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Database Connectivity Assignment 2:

Part 1: In-Class Tasks

You must complete these three tasks IN-CLASS on the specified day. The professor will release a
document containing the task during the lecture. If you are not in class, you will get 0 for that task.
There is no drop-box for the tasks, so you must show the professor your work before you leave.

Task 4: Connecting to a Database Hosted by MongoDB Atlas – Due: 1 mark

Task 5: Creating Documents and Schemas – Due: 1 mark
Task 6: Setting up the API – Due: 1 mark

Part 2: Main Component

1. Continue working on the project you created for the previous assignment
2. Create a model folder inside APP_SERVER and create a file for your schema
3. Design a schema for your database, you will get grades for the following:
a. Design of the database (does your design make sense?) 2 marks
b. Uses at least 1 subdocument (see Section 5.3.3) 1 mark
c. At least 5 different fields for your main data structure (I.e. book) .5 marks
d. Correct use of validation 1 mark
4. Create a database and collections on MongoDB Atlas and add sample data to it
5. Create a db.js file inside the model folder where you connect your app to the database
with Mongoose 1 mark
6. Create a new folder in the root called APP_API, with two folders inside: controllers and
7. Create a file in your APP_API\controllers folder which contains placeholder functions
(NOTE: they do not need to do anything with the database) for all the major CRUD
operations (getting a list, getting a single, deleting, updating and creating) .5 marks
8. Create a file in your APP_API\routes folder which designs the routes for your api and
maps them to the correct controller 1 mark
TOTAL: 10 marks

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