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Culture and Civilisation

A. Answers to the following questions are readily available in
the book.Students can take the liberty to paraphrase the
answers given below.

1. What are the official languages of Canada?

2. What do you understand by the term << le français
3. Name four dialects spoken within France?
4. Name the French term used for 24-hour system ?
5. Name the four vegetables consumed during the summer season
in France?

1. The official languages of Canada are English and French.

2. <<Le français québécois>> refers to the French language as
spoken in the province of Quebec, Canada.
3. Four dialects spoken within France are Breton, Occitan, Alsatian,
and Corsican.
4. The 24-hour system is called L’heure officielle in French.
5. Four vegetables consumed during the summer season in France
are onions, eggplants ,cucumbers, and bell peppers.

B. Write the names of 5 edible products in french.

1. Le Pain - Bread
2. La Fromage - Cheese
3. La Pomme - Apple
4. Le Lait - Milk
5. L’Œuf - Egg
6. Le Poulet - Chicken
7. La Tomate - Tomato
8. Le Poisson - Fish
9. La Carotte - Carrot
10. Le Chocolat - Chocolate
Note:Five is the minimum requirement.

C. Classify the time in the table given below:

( 12h00 - 10h15 - 03h00 - 16h03 - 23h00 )

Le Le L’après-midi Le soir La nuit
matin(Morning) midi(Mid- (Afternoon) (Evening) (Nighttime)

2.Section A- Compréhension écrite

A.The words required to understand the passage.
1.salue (saluer) - greet
2.veut (vouloir) - want
3.demande (demander) - ask
4.dit (dire) - to say
5.discutent (discuter) - discuss
6.commande (commander) - order
7.a (avoir) - have
8.reçoit (recevoir) - receive
9. demande (demander) - ask
10. s'élève (s'élever) - amounts to
11. paie (payer) - pay
12. souhaite (souhaiter) - wish
13. vendeuse - saleswoman
14. poires - pears
15. combien - how much
16. besoin - need
17. également - also
18. de - of
19. tomates - tomatoes
20. épinards - spinach
21. ainsi - as well as
22. que - that
23. Cependant - However
24. n'a pas - does not have
25. d'oignons - of onions
26. d'accord - okay
27. avec - with
28. cela - that
29. Après - After
30. coût - cost
31. qui - which
32. s'élève (s'élever) - amounts to
33. même - same
34. Combien il en a besoin- how much of it he needs

B.Trouvez dans le texte.(Find from within the text)

1.Une conjonction.(One conjunction from the passage).
Conjunctions you need to know are as follows: 1.Et 2. Mais 3.
Ainsi que
Note:Any one will do.

2.La forme nominale du verbe.(The nominal form of the verb).

Nominal forms(The noun form) that you need to know of the
verbs are as follows: 1. Saluer=Salutation(To greet=Greeting
2.Acheter=Achat(To buy=Purchase)
Note:The nominal form of the verb will be from the pair
mentioned above.

3. L’homologue masculin de la vendeuse.(Male counterpart of

the word)

4.Une préposition.(One preposition from the passage)

Note:For this, Students are advised to refer to the list of
the words for the passage.

5.Synonyme du mot<<………>>.(Synonym of the word…..)

Synonyms that you need to know for this question are as
follows: 1.Prix=Coût 2.Aussi=Également
Note:Students might be presented with either of the words
mentioned above.

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