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Andrea Gabrielle G.



Writing in New Media

Blog – Personal Blog

"Slothful Sketches: The Lazy Artist's Guide to Productive Pursuits in Arts"

Ah, the plight of the lazy artist – a struggle as real as it gets. As someone who has been known to treat
inspiration like a rare comet sighting, I understand the constant battle against procrastination. But fear
not, fellow art enthusiasts, for I've come bearing the sacred scrolls of the co-lazy artist's guide to

1. Stock Up on Art Supplies.

Imagine this: You're in the zone, ready to bring your masterpiece to life, only to realize you've run out of
erasers. Cue the frustrated sigh and the mental note to buy more later, only to find yourself abandoning
your artwork due to the missing material. To break free from this cycle of procrastination, I suggest
preparing a list of essential art supplies. You don't need every fancy tool; just ensure you have the basics
on hand to swiftly kickstart your creativity whenever inspiration strikes.

2. Dive into the Rabbit Hole of Online Inspiration.

The internet is a creative playground, and services like Pinterest have helped me uncover ideas to
stimulate my mind. It offers an array of references that can pique your preference. DeviantArt is also a
great website for finding inspiration, as it showcases the talents of artists worldwide across various
multimedia forms. But beware of the black hole effect while browsing: one minute you're looking for
references, and the next you're lost in a vortex of cool fan art and even memes. Proceed with caution,

3. Master the Art of Routine.

I understand - set a schedule, right? Schedules are irrelevant to lazy artists like me. But believe me when I
say that adopting a routine can work wonders, even the laziest of artists. Whether you're a morning person
or a night owl, make time for your creative pursuits. Set reasonable goals, for my part, I divide effort into
two days for watercolor projects: the first day for the base colors and the second day for rendering and
detailing. You can set your routine that you can work well with. Comfortability and having the time in
your hands are also crucial to avoid creative burnout.

4. Revel in the Joy of Creation

Finally, art should be considered a labor of love rather than a chore. So, let go of the strain you put on
yourself and enjoy the creative process. Experiment with new techniques, indulge in your favorite
subjects and lose yourself in the pure joy of bringing your imagination to life. Isn't that the essence of
what it is to be an artist?
So there you have it, fellow members of the Lazy Artists Club – a roadmap to banishing procrastