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My Onomatopoeia Poem

Repeating Line Sentence Starters Word Prompt Mat

On my way to school… Onomatopoeia
wow ka-boom smash vroom
The day the sounds changed…
pop splash poof clang
When I woke up… At school… zip splat crack swoosh
zap clink bang woosh
In the classroom… On my birthday… crunch ting gulp ring
In my dreams… On holiday… slush beep snap boink
swish boing click thud
By the beach… crash pow zoom bong
When the sounds changed… boom creak whack splish
bam wham smack
Animal Onomatopoeia
howl hiss quack bark meow
squeak squeal oink neigh chirp
squawk tweet hoot bleat moo
growl roar swish grunt purr
screech hum buzz croak honk

cluck ribbit cock-a-doodle-do baa

Twinkl Quality Standard Approved.

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