do you think rescue stories are often in the news? 3 Read all about it GRAMMAR [Hl read the grammar box. Complete the ‘explanations with these words. imegular_ post continuous (3) past simple (32) PTTL past simple and past continuous A Weuse the? _forone ar another Some wand don't add The family woke up and found the area wes under water. Weuse the? progres nthe past. The stream was owing very fast We se the nan nneef0F a action that interrupts another ation in progress inthe past. or the action that was in orogress,we use the *. ; The Cluet family had an adventure when they were staying in Scotland \We can use while instead of when before the While they were running upto the railway line the train appeared onthe tracks for actions in DRED 2 usten toa gir telling a story. What is she talking about? A anintersting news story se read B apace she enoyed visting atime something wert wrong on a trip EIEN 2.2 choose the correct verb forms to complete the git's story. Listen again and. ccheck your answers. [El read the exam tip and complete the task exam tip: open cloze \Write only one word in each gap. Look at the words around each gap to help you decide what type of word you need, Look t the story in Ex 5. Which tenses are ‘needed in gaps 1,2 and 3? How do you know? Eh Diced the story. For each questions correct answer, Write one word for [team of firefighters were surprised when they found a teenage al stuck in adrain, Ella BrchenoUGh tenn aking to someone on her smartphone in the street, After her call, she tried to put it n her pocket but missed and it a vv, down the drain, TReM ED aman ily decision. She took off the drain cover and jumped into the Hale to gether phone back. The only problem was. she couldn't det oUt 208 nnn EB wa SING inthe hole, more and more people turned up, Some of them even: photos when they were vn for the freighters to are, When Ella's mum arrived, they both laughed about the situation: Eventually, the eetighter came. Ella sd, "When they’. Ela s straight home ang jumped inthe bath Speak up (Gl vinot were you doing at these times? Write four tru and swe) fale sentences + yesterday evening + last Saturday afternoon + on your last birthday + first thing this morning + anfiourago + yesterday morning (Bil Workin pairs Askand answer questions about your sentene In Ex {Can your partner gue the fale formetion? ‘VOCABULARY adjectives [ll Pur these adjectives in the correct place in the table andent dark dul exciing geld tage ght modem ordinary scary speclal tiny useful valuable woode size | price _|colour_| age [Bi work in pairs. How fast can you match nine of the adjectives in Ex 1 with thelr meanings? LL 6 very old 2 very SIMA en 7. made af wood 3 verybig: since 4 expensive important to © made of a yellow metal you! ae ee 5. not unusuat 9 different or better than usual: [ll You wit hear tatk about an activity called geocaching, complete the fst part with adjectives fom Ex 1. Listen and check your answers. ‘Today is all about an. activity called ‘geocaching. I's tke a? treasure hunt for the twenty-first century, but you don’t need a map and you don't often find » _. roman coins! You hide @ cache ~ a small box or container of objects ~ in a remote place. Then you post information about where the box is online, Other geocachers look for the box using a GPS. gadget or app. What makes the activity .. soul the adventure of finding the box, not its contents. Ct ae | material] opinion DE) 2. steno the next part ofthe tall, Which Seracfocaies des is sheer ented Sch of these things? 1a . mena Watch 2 A vmnnnnnne a GPS gadget Boro, meen SE 4a box leem eletolel' ilo lag order of adjectives ‘We usualy put an opinion adjective’ before a fact adjective pinion + fact + noun a beautiful gold watch [Bj Read the vocabulary box below. Put the words in brackets in the correct order to complete the sentences. inmy last geocache | foun! ps es (coin / ancient J interesting) 2 some: Bie (special / stamps / foreign) 3 att), (Photo fol f dul). 4 al), w apanese { comic /ecting). 5 atr).. (notebook / little / ordinary). Speak up. 1G) Answer the questions. Then work in groups and choose geocache challenge: 1 What would you hide? Think of something: * valuable. + cheap, + useful. + tiny, + scary. special, ‘Where would you hide the cache? 3 Read all about it LISTENING Power up [ll wat’ your favourite way to experience a story? Putthe easin order (I= most favourite, = ast favourite) Share your answers withthe ass = acomic ..., * anaudio book r + afm © aperson reading toyou + ebook... * asong Listen up [Bi read the exam tp and compete the tast. exam tip: multiple choice the recording. Listen for the information you need to answer each one in turn, Read questions 1-6 in Ex 3. Before you listen, think about the information you need for each answer. EDGIEDs 5 ston toa ractotmerview with boy Called Eddie, For each question, choose the correct answer. 1 Astory slam isan event for people who ‘A. choosing fiction for a book club B listening to writers read theirstory. © competing to win money for stories 2. Eddie first heard about story slams from ‘A bis group of friends. B trip to the United States. © abloggerin another country. 3. What was Eddie's first story slam lke? ‘A Some of the stories weren't interesting B People read stories of different types. © He.was too nervous to read his story. 4 Inhis frst story, Eddie wrote about a time he felt ‘A embarrassed, B in pain © annoyed. 5 What's Eddie's favourite thing about story slams? A getting the vote for the best story BB having the opportunity to be creative sharing stories with a group of people 6 What does Eddie say about his future? A He won't give up writing, B He wants to vite fulltime, © He wants to leave school soon. 38 The order of the questions in the task is the same as in [El read the grammar box and complete the table foleee LUA us someone, anyone, nothing, everything, etc. ‘We use someonefanyone and somethingfanything in the same way as some and any. Do you know anyone who loves stories? ‘You don't win anything No one was interested. Everything went wel Someone told a ghost story | wrote about something that really happened. Everyone in the shop was laughing, ‘There's nothing better people | someone [everyone > anything nothing [Ei choose the correct words to complet the tps. THE PERFECT PRESENTATION Presenting in front of an audience is one of the hardest things to do. Here are some tips to help you. SPEAKING ‘Ack someone / something to watch you practise and start with everything / something funny or surprising, LISTENING Say ‘something / nothing until the speaker finishes and don't do ‘anything / anyone distracting, COMPARING IDEAS Leave tno one / nothing in the group out and don't ‘make Sanyone / no one fee! sil Speak up {Ey Workin groups. Prepare some tips for planing tan eventusing words fom the grammar Bo, Use x5 to help you Share yout ideas withthe css ie UNIT CHECK Wordlist Adjectives to describe Strong adjectives anaes brant ancient deliious dark deighted dul cshausted ‘Satia fantastic gold freezing Tabe furous modern ‘huge ordinary ee teeny starving ieee tersble strange tiny useful Other valuable acekdent (0) wooden audio Book (n) Vocabulary BIED)29 Listen toss sentences: When you Teara beep, write the correct word fom the [Adjectines to describe objects cation of the words AED 2 10 tisten and check your answers. Ei feplcethowordsn bol the sentences with strong adjectives from the wordlist. 1 I'm really hungry! When will dinner bereaht 2 No. wedi its the hotel at was rey bad 2 tiki vorgsrange hat he drt get nin minencene 4 Wow! Your swimming pool i really big 5 [ts eally cold outside, so you'ineed aC ener 6 It wasa really hard match, so the team was ‘very tired at the end, nae 7 You've eaten nearly all the plzzel There's only ‘avery small piece left for me. 8 Mysister was really happy with her present. We chose the right thing or her comic () book) embarrassed (adj) canoe (n) flow) cottage (0) Journey (n) countryside 7) pick up (phew) cr038 (v) proud (ad) ‘get back ohr) remote (ad) have an adventure (oh) rescue (n) make someone laugh (ohn) silent (ad) ray (n stuck od) recent (cd) stuf (n) recogrise (i) tie up (phr vy route (n) Extra ‘stream (n) adventure () takeoff (ahr) appear (V ‘urn ound (abr be worth alot of money (ahr) turn up (phir v) wake up (ph v) Ei complete the sentences with words from the ther section of the wordlist. 1 Het relly. esmueWhen my phone started ringing in the mila of the play 2. After a ten-hOUT sa mnamsnmas We finally arrived in London, tired and ‘hungry. beach in the north ofthe 3 We spent the morning ona... ‘sland, We were the only ones there 4 {passed all my exams. My mum says she’s really... of mig 5 liked the story in the... but the pictures weren't very good. 6 I can't put all my... in this bag. It’s too small 7 Thekitten was. .nifatree and couldn't get down, 8 | always put my phone on when I'm in the library. [Ei complet the sentences with words rom the wordlst the rst letor of each word is given. 1 I was stuck at school because of bad weather, so my dad had to Pessoa EUR. 2 My grandmother gave me this wateh. isn’t, every day. 3 Itwas a really d movie. fll asleep before the end. 4 My sister kes 4. vn. €OI0UrS, Aller clothes are black! 