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Lightning Web Component ( LWC ) Interview Questions In Salesforce

1. What are Lightning Web Components (LWC), and how do they differ from
Aura components?
- Lightning Web Components (LWC) are a new programming model for
building Lightning components on the Salesforce platform, based on modern
web standards like ECMAScript 6. They offer better performance and a simpler
programming model compared to Aura components.

2. Explain the lifecycle hooks available in Lightning Web Components.

- LWC provides several lifecycle hooks:
- Constructor: Initializes the component.
- ConnectedCallback: Called when the component is inserted into the DOM.
- RenderedCallback: Called after the component's elements are rendered.
- DisconnectedCallback: Called when the component is removed from the

3. What is the purpose of the `@api` decorator in LWC, and how is it used?
- The `@api` decorator is used to expose public properties or methods from a
Lightning web component. It allows these properties or methods to be
accessed by parent components or other components in the Lightning App

4. How do you handle events in Lightning Web Components?

- Events in LWC can be handled using standard DOM event handlers like
`onclick`, `onchange`, etc., or by using custom events created using the
CustomEvent API.
5. What is the difference between standard and custom events in LWC?
- Standard events are native browser events like click, change, etc., while
custom events are events that you create and dispatch from your components
using the CustomEvent API.

6. Explain the concept of wire adapters in LWC and how they are used to
fetch data from Salesforce backend.
- Wire adapters in LWC are functions provided by the Lightning Platform that
enable you to fetch data from Salesforce backend services, such as Apex
methods, SOQL queries, and platform events, declaratively in your component.

7. What are the advantages of using wire services over imperative Apex calls
in LWC?
- Wire services are more efficient as they automatically handle caching, client-
side data synchronization, and error handling. They also promote a reactive
programming model where changes to the data are automatically reflected in
the UI without manual intervention.

8. How do you handle errors and exceptions in Lightning Web Components?

- Errors and exceptions in LWC can be handled using try-catch blocks or by
using the `onError` event handler provided by the Lightning Platform.

9. Can you create reusable components in LWC, and if yes, how?

- Yes, reusable components can be created in LWC by encapsulating common
UI elements or functionalities into separate components and then reusing
them across different parent components or applications.

10. Describe the role of the `@track` decorator in LWC.

- The `@track` decorator is used to mark a property as reactive, meaning
changes to that property trigger a re-render of the component. It ensures that
changes to tracked properties are reflected in the UI.

11. How can you call Apex methods imperatively from LWC components?
- Apex methods can be called imperatively from LWC components using the
imperative Apex wire adapter or by importing and calling the Apex method
directly in the JavaScript code.

12. What is the role of the Lightning Data Service (LDS) in LWC, and how does
it differ from wire services?
- Lightning Data Service (LDS) provides a standard way to access and
manipulate Salesforce data in Lightning components without requiring custom
Apex code. It differs from wire services in that it automatically handles record
caching, data synchronization, and sharing rules enforcement.

13. Explain the concept of Lightning Message Service (LMS) and its use in
communication between Lightning Web Components.
- Lightning Message Service (LMS) is a pub/sub messaging service provided
by the Lightning Platform that enables communication between Lightning Web
Components regardless of their hierarchical relationship. It allows components
to communicate with each other without needing to know about their parent-
child relationship.

14. What is the role of CSS in Lightning Web Components?

- CSS in Lightning Web Components is used for styling components and
controlling their appearance. It can be scoped to the component using the
`:host` pseudo-class to prevent style leakage and conflicts.

15. How do you handle conditional rendering in Lightning Web Components?

- Conditional rendering in LWC can be achieved using directives like `if:true`,
`if:false`, and `template if:true`, which conditionally render elements based on
JavaScript expressions.

16. Explain the difference between Lightning Web Components and

Visualforce pages.
- Lightning Web Components are built on modern web standards and provide
better performance, a simpler programming model, and easier integration with
JavaScript frameworks compared to Visualforce pages, which are built on older
technologies like HTML, JavaScript, and Apex.

17. Can you use third-party JavaScript libraries in Lightning Web

Components? If yes, how?
- Yes, third-party JavaScript libraries can be used in Lightning Web
Components by importing them into the component's JavaScript file using the
`import` statement and then using them as needed within the component.

18. What is the role of the `@wire` decorator in LWC, and how is it used?
- The `@wire` decorator is used to call Apex methods or wire adapters
imperatively in Lightning Web Components. It automatically handles data
retrieval, caching, and error handling, and updates the UI when the data

19. Explain the concept of slot in Lightning Web Components.

- Slots in Lightning Web Components are placeholders that allow developers
to pass markup or components from parent components to child components,
enabling greater flexibility and reusability.

20. How do you implement pagination in Lightning Web Components for

fetching large data sets?
- Pagination in LWC can be implemented by fetching a subset of records from
the server using wire services or imperative Apex calls and then displaying
them in the UI with navigation controls to move between pages.

