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One-Way TOS
Topic No. of % No. of Item
Hours Items Placement
Assess the relevance and worth of ideas presented 9 22.5% 11 1-11
in the material viewed.
Draw generalizations and conclusions from the 7 17.5% 8 12-19
material viewed
Explain the literary devices used 10 25% 12 20-31
Distinguish between and among informative, 8 20% 10 32-41
journalistic, and literary writing
Take note of sequence signals or connectors to 6 15% 7 42-48
determine patterns of idea development given in a
Total 40hrs. 100% 48 48

Two-Way TOS
Item Specification
Topic No. of % No. R U Ap An E C
Hours of
Assess the relevance and 9 22.5 11 1-4 5-6 7-8 9 10 11
worth of ideas presented %
in the material viewed.
Draw generalizations and 7 17.5 8 12-13 14-15 16-17 18 19
conclusions from the %
material viewed
Explain the literary 10 25% 12 20-24 25-26 27-28 29 30 31
devices used
Distinguish between and 8 20% 10 32-34 35-36 37-38 39 40 41
among informative,
journalistic, and literary
Take note of sequence 6 15% 7 42-43 44 45 46 47 48
signals or connectors to
determine patterns of
idea development given in
a text
Total 40hrs. 100% 48
English – Grade 9
Test Questionnaire

Directions: Read and understand each item carefully. Write the letter of the correct answer
on the space beside each number.

1. When evaluating the relevance of ideas from the material viewed, which of the
following is the most important factor?
A. The length of the material
B. The number of visual aids used
C. The alignment of ideas with the learning objective
D. The popularity of the source

2. What should be considered when determining the worth of ideas presented in the
material viewed?
A. The complexity of the language used
B. The date of publication
C. The author's personal experiences
D. The accuracy and reliability of the information

3. In assessing the relevance of ideas from the material viewed, why is it crucial to
consider the alignment with the learning objective?
A. To identify spelling and grammatical errors
B. To determine if the material includes humor or anecdotes
C. To ensure that the material helps achieve the intended learning outcomes
D. To evaluate the length of the material

4. Which factor contributes most to determining the worth of ideas presented?

A. The popularity of the source
B. The engagement level of the content
C. The credibility and trustworthiness of the information
D. The use of colorful visuals and images

5. Which of the following statements is an example of a relevant idea?

A. The Earth is round.
B. The author’s favorite color is blue.
C. The Earth is the third planet from the sun.
D. The author argues that climate change is a hoax.

6. Which of the following statements is an example of a worthless idea?

A. The Earth is round.
B. The author’s favorite color is blue.
C. The Earth is the third planet from the sun.
D. The author argues that climate change is a hoax.

7. Which of the seven types of mis-/disinformation refers to when headlines, visuals,

and captions do not support the content?
A. False Content
B. Imposter Content
C. False Context
D. Manipulated Content
8. When news stories from previous years are re-shared in present time, with false
contextual information, these are __________.
A. False Context
B. Imposter Content
C. False Content
D. Manipulated Content

9. When genuine sources are impersonated

A. False Content
B. Imposter Content
C. Satire or Parody
D. Misleading Content

10. What information disorder refers to new content which is 100% false, and is designed
to deceive and do harm?
A. Satire or Parody
B. Fabricated Content
C. Misleading Content
D. Manipulated Content

11. Why is it essential to evaluate the alignment of an idea with the context or purpose?
A. To identify the number of conflicting opinions about the idea
B. To ensure the idea is aligned with personal preferences
C. To verify if the idea contributes to achieving specific objectives
D. To determine the idea's aesthetic appeal

12. What distinguishes a generalization from a conclusion?

A. Generalizations are based on specific instances, while conclusions are broad
B. Generalizations are always accurate, while conclusions may have errors.
C. Generalizations are tentative, while conclusions are definitive.
D. Generalizations are drawn from broader observations, while conclusions are
specific deductions.

