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Khyle father planted a caimito tree some

years ago. Last October it began to bear its
first flowers. The fruits were very slow in
growing. Khyle could hardly wait to, see
them ripen.

One day Khyle saw a big, dark violet

“Father, Father! Shouted. There is a ripe
caimito now.”
Khyle looked up at other branches.

“Oh! There are some more. They are

hidden behind the leaves. Come, Father.
Let’s get them all.”
There were about twenty fruits that
Khyle father picked from the tree. They
were the first harvest. They were all sweet
and delicious.

1. Who planted a caimito tree?

a. Khyle uncle
b. Khyle father
c. Khyle grandfather

2. When did he plant it?

a. Some years ago
b. Ten years
c. A few years ago

3. When did it bear its first flowers?

a. Last month
b. Last year
c. Last October

4. How fast did the fruits grow?

a. Very slow
b. Very fast
c. Not so fast
5. What did Khyle see one day?
a. A bird eating a ripe fruit
b. A big, green fruit
c. A big, dark violet fruit

6. Whom did he call?

a. His father
b. His mother
c. His brother

7. What did he see at the other branches?

a. Some more birds
b. Some more ripe fruits
c. Some more green fruits

8. Where were they hidden?

a. Behind the leaves
b. Behind the trunk
c. Behind the branches

9. How many fruits did Khyle father pick?

a. About hundred
b. About twenty
c. About fifty
10. How did they taste?
a. Sweet delicious
b. Not delicious
c. Sour

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