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Ash Wednesday


We have liturgical calendar that all of us Christians follow. According to the

liturgical calendar, after the ordinary time (short) we have lent season. So,
how would we know when will be the lent season will start? If we celebrate
Ash Wednesday, that would be the starting point of lent.

The mass was all about the celebration of Ash Wednesday. Fun fact about it, it
was celebrated coincidentally on the 14th day of February. Specifically,
valentine day. Ash Wednesday is a holy day of prayers and fasting. It is also
one of the beliefs of Christians that we practiced.

Father talked about fasting, who is the exempted, and why is it important. The
exempted of fasting are the children or specifically 14 and below. Fasting is
also not forcing people and fasting is for those who are willing.

Because of the priest said, we can really appreciate the lent season. All of us
Christians will unite and express solidarity because of this lent celebration.
I've learned that we must give value to our beliefs because at the end of the
day this will be our weapon as a Christians and as a children of God.

Merry Jhillian Panayaman


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