13. When making a generalization, what should be considered?

A. The inclusion of subjective opinions to enhance diversity
B. The use of broad statements without specific examples
C. The relevance and consistency of multiple observed instances
D. The avoidance of concrete data to maintain flexibility

14. What defines a hasty generalization?

A. A generalization based on insufficient evidence or biased examples
B. A generalization that covers too broad a spectrum of examples
C. A generalization supported by extensive research and data
D. A generalization that lacks clarity or coherence

15. How does a conclusion differ from an inference?

A. A conclusion is a judgment reached based on evidence, while an inference is
a logical guess.
B. A conclusion is tentative, while an inference is definite.
C. A conclusion involves reasoning from specific observations, while an inference
involves broad assumptions.
D. A conclusion is always a logical outcome, while an inference can be illogical.
16. What should be a primary concern when drawing conclusions?
A. Incorporating emotions to enhance persuasive power
B. Avoiding connections between observed data and conclusions
C. Ensuring logical reasoning based on available evidence
D. Omitting contradictory information to maintain consistency

17. What is an example of a valid conclusion?

A. All teenagers are irresponsible based on a few observed instances.
B. Some politicians are dishonest, therefore all politicians are dishonest.
C. Most cats I've met dislike water, so all cats dislike water.
D. A few students in class are good at math, therefore all students are good at

18. What contributes to a strong generalization?

A. Relying on personal experiences without considering broader perspectives
B. Collecting data from diverse sources to ensure varied viewpoints
C. Ignoring consistent patterns observed across multiple instances
D. Using vague and ambiguous language to avoid precision

19. What is the primary objective when forming generalizations or conclusions?

A. To present subjective viewpoints without considering objectivity
B. To reach definitive statements regardless of the evidence
C. To synthesize available evidence and draw reasonable inferences
D. To rely solely on intuition and assumptions without factual support

20. What literary device is used when a non-human object is given human-like qualities?
A. Simile
B. Metaphor
C. Personification
D. Alliteration

21. Which literary device involves the repetition of consonant sounds at the beginning of
A. Simile
B. Onomatopoeia
C. Alliteration
D. Hyperbole

22. Which literary device involves a deliberate exaggeration for emphasis or effect?
A. Alliteration
B. Onomatopoeia
C. Hyperbole
D. Irony

23. What literary device creates a comparison using "like" or "as"?

A. Simile
B. Metaphor
C. Personification
D. Hyperbole
24. What literary device involves the use of words that imitate the sounds they
A. Simile
B. Onomatopoeia
C. Alliteration
D. Metaphor

25. Which literary device is used when there is a contradiction between what is expected
and what occurs?
A. Personification
B. Irony
C. Hyperbole
D. Simile

26. What literary device is employed when an object represents an idea or concept larger
than itself?
A. Simile
B. Metaphor
C. Personification
D. Symbolism

27. Which literary device involves the repetition of vowel sounds in nearby words?
A. Onomatopoeia
B. Alliteration
C. Assonance
D. Irony

28. What literary device is used to hint at events that will occur later in the story?
A. Metaphor
B. Personification
C. Foreshadowing
D. Hyperbole

29. Which literary device involves giving human-like characteristics to abstract ideas or
inanimate objects?
A. Irony
B. Hyperbole
C. Personification
D. Metaphor

30. What literary device uses one thing to represent something else, suggesting a
similarity between them?
A. Metaphor
B. Simile
C. Personification
D. Symbolism

31. Which literary device creates a situation where the audience knows more than the
characters in the story?
A. Irony
B. Alliteration
C. Symbolism
D. Onomatopoeia
32. Which writing style primarily focuses on delivering factual information in a
straightforward manner?
A. Informative
B. Journalistic
C. Literary
D. Persuasive

33. Which type of writing often uses objective language and aims to report events or
A. Literary
B. Persuasive
C. Informative
D. Expository

34. What distinguishes journalistic writing from literary writing?

A. The use of descriptive language
B. The focus on emotional storytelling
C. The primary aim of conveying facts and news
D. The inclusion of fictional elements

35. What is a key characteristic of journalistic writing?

A. It emphasizes imaginative storytelling.
B. It presents facts objectively and concisely.
C. It predominantly utilizes fictional elements.
D. It focuses on expressing personal viewpoints.

36. Which writing style is most likely to utilize artistic elements like metaphors and
A. Journalistic
B. Persuasive
C. Literary
D. Informative

37. What is the primary goal of informative writing?

A. To entertain and amuse the audience
B. To convey information clearly and objectively
C. To persuade readers to take a specific action
D. To provoke an emotional response from the audience

38. What is a crucial aspect of journalistic writing?

A. Incorporating personal opinions to enhance credibility
B. Presenting a balanced and unbiased view of events
C. Using vivid and imaginative language to captivate readers
D. Prioritizing the author's emotions over factual accuracy

39. Which type of writing typically features a strong emphasis on storytelling and
engaging narratives?
A. Informative
B. Journalistic
C. Literary
D. Persuasive
40. What is a common characteristic of literary writing?
A. The exclusion of descriptive language
B. The reliance on straightforward and factual content
C. The exploration of themes and deeper meanings
D. The avoidance of character development

41. What distinguishes informative writing from persuasive writing?

A. Informative writing aims to entertain, while persuasive writing aims to
B. Informative writing presents facts objectively, while persuasive writing tries to
sway opinions.
C. Informative writing utilizes emotional appeals, while persuasive writing
focuses on logic.
D. Informative writing aims to change readers' beliefs, while persuasive writing
seeks to inform.

42. Which sequence signal is typically used to indicate an enumeration or listing of

A. Consequently
B. Secondly
C. For instance
D. Nonetheless

43. Which sequence signal is used to highlight an example or illustrate a point?

A. However
B. Therefore
C. Such as
D. Similarly

44. What sequence signal is commonly employed to introduce a chronological order of

A. In conclusion
B. Meanwhile
C. Eventually
D. Initially

45. Which sequence signal signifies the addition of information or ideas?

A. Furthermore
B. On the contrary
C. Therefore
D. Similarly

46. “Exercise plays a crucial role in maintaining good health. Firstly, regular physical
activity boosts cardiovascular fitness. Additionally, it enhances mental well-being by
reducing stress levels. Finally, exercise contributes to overall vitality and longevity.”
Which sequence signal introduces an additional point or idea?
A. Firstly
B. Regular
C. Additionally
D. Finally
47. "Urbanization has led to notable changes in societal structures. Initially, rural-to-
urban migration increased population density in cities. Moreover, it necessitated
infrastructural development to accommodate growing numbers. Consequently,
cultural shifts and lifestyle changes became evident."
Which sequence signal highlights a need arising from a preceding event?
A. Initially
B. Moreover
C. Consequently
D. Necessitated

48. "The evolution of technology has transformed various industries over the years.
Initially, computers revolutionized data processing, enabling faster calculations.
Moreover, the advent of the internet connected people globally, revolutionizing
communication. Subsequently, smartphones emerged, merging communication and
computing into one handheld device."
Which sequence signal in Sample Text 2 signifies the addition of information or an
extension of the point?
A. Initially
B. Moreover
C. Revolutionized
D. Subsequently
Answer Key:
1. C
2. D
3. C
4. C
5. C
6. B
7. A
8. A
9. B
10. C
11. C
12. D
13. C
14. A
15. A
16. C
17. C
18. B
19. C
20. C
21. C
22. C
23. A
24. B
25. B
26. D
27. C
28. C
29. C
30. A
31. A
32. A
33. C
34. C
35. B
36. C
37. B
38. B
39. C
40. C
41. B
42. C
43. C
44. D
45. A
46. C
47. D
48. B

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