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Artificial intelligence for predictive maintenance

Rajat Shukla ( MCA )

Institute of Professional Excellence and Management (IPEM), Ghaziabad

This paper explores the application of data analytics for predictive
maintenance in manufacturing. By leveraging machine learning and real-
time sensor data, we demonstrate the effectiveness of predictive
maintenance in minimizing downtime and reducing operational costs.
Case studies illustrate practical implementation and benefits, contributing
to improved equipment efficiency and lifespan.

Maintenance in Industrial Activities: Discusses the importance of maintenance in

modern industrial activities and the need for reliability in operations.

Optimization of Maintenance Processes: Highlights the shift from traditional,

time-based maintenance scheduling to optimizing maintenance processes based on
need to avoid wastage of resources.

Application of Artificial Intelligence: Introduces the central theme of the paper,

which is the application of artificial intelligence techniques to predict machine failure

Dataset Description: Describes the dataset used for the study, which includes sensor
data related to machine health and failure incidents. Specifies the number of records
and the input variables.

Machine Failure Prediction: Discusses the use of artificial neural networks to

predict the state of machine failure (true or false) based on the input variables.

Capabilities and Limitations of Artificial Intelligence: Addresses the strengths

and weaknesses of applying artificial intelligence in predictive maintenance.

Overview of Other Predictive Techniques: Provides a brief overview of alternative

predictive techniques, presumably in comparison to the AI approach.
In summary, the paper primarily revolves around the application of artificial
intelligence for predictive maintenance, using a synthetic dataset to train a model for
predicting machine failures. It also touches upon the broader context of maintenance
in industrial settings and briefly discusses alternative predictive techniques.

Keywords: Artificial intelligence, predictive maintenance, predictive models, neural


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