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print all alpha from a to z using while loop

print all even no from 1 to 100


get input and find first and last dig of number using while loop

to print prime numbers between 1 to 10 including 1 and 10

take input and calc sum and product of dig

check palindrom

print numbers from min to max

print even or odd number from 1 to 10

to take inp and find all factors of given number using for loop

to find highest common factor of any two numbers


armstrong number

19 feb


inverse pyramid


hollow square

check whether the year is leap or not

check for perfect number (factors sum is equal to number)

check strong number (fact of each digit added is equal to number)

print sum of even numbers between 1 to 10 without 6

1 to 10 break if a numb is div by 2 and 3

to input marks of five subjects and calculate percentsge and grade according to
>=90% --> A
>= 80% -> B
>=70% --> C
>=60 ---> D
>=40 ---> E
<40 ----> F

to inpput basic slary and clculate gross salary according to ===>

Sal<=10000 : +HRA 20% , +DA = 80%


take charges and calculate total bill acc to =====>

first 50 ===> rate = 0.5

next 100===> rate = 0.75
next 100===> rate = 1.2
remaining ===> rate = 1.5

total tax= 20% of sum

wap print -ve elements in a array

wap to find sum of all array elements

wap to count total no. of even and odd elements in an arrat
wap to count -ve elements in an array

wap to find the largest number in an array

wap to find 2nd largest in a array
wap to find freq of each element in an array
wap to print all unique elements in an array

wap to merge 2 arrays in a third array

wap to sort an array in asc or desc order
get val and print by using function

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