21. What are the different types of directives available in Lightning Web
- Directives in LWC include `if:true`, `if:false`, `template if:true`, `template
if:false`, `for:each`, and `for:item`.

22. Explain the concept of LDS records in Lightning Web Components.

- LDS records in Lightning Web Components represent Salesforce records
retrieved using the Lightning Data Service. They provide a reactive data model
that automatically updates the UI when the data changes.

23. What is the role of the `@api` and `@wire` decorators in LWC?
- The `@api` decorator is used to expose public properties or methods from a
Lightning Web Component, while the `@wire` decorator is used to call Apex
methods or wire adapters imperatively.

24. How do you handle navigation between Lightning Web Components?

- Navigation between Lightning Web Components can be handled using the
Lightning Navigation Service provided by the Lightning Platform, which allows
you to navigate to different pages or components within the Salesforce app.

25. Explain the concept of composition in Lightning Web Components.

- Composition in LWC refers to the ability to combine multiple components
together to create more complex UI elements or functionalities, enabling
greater reusability and modularity.
26. What is the role of the `this.template` property in Lightning Web
- The `this.template` property in Lightning Web Components provides access
to the component's DOM representation, allowing you to manipulate DOM
elements directly within the component's JavaScript code.

27. Explain the difference between imperative and declarative programming

in Lightning Web Components.
- In Lightning Web Components, imperative programming involves writing
explicit JavaScript code to perform actions such as fetching data or
manipulating the DOM, while declarative programming involves using built-in
features like wire services and event handling to achieve the same tasks with
less code.

28. How do you handle form submissions in Lightning Web Components?

- Form submissions in LWC can be handled using standard HTML `<form>`
elements and event handlers like `onsubmit`, or by using the `submit` event in
JavaScript to intercept and process form data before submission.

29. What are the benefits of using Lightning Web Components over
Visualforce pages?
- Lightning Web Components offer better performance, a simpler
programming model, and easier integration with JavaScript frameworks
compared to Visualforce pages. They also provide a more modern user
experience and support for responsive design out of the box.

30. Explain the concept of component composition in Lightning Web

- Component composition in LWC involves combining multiple smaller
components together to create more complex UI elements or functionalities.
This allows for greater reusability, maintainability, and modularity in your
31. How do you handle events between parent and child components in
Lightning Web Components?
- Events between parent and child components in LWC can be handled by
dispatching and handling custom events using the `dispatchEvent()` and
`addEventListener()` methods, respectively. Parent components can also pass
data to child components using properties.

32. What are the different types of navigation available in Lightning Web
- Navigation in LWC can be done using the Lightning Navigation Service,
which supports various types of navigation actions such as standard page
navigation, URL navigation, and component navigation.

33. How do you implement conditional CSS styling in Lightning Web

- Conditional CSS styling in LWC can be implemented using JavaScript
expressions in template files to dynamically apply CSS classes or inline styles
based on component state or user interactions.

34. Explain the concept of event bubbling and event propagation in Lightning
Web Components.
- Event bubbling and event propagation in LWC refer to the process by which
events are passed up or down the component hierarchy. Event bubbling occurs
when an event is triggered in a child component and propagates up to its
parent components, while event propagation occurs when an event is triggered
in a parent component and propagates down to its child components.

35. How do you handle user authentication and authorization in Lightning

Web Components?
- User authentication and authorization in LWC can be handled using built-in
features like Salesforce Identity, OAuth, and the Salesforce Security Model.
Additionally, you can implement custom authentication and authorization logic
using Apex controllers and custom permissions.

36. Explain the concept of data binding in Lightning Web Components.

- Data binding in LWC refers to the process of connecting data in the
component's JavaScript file to the component's UI elements in the template
file. This allows changes to the data to automatically reflect in the UI, and vice

37. What are the different types of data binding available in Lightning Web
- In LWC, there are two types of data binding: one-way data binding, where
changes in the JavaScript are reflected in the UI, and two-way data binding,
where changes in the UI are reflected back in the JavaScript.

38. How do you handle errors and exceptions in Apex controllers used with
Lightning Web Components?
- Errors and exceptions in Apex controllers used with LWC can be handled
using try-catch blocks, and the results can be communicated back to the
Lightning Web Component using error handling mechanisms such as custom
events or returned values.

39. What is the role of the Lightning App Builder in Lightning Web
- The Lightning App Builder allows users to create custom pages and apps
using Lightning Web Components, Aura components, and standard
components. It provides a drag-and-drop interface for assembling components
and configuring their properties.
40. How do you ensure the accessibility of Lightning Web Components?
- Accessibility in LWC can be ensured by following best practices such as
using semantic HTML elements, providing alternative text for images, ensuring
keyboard navigation, and adhering to WCAG guidelines. Additionally, you can
use the Salesforce Lightning Design System (SLDS) for accessible component

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