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Mirella’s Productive Habit Journal


1. A bad habit that I have is procrastinating. I don’t know when it started because I have done it for
as long as I can remember. I always push my work that I need to get done forward and try and
make excuses as to why it is acceptable. I think I procrastinate because I get lazy sometimes, and
I would just rather do other things besides what needs to be done.
2. Strategies to Overcome the Bad Habit:
 I can plan more. This makes it so that the tasks I must do over a few days are evenly distributed,
so it is not overwhelming to start.
 I can set keep track of what must get done, so I am reminded of it and focused. Ex, write a to-do
list on the whiteboard in my room.
 I can try and get out of the habit of being attached to my devices and lower my screen time, so
I’m less tempted to do that instead.
 I can set mini goals and achievements while completing work, meaning, after completing a
portion of work, I can take a small break. This strategy will help keep me motivated.
 I can complete tasks with people around me, like friends or family, because doing things with
other people usually makes things easier.
4. 3 Things I am Grateful for:
 I am grateful for the fact that I am healthy because not everyone is.
 I am grateful that I have a pet dog because she makes life 10 times better.
 I am grateful for having my friends because it is fun to hang out and talk with them.
5. 8 Great Things About Myself
 How determined I can get when I want to do good at something or be better.
 How I like drawing.
 I bake for my family and friends.
 I think before making a decision.
 I like learning new skills.
 I am somewhat smart when it comes to school.
 I try to help people if they get hurt in some way.
 I try not to judge others, and when I do, I feel horrible about it because it is rude.

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