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Mystic Warlords of Ka'a

Single Player Rules

If you have acquired the entire set, and have no players but yourself then you are in luck!! This
player's guide is for the select few ones who like card games and have no opponents available.
This was inspired by my own issues of trying to work out the bugs of the game.

The basis of single player is still essentially the same mechanics; start by picking the faction of
your choice, shuffle the entire deck, choose the opponent deck to face, and shuffle that one as
well. Start by choosing 20-40 life points based on the length of play or skill-set. Draw 5 cards
from your deck into your hand then flip over the top 5 cards of your opponents deck to the
summon area. Look at your hand and choose a card that can best the first card drawn from left to
right. ie by summon level or by rune; (just like in the original house rules.) Essentially from
there you follow the house rules, but instead when you win the face off draw a card from the
unaligned deck (that has also been pre-shuffled). But if the opposing deck wins they get to draw
and place that card randomly in the deck, If you are able to beat that opposing faction continue to
the next faction until you run out of life points. Taking out all unaligned cards from the previous
duel from both decks and reshuffling them before you start. Also note that you will need the
same materials as the original rule-set ie die, tokens, ect. Please refer to the original rules for any
questions or concerns. Challenge yourself to beat all the factions (without cheating) to become
the Ultimate Mystic Warlord of Ka'a

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