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In the realm where morals meet our plate,

A great contradiction unfolds, both timely and weighty.
Vegans, defenders of animal rights they stand,
Yet, in their ignorance, a paradox so grand.

For in the fields where vegetables grow,

Animal lives endangered, a fact we know.
The plow that turns the soil, the harvester's hand,
Innocent creatures disturbed from their land.

The crops we gather, the fields we tend,

Impact echoes far beyond what we intend.
For in the quest for a cruelty-free feast,
The veggie paradox reveals its beast.

The farmer's dilemma, the wildlife plight,

In the pursuit of what's morally right.
Vegans, too, partake in this complex dance,
Navigating a world of circumstance.

Each meal a statement, each choice a decree,

Yet consequences ripple, far as the sea.
In the veggie paradox, we're all ensnared,
In a web of choices, both wanted and spared.

So let us ponder, with hearts open wide,

The true impact of the choices we abide.
For in the veggie paradox, truth does unfold,
In the delicate balance of hearts and souls.

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