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Practice Paper - General Questions

Subject: Science Std: IX

Chapter 4: Structure of the Atom

General Instructions:
1. The Practice Paper comprises objective and short and long answer type questions.
2. Attempt all questions.

1. The atomic number of an element is 16. If its mass number is 34, find the number
of neutrons.

2. Why did Rutherford choose gold foil in the alpha particle experiment?

3. Write the electronic configuration of each element represented by symbols A, B, C

and D in the following table.
Element Atomic number Electronic
A 16
B 18
C 13
D 17
State which of A, B, C and D represents: (i) metal (ii) nonmetal (iii) noble gas
(a) metal
(b) nonmetal
(c) noble gas

4. If both K and L shells of an atom are full, what is the total number of electrons in
the atom? Identify the element.


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Practice Paper - General Questions
a) Define Isotopes
b) Define Isobars
c) Select isotopes and isobars from the following
40 37 35 40
18 Z , 17Y ,17 X ,19 K

6. State Bohr- Bury rules for the distribution of electrons in different energy levels.

7. What did Rutherford’s alpha scattering experiment prove?

8. Mention uses of the following isotopes.

(a) Cobalt
(b) Iodine

9. The isotopes of an element have similar chemical properties. Give reasons?

10. State the major drawback in Rutherford’s model of the atom.


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