5 I didi like the house because it was old, want to live in a nnn HOUSE, 6 How did the a, happen? Did anyone get hurt? 7 When my brother saw | was wearing his TShirt, He WA fa. 4 Henever lets me wear his clothes 8 Thecake wasd «had thee pieces! but | weartt 43 UNIT CHECK Review [Dy choose the correct words to complete the news stories. Here's a selection of the strangest stories we've found this week. ‘A hungry bird ‘was coming out / came out bright ‘orange after it foll/ was falling into some curry ‘outside a food factory. It was / were trying to get ‘apiece of chicken when it landed / was landing right in the sauce. After a shower ata locel animal hospital, the bird was safo but still a bit smelly! When teenager Nathaniel Bolwell was fecling hungry, hho Fwas deciding / decided to order a pizza. He ate his meal and ‘wasn't thinking / didn’t think any ‘more about it~ until he checked his bank account, Instead of £17.99, the pizza cost £179,982.321 Imagine that! While alte gid in Texas "talked / was talking to her parents! smart speaker, she ‘was asking / asked for ‘a dol's house to play with. The speaker added the tay to the family’s shopping list and two days later, it *was arriving / arrived in the post! That's one way to get what you want . 44 [El complete the article with words beginning with ‘some [Dl complete the conversations with these words anything everyone nothing someone ‘A: Did you hear the news about the afterschoot cub? s2id it's closing BENo, (didnt know... they keep it open. ‘A: Me too. There's? really need that club, B: YOUtE AGH. man cone day a week, about that, But | hope todo round here, so we win my class goes there at least ‘anyone everything noone something .to tell you, But it's a secret. ‘ice Knows. I promise | won't tell”, IWvegot®.... Han keep a secret. ‘A: We're going to lve in Germany for a year. You can't do that! Youte my best friend! 4: know but t's because of my mum's werk and Is already organised, We can stil be fiends, ‘any, ‘every-' oF ‘no. LOST AND FOUND Have you ever lost 2.0F course 1 vwvau: as. Tthappens every day. But now a study has investigated what people lose and how «much itcosts, The study shows that one in five people loses > important every week. As you might expect, this includes phones, watches, keys, shoes and sles. But now there's help, Dr Michael Solomon isa “fuuiogist’ ~ : ho gives advice on how to find stings He believes that fs ever really lo*t it’sjust jn the wrong place. Soifyou put... should be, you can‘tloseit. Of course, ” organised ~ things disappear in my house al the me, So what should we do? Dr Solomon says be like thinkabout when you last had the object and wheve you have been since. Go back over your route and you should find what’s missing. not, ask, HS sow a S861 ‘my «».# That usually works for me because my 5. always bortowing my stuff Di Write a short blog post about one of these topics. + an interesting news story you read or heard + something you lost or found Live and learn TZ telieg GRAMMAR LISTENING WRITING ee 4 Live and learn READING Power up Bi which of these subjects do you study at school? What ‘ther things would you like to study or learn about? Why? ‘art business studies computer studies dance drama ‘geography history maths media studies music PE science Read on ead the tite ofthe article. What do you think the School Enterprise Challenge is? Read the first paragraph and check your ideas {A a business that sls things te schools B a new kind of school where students learn about business a competition for schools to start businesses Bi Loot at the photos the article, Read the rest ofthe article, Which businesses does t mention? Thi ees the article again For each question choose the eatectanewer 1 Alison liked the idea of the School Enterprise Challenge because ‘A she knew that most schools need more money. BB she thought students needed to de more than traditional subjects. € she wanted to help students to become rich. D she was already running her own business. 2. What does Alison say about the project in Colombia? A It stopped local businesses from cutting down trees. BB People used less paper asa result of the project. © Some people still don't agree that recycing is important 'D The students spent the money they made on helping the environment. 3 Alison says that students who take part in the competition A always make alot of money. B already know how to runa business, © can decide how to use the money they make can work individually or as a team. 4. How does Alison feel about the idea of working for the ‘School Enterprise Challenge? A She is excited about seeing lots of different businesses, B She thinks she wouldn't enjoy all the traveling Shes worried it would be very difficult to choose the winners. D She thinks there won't be time to visit many schools, Ei rene the exam tip and complete the tsk exam tip: multiple choice Some questions ask about the general meaning of the vole text To answer these questions read the text again and ‘thinkabour the general idea, Read the article again. What would be a good introduction tothe article? ‘A Teacher Alison Blackmoor talks about why her job is important and how the School Enterprise Challenge can help her inher schol. B For Alison Blackmoor, students can learn a lot from the School Enterprise Challenge. She discusses the advantages of taking part ‘Alison Blackmeor explains what she learned from working for the Schaol Enterprise Challenge D inthis article Alison Blackmoor tells us how she became a teacher and why she started teaching her students how torun thelr own business. Tl complete tne definitions with the verbs in bold inthe article. Put the verbs in the correct form. | 1 When you... anew business it begins to work 2 When YOU nnn MONEY, YOU get I by sling things. 3 Ifyou... ‘a business, you are the bass and help itt work wel, 4 Ifyou, sum 3 CAFS oF shop, you stare, so that people can come ino it for the frst time. 5 YOU anon business plan, you make it by thinking carefly about i 6 When you... _..2 team of people Youle them what 2 do Sum up Bh Workin pars. Take turns to explain what te Shoo Enterprise Challenge Isand what ts advantages are. Use these words and the verbs from Ex6. competition business Wife sks money community tsa competition for schools to... Speak up Workin groups. Thnk about a business you could start at Your sthool and discuss the questions, Presb Yeu eas othe class. Then vote for the best dea, 1 What kind of busines sit? 2. Whats your business plan? 2. How much money do you thinkyou could malt 4 What would you spend the money on? * TT BEES a -j a . § Alison Blackmoor talks about the first got interested inthe Schoo! Enterprise Challenge when l was working 05 a teaches. | go! bored with teaching the some old subjects ‘nd fll that students needed fo lea ite sls as well as the radional ‘maths and history. The Schoo! Enterprise Challenge helps students ‘start and run their own business, ond the bes! businesses wan prizes Students al over the world lake port The am isi for students to make lois of money for themselves, but fo learn aboul business and help thelr school or local communi. Im always amazed at the clever ideas sludents have, ike epening a school ca or repairing furniture for other schools. There was an armazing projec in Colombia, South ‘America one year. The sludents could see thal the nalural forest in their area was geting smaller as businesses were cuting doy ioo many tees. To help peopl the students buit recycling boxes and pul hem in local schools, colleges and businesses. They sold the waste paper for recycling, then used the money o plant more trees. Il was biiliant ideo, which helped the environment ond really taught everyone how important recyngis. ‘it was a brilliant idea, which helped the environment and really taught everyone how important recycling is.’ ‘As wal os learning how fo run a business, the students also learn ore such 0s how fo plan ahead and manage « team of people, The orgenisation that run ‘he School Enterprise Challenge suppor schools with information packs and ideas about how fo develop their business plan, And there re lols of iflrent ways sl choose fo spend the money they make, Some use i fe Buy sports equior school Others might use ito help poorer students fo buy books or school uniforms. | stopped teaching and got a job In business afew yeors ago, and now tm going to apply 10 work for the 300 Enlexprise Challenge as a campettion judge. eek so wish me luc’ Judges travel al Vist schools that are taking part, o see thelr businesses In action I sounds amazing! Then the judges decide on the ‘opens in March, W Pot think about having wn school business? 4 Live and learn GRAMMAR Hl re06 the grammar box and complete the examples with the correct form of the verbs rackets. Ten aeld the future: plans and intentions ‘A going to for intentions or things we are planning to do (apply) to work forthe School Enterprise present continuous for future events that we have already planned, arranged and agreed ip (send) my application in next week present simple for something that will happen at 2 particular time in the future because itis part of a timetable or schedule Next year’s competition ‘Note: We don't usually use going to + go. Instead, we use the present continuous. +r-going:#2-go I'm going to the cinema tonight. (epen) in March BADIED 4: watch or tsten to people talking about their plans and intentions. Which ofthe activities (A-H) do thay inertia A watching TV 8 singing © going tothe cneria going shopeing EDDIE 42 Watch ortsten again and complete the sentences, E reading acomic F revising for exams swimming H playing basketball 1 Thisevening!..... ina show. 2 Tonight | ry brothers because my mum isout 3 Atthe weekend |. soe Shopping with my friends and fami. '3 dress for my grandma's anniversary. 