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Babylyn C.

Nacion BSED 2-MATH Reflection


A child has a right to inclusive education; it is not a privilege. Without excluding

anyone, inclusion supports equitable and high-quality education for all students,
including those who might be excluded due to their learning needs or social

The best method to ensure that every kid has an equal opportunity to attend
school, study, and acquire the skills they need to succeed is through inclusive
education. All kids in the same classrooms, in the same schools, is what is meant
by inclusive education. Every child and every citizen should have access to high-
quality education, according to UNESCO. UNESCO contributes to the
strengthening of international ties by promoting cultural heritage and the equality
of all civilizations. UNESCO supports scientific policies and programs as platforms
for cooperation and development. Additionally, UNESCO will continue to mobilize
its partners and pertinent stakeholders to collaborate in order to remove all
obstacles and deal with inequities, inequalities, and all forms of exclusion and
marginalization. In order to do this, cooperation with important inclusion partners
like the Agency must be further strengthened.

With gender equality as its guiding principle, UNESCO provides global and regional
leadership in education, strengthens educational systems around the world, and
uses education to address current global challenges. From early childhood
through higher education and beyond, its work encompasses high-quality
educational development.

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