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Thank you for your purchase of Desire Lines Massive Dubstep Patch Pack 1.

A quick note – the patches are all set at different octaves, make sure you mess around on your keyboard till you find the octave
that makes these patches sing, pump pulsate, or whatever sounds fucking filthy.

Here are your ten top production tips:

1) Build up your drum sample collection fast – record or download drum loops, put them into ableton – hit sync to midi,
hey presto – you now have every single drum sample used in the beat.
2) Layer your snares – snare production is hard work, you want a top end snare with a lot of attack, and a bottom end
with body. Eq in some peaks at around 150-200 hz (remember that snares in dubstep are hard hitting – they should
be almost as powerful in terms of low frequencies as the kick). Subtle distortion and small reverb are your dubstep
snare’s best friend. Use samples in your snare drums (punch sound effects are great, gunshots, anything like that will
sound great)
3) I can’t stress this enough, get hold of audacity and use it to sample like crazy from youtube. If you haven’t got any
inspiration, go on a youtube journey, start with a video, follow related videos, keep going till you find something that
sounds interesting. Record it using audacity and put some beats behind it. If you can’t get any inspiration, don’t
bother working – makes some synths instead. Always use samples – whether they are recorded drums or whatever –
totally synthesized tracks are wrong (my opinion).
4) Kick drums should be eq’ed at around 80-100 Hz but remember that they also have a lot of attack which is best heard
in the knocking frequencies (mid-low range). To get your kick pumping through the subs, consider using slight
sidechain compression (so that the subs cut out a little as the kick hits)
5) Get into resampling – there will be tutorials on it in youtube. Remember when adding effects to wobbles, subtlety is
key. Don’t go mad with any single effect. Use lots of effects, only a little, resample, repeat, repeat, repeat, repeat. But
LISTEN to what you are doing. If an effect doesn’t work, scrap it, no matter how long you have spent on it.
6) Learn how to split frequencies (send your wobble to three channels, and eq 1 to cut out the mid and top range, 1 to
cut out the top and bottom range, and on to cut out the bottom and middle range. You can then add separate effects
to each range. It’s hard to do properly, but with practice you’ll be making Gandhi shit his pants in no time.
7) Split your drum frequencies too. Flanging works well on the top end (be subtle) some reverb works well on the mids,
bass channel shouldn’t need a lot of work, but it can be useful for sidechain compression against your sub channel.
8) Don’t worry if your wobbles don’t have bass – some of the best wobbles in dubstep are actually created using
bandpass filters – add bass to this by ALWAYS adding a sub (just a sine wave, eq out the top end). You could even
parallel compress the sub and wobble together to get it to really pulsate, or sidechain compress one into the other.
9) Learn how to master your tracks – or get someone else to do it for you. (I read somewhere that mastering your own
tacks is like cutting your own hair). Subtelty is key, Always eq out everything below 30 hz, put slight compression on
the lows and highs. You want your mids to be more dynamic so don’t compress these as much (or at all). Isotope
Ozone is a great all in one mastering programme. Play your tracks on different speakers whist mastering. All speakers
have their own style, make sure your track sounds good on all of them before inflicting it on the rest of us! (You want
to showcase your talent as best you can, if it won’t sound good on my speakers then you are failing in that respect).
10) Invest in a decent portable digital recorder. When you hear something cool (the hydraulic lift on my brother’s removal
van turned into an EPIC bassline) record it. Take your recorder everywhere you go. There’s nothing worse than
hearing a wicked noise and not being able to capture it.

Super secret free key tip of the year….GET the WOW! filter by Sugar Bytes. This is especially good if you want to resample your
basses, as you can resample a straight (i.e. unwobbling) note, till it would kill a vegetarian at 100 yards, then you can wobble it
using WOW. This helps because sometimes resampling a bass that is already wobbling leaves you limited in what you can go on
to do with it (because it is already recorded, so you can’t change it, rhythmically/melodically speaking).

Get producing. I’d love to hear what you have done with these patches, so send me your finished tracks on youtube.

If anyone has, or needs, any tips or advice let me know! Peace,

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