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The Function keys on your key board

Naveed Farooq
Admin Nidokidos Network
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F1 key
Almost always F1 is used as the help key, almost every
program will open the help screen when this key is pressed.
Microsoft word help Assistant
F1 key
While starting your computer pressing F1 key take to you in
Computer BOS setting also called as CMOS setup.
F1 would open the Microsoft Windows help and support center.
You can search the topic which you want
F2 Key
9rI + F2 displays the print preview window in Microsoft Word.
While starting your computer pressing F2 key take to you in
Computer BOS setting also called as CMOS setup.
n Windows F2 is used to rename a highlighted icon or file.
Icon renamed
Alt + Ctrl + F2 opens a new document in Microsoft Word
F3 Key
$19 + F3 will change the text in Microsoft Word from upper
to lower case or a capital letter at the beginning of every word
F3 key
n MS-DOS or Windows command line F3 will repeat the
last command.
!ress F3 repea9n 9e command
F3 Key
A search feature for many programs including Microsoft Windows
Alt + F4 will close the program currently
active in Microsoft Windows.
F4 Key
F5 Key
Open the find, replace, and go to window in Microsoft Word.
F5 Key
n all modern nternet browsers pressing F5
will refresh or reload the page or document window.
F5 Key Starts a slideshow in PowerPoint
F6 key
Move the cursor to the Address bar in nternet
Explorer and Mozilla Firefox.
Ctrl + Shift + F6 opens to another open Microsoft
Word document.
F7 Key
Commonly used to spell check and grammar check a document
in Microsoft programs such as Microsoft Word, Outlook, etc.
F7 Key
F7 key Turns on Caret browsing in Mozilla Firefox.
$19 + F7
Runs a Thesaurus check on the word highlighted
F8 key
Commonly used to access Windows Safe Mode
F10 key
n Microsoft Windows F10 activates the menu bar
of an open application.
Shift + F10 is the same as right-clicking on a
highlighted icon, file, or nternet link.
#9 cIck op9ons
F 10 Key Access the hidden recovery
partition on HP and Sony computers.
Enter CMOS Setup.
Full-screen mode in all modern nternet browsers
F11 key Access the hidden recovery partition on
eMachines, Gateway, and Lenovo computers.
9rI + F11 as computer is starting to access the hidden
recovery partition on many Dell computers.
F 12 key Open the Save as window in Microsoft
$ave as wndow
$19 + F12 save the Microsoft Word document
Ctrl + Shift + F12 prints a document in Microsoft Word
a documen9
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