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Key points

1. Poverty is a multidimensional problem.

2. Every 4th person in India is poor.

3. India has the largest single conceration of the world.

Q1.What is poverty?

Page 31, 3rd line to 11th line

Q2. How is poverty defined by social scientist?

Page 31, 3rd line to 11th line

Q3. What is Social exclusion?

Pg 31 Right hand side 3rd line to 14th line

Q4. What is vulnerability?

Pg 31 Right hand side vulnerability

Q5.What is poverty line?

Pg 31 poverty line 3rd line to pg 32

Q6.Why is calorie requirement high in the rural areas?

Pg 32 2nd paragraph line 19 to 23

Q7. How was povert line determined in the year 2011-11

Pg 32 from left hand side last paragraph to line 10 in right hand side

21 jan 2022

Q1.Mention the social groups which are most vunrable to the poverty

Ans-Sc and st

Q2.Mention the economic grups which are most vunrable to poverty

Ans 33 right hand side

Q3.who are the poorest of the poor?

Ans women old and the children especially girl child

Q4 What do mean by inter State disparities?

Pg 35 first paragraph 2 points

Q5 What are the stratagies adopted by various states of India to eradicate poverty?

Ans-Pg 35 right hand side last paragraph of inter state disparities

Q6. Discuss the global senario of poverty?

Pg35 global poverty senerio

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