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Earth or the Earth is the planet on which we live. People usually say, Earth when
they are referring to the planet as part of the universe, and the Earth when they are talking
about the planet as the place where we live. Earth or the earth is the third planet from the sun,
the only planet on which life is known to exist. and consists of three geological zones or
layers, the core, mantle, and crust.
As one of the elements, Earth is all about being stable, grounded and real. It's like the
backbone of the physical world, giving us a solid base for life, its qualities are embodied in
the solidity of land, the reliability of structures and the enduring nature of natural
The Earth element made us align, comparable, manifest, and the representation of
element to the TEAM ALPHA is just simply because as a team, we, represent unity,
determination, strength and stability not only on physical aspects but also mentally, spiritually
and socially. We are motivated, capacitated and equipped with knowledge, skills and attitude
and dedicated towards the assigned tasks. But most of all, we the TEAM ALPHA were
embodied to the mission, vision and mandates of the MDRRM Office. Mission represents as
the Earth’s core, Vision as the Earth’s mantle and Mandates as the Earth’s crust.
On the other hand, the TEAM ALPHA sometimes experiences misunderstanding
among members and it is common to all organizations.
With regards to our daily tasks, sometimes, we endured lack of sleep to untimely
distressed calls, response operations and medical emergencies since we pledge to serve the
people 24/7 and even risking our lives to those who are in dire needs so that others may live.
We feel awake while others were on sound sleep. Same as the Earth, it rotates 24hrs without
rest and sleep. Most of us don’t know about the Earth element is not actually round as we can
see in the pictures and illustrations,
Just like the Earth, even though it is not spherical and being flattened at the poles, but
it continues to rotate 24hrs a day without hesitation for the benefits of the mankind in the
universe. The TEAM ALPHA as similar to the Earth element will continue to serve and
oblige to perform the best of what we can do for the benefits and welfare of the people of
Tubod and the entire Province of Lanao del Norte in general. So, let us explore, make fun,
laugh and focus on the office mission, vision and mandates and cultivate a resilient
foundation for success to gain ultimate rewards and appreciations.
Aiming a “Zero Casualty Principle and Disaster Resilient Tubodnons”
The wind element within team bravo responder stands as a vital force, weaving
through the organization’s fabric with a seamless blend of adaptability, dynamic energy, and a
continuous flow of innovation. Much like the intricate steps of a synchronized dance this
elemental quality breathes life into team, fostering collaboration and propelling gust of
creativity. Ultimately, the wind element within team bravo responder is not just a metaphor, it
is a lived experience, shaping the team’s culture, mind-set, and approach to work.
It is the unseen force that propels the organization forward, ensuring that it remains
not just responsive but proactive in the dynamic landscape of its endeavours. A gust of
creativity sweeps through the team, propelled by the wind element. This creative force is not
confined to specific department or roles but permeates the entire organization. It encourage
thinking outside the box, exploring uncharted territories, and embracing unconventional
solution the team becomes breeding group for innovation, where creativity is not a sporadic
event but an ongoing, dynamic process.
Team bravo is comparable to air element in a way that the air element are the thinkers,
and communicators. We breeze through life. We have a “LIVE AND LET LIVE” means be
alive, to have life, as an organism, be capable of vital functions, all things that live, To
continue to have life and to live to a ripe old age. Mentality and our knowledge helps us make
decisions easily. Also, just like the air element we our leaders of society it means we have the
ability to see situations from an intellectual perspective without being clouded by emotions.
We can come off as cold or even unfeeling, but we def do have emotions we are just like to
keep them private instead of wearing them on our sleeve.
The dynamic atmosphere cultivated by the wind element ensure that team bravo
responder remain an incubator for diverse skills and perspectives. It is a space where
individuals are encouraged to bring their authentic selves to the table, contributing to a rich
tapestry of experiences. This diversity becomes the source of a rhythmic harmony, where
different voice and talents blend into symphony of collective achievement.