4 | nnenanee MY COUTSEWOTK, Which needs to be done efore September. 5 TOnIghEHaesamnenone tO my best friend's party. 61 my friends and we. _ football Ii Mate sic sentences about your plans and intentions fr these times, Use golng to! andthe present continuous. ‘Work inpalrs and share your sentences with your partner. + this evening + next month + tomorrow at school * In the summer holidays + next weekend + myrnext birthday 48 Read Jacob's email about his plans for starting at @ new school. What is different about this school? [&] 0: Sam [3] From: Jacob HiSam, Hove Australia! t's so warm and sunny, and the people are rally friendly. Vee unnue(90) 10 my new school {or the first time nexi Monday. I's an amazing school callod Templestowe College. “The students here decide what thoy want to learn. (imoet) my teacher on Monday and or ltalk) about what | want todo. °"Gtudy science subjects in my frst term. enn (ft Spend) much time on subjects | at, lke geography and history. | wrote my own ‘timetable last night. My first class *...... (Start) at 10.90 on Monday, and my lessons * finish atSpm.1t vu. (@n)0y) getting up a bit later! ‘You can learn how to look after animals at this school — they've lots of animals here. My friend Olie and Pc cnmnnne (01D) OOK after the snakes. | have to go now. Ollie. (come round) to my house in half an hour ‘Write soon, dacab [i complete Jacob's email wit the correct form ofthe verbs Inbrackets Use ‘goin to, the present continuous or the present simple Speak up Hd imagine you can choose what to study at your school ‘Witte your timetable for next vee, Bi wite questions about a partner’ timetable Use'going to, the present continuous o the present simple What time do your esons start? What subjects ar you gong to study? What are you ding on Tuesday afternoon? El Workin pars. sk and answer your questions fai x8. Tel the dass about your partner's plans. game on ‘Werk in pais. Think about an activity youre going to do and three things you need frit Tell your partner what the three things are. Can he/she guess what youte going to-do? (hed my compute oe boks ana deny) ‘You'e going to do your English homework! VOCABULARY ways of learning [Bl Which of these things do you find easy to learn? Which do you find difficult? English vocabulary facts maths names and dates. ew software sports. wordsin songs ll 4.2 stent four students talking about how they learn best, Match the speakers (1-4) with the sentences (A-D). 7 eas hart ed ro B | cant learn by listening, | need to use my hands and do things myself | think you can only learn if you werk hard DD | think you learn by trying things and getting them wrong, EVE 44 compete the sentences with the correct form of thtse vers: Listen again and check your snewers get glve have make (x2), take (x2) 11 I need to watch someone do something and then & ago myself 2. lim good at listening to other people and... advice from them, 3 find it aiffcut seni my mind about something ifm working alone. 4- ifm not sure about how to do something, rm happy to .nit a try and see what happens. 5 lim not scared of. ‘a chance and . ‘a mistake because that’s how you learn, 6 Ineed to work hard if | want to do well and... {good grades in tests Bl workin pars. which sentences in Ex3 are true for you? Tell your partner. Ei choose the correct words to complete the sentences, Then ‘work in pars. Can you guess which sentences are true for ‘your partner? 11 hate just listening and noting up / down what someone says 2 [find it cifficult to settle off / down in class ad sit stil 3 prefer to get up and move around / out, 4 If something isn't corréet; fm happy to crass it up / out and start again 5 usually hand my work of / in on time. 6 ‘hate it ifm late witha piece of work and the teacher tells me off / out. Retell phrasal verbs Sometimes phrasal verbs with similar meanings use the same particle. stand up, get up, jump up (= move so that you are on your feet) [Ei Read the vocabulary box. Make groups of phrasal verbs ‘with these words and the words in bold. le run sit take throw walk 1 settle down, 2 move around, 3 crossout Se Ed Gitead the article. For each question, write the correct ‘raw Wth one word for eh gep. wlis.down, Do you hate it when things go wrong? Many people are scared of... mistakes, but in fact our mistakes can 2.8 alot, atschool and in life, For example, if you

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