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Difference between Structure and union It is used to read formatted character, string or numeric data from a data file.

Structure Union Syntax:

1. Structure reserves separate 1. Union reserves only one memory fscanf(filepointer, “data format specifier”, &variable);
memory space for each member space for all the member data type. Example:
data type. fscanf(fp,”%s %d”,&name,&age);
2. In union, amount of memory space
2. The amount of memory space required is equal to that required by [6]. fclose( ) : It is used for closing a data file after reading & writing operations.
required to store structure variable is largest member data type. Syntax:
the sum of size of all the member fclose(file pointer);
data type. 3. Only one member data type can be 1) Write a c program to create data file and store name and age.
3. All the members of structure can accessed at a time because only one
be accessed at a time. union variable is active at a time. #include<stdio.h>
4. struct keyword is used to declare 4. Union keyword is used to declare #include<conio.h>
structure. union. void main()
File: file is the collection of related information stored on disk with unique name. clrscr();
FILE *fp;
Elements of file handling: char name[10];
int age;
[1]. Declaration of file pointer:
printf("Enter name and age :");
Syntax: FILE *pointer; e.g. FILE *fp; scanf("%s %d",&name,&age);
fprintf(fp,"%s\t %d",name,age);
[2]. Opening a File:
Syntax: getch();
Pointer name = fopen(“filename”, “mode”); }
2) Write a c program to read data (content) from a data file.
[3]. Modes of opening a file:
r : Reading contents (data items) from a data file.
w : Writing contents (data items) to a data file.
void main()
a : Adding contents(data items) to a exiting data file.
r+ : Reading and writing from and to a data file.
w+ : writing and reading to and from a data file.
FILE *fp;
A+ : reading and adding new contents from and
char name[10];
to a data file. int age;
[4].fprintf( ) : fp=fopen("student.txt","r");
It is used to write formatted character, string or numeric data into a data file. fscanf(fp,"%s %d",&name,&age);
Syntax: printf("%s \t %d",name,age);
fprinf(filepointer, “format specifier”, &variables); fclose(fp);
Example: getch();
fprintf(fp,”%s %d”,name,age); }

[5].fscanf( ) :
3) Write a c program to create a data file “employee.txt” to name , post and salary 5) Write a c program to read all the data (content) from a data file “Employee.txt” .
of any 5 employees #include<stdio.h>
void main()
void main()
FILE *fp;
char name[20],post[20];
FILE *fp;
int salary;
char name[20],post[20];
int salary,j;
while(fscanf(fp,"%s\t %s\t %d",&name,&post,&salary)!=EOF)
for( j=0;j<5;j=j+1)
printf("\n %s\t %s \t%d",name,post,salary);
printf("Enter name,post and salary :");
scanf("%s %s %d",&name,&post,&salary);
fprintf(fp,"%s \t %s \t %d \n",name,post,salary);
getch(); 4) Write a c program to create a data file “people.txt” to store name,sex and age of people.
} The program allows to enter data as long as the user wants.
4) Write a c program to read data (content) from a data file “Employee.txt” which #include<stdio.h>
contains name,post,salary of 5 employees. #include<conio.h>
void main()
#include<stdio.h> {
#include<conio.h> clrscr();
void main() FILE *fp;
{ char name[20],sex[20],re;
re = ‘y’;
int age;
FILE *fp; fp=fopen("people.txt","w");
char name[20],post[20]; while( re=’y’)
int salary,j; {
fp=fopen("employee.txt","r"); printf("Enter name,sex and age :");
for(j=1;j<=5;j=j+1) scanf("%s %s %d",&name,&sex,&age);
{ fprintf(fp,"\n %s \t %s \t %d",name,sex,age);
fscanf(fp,"%s\t%s\t %d",&name,&post,&salary) printf(“do you want store more data”);
printf("\n %s\t %s \t%d",name,post,salary); re = getch();
getch(); getch(); }

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