Air element in attach to ourselves our attributes a capability, we are extremely
sociable we know how to get the party started, we can get along with anybody including
those who aren’t part of social groups, air element is master of both small talk and deep
conversation, and we know how to use our wit to get them out of awkward moments. Our
witty, charming nature means we thrive at any social gathering. Basically, we’re the people
everyone wants to be besties with.
Our team represented by the element of wind contributes to the municipal disaster risk
reduction and more by being the shield of resilience at all the negativity by both mentally and
physically, we are the companion of the all the trials in our office, we welcome you to release
your emotions and we are open to listen, so you don’t have the burden, while helping other
people. Resilience is not a passive quality but an active response to difficulties. It is the
ability to adapt, learn, and grow from setbacks, ensuring the challenges become stepping
stones for future success
With fire comes light which serve as guiding light in darkness. As for Team Charlie,
the representation of the fire element extends beyond its literal light and flames. This element
represents our passion, adaptability, resilience, teamwork, warmth and the purity of
In this very noble calling of responding to emergencies and saving lives, our
commitment constantly ignites our passion to serve and respond. These flames of
commitment burn brightly within each member of our team which continually drive us to
perform our tasks and help the people in need.
Just as how fire could easily adapt to its surroundings, we, the responders of Team
Charlie could also be flexible, resilient and adaptive by modifying our strategies and
innovating solutions especially for highly unpredictable situations. Our team is fueled by our
determination to overcome challenges and save lives. With determination and burning
passion comes teamwork and unity within our team. We exemplify collaborative spirit just
like the coordinated dance of flames.
Although each one is uniquely different from one another, all members work
seamlessly together in order to achieve the same goal which is to save and protect those in
need. We complement each other. Just as how fire requires combination of other elements to
sustain itself, our team thrives on respect, teamwork and unity which is essential in this line
of work.
Fire provides warmth and in the context of saving lives, this symbolizes the warmth,
care and compassion that our team has for the community.
Further, fire has the power to remove impurities and leave behind renewed essence,
similarly, our team is motivated by our intention to purify the aftermath of disasters, give
comfort and warmth to the victims/affected and restore a sense of hope in the face of
adversity. These intentions are what we embody as we go to work and serve our community
every day.
As part of the Safer Tubod Emergency Management Services (STEMS) of the
Municipal Disaster Risk Reduction Management Office of Tubod, Team Charlie draw
inspiration from the symbolic fire within us which constantly fuels our collective
commitment and efforts in responding to emergency situations.
Our burning passion, unwavering commitment, adaptability, resilience, warmth and
purity of intentions are representation of the fire element that kindles within us.
Finally, just as how fast the fire spread, our team responds faster.
The triangle is a common symbol in disaster preparedness and response. It can
represent the three phases of disaster management: preparedness, mitigation, and response. In
the context of the Delta Team, the triangle could also represent the three pillars of their work:
prevention, rescue, and rehabilitation. Also, the “inverted triangle” symbolizes unstable
conditions we are facing today, but guarded by the MDRRMO-STEMS and DELTA in all
sides, threats can be minimized and ready response is available.
The water drop is a more specific symbol of the Delta Team's focus on water-related
Floods, typhoons, and other water emergencies are all part of the Delta Team's mandate. The
water drop could also represent the team's fluidity and adaptability in the face of changing
disaster situations.
The color blue is often associated with water, but it can also symbolize trust, security,
and peace. These are all qualities that are important for a disaster response team. The blue
color could also represent the Delta Team's commitment to protecting the community from
The text around the logo provides additional information about the Delta Team.
"MDRRMO" stands for Municipal Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Office, which
is the government agency that the Delta Team is a part of. "DELTA" is the name of the team
And "STEMS" stands for Safer Tubod Emergency Management Services, which is the
responder’s term of the MDRRMO.
Overall, the Delta Team logo is a well-designed and meaningful symbol. It effectively
conveys the team's mission, values, and capabilities. The use of the triangle, water drop, and
color blue all contribute to the logo's positive and reassuring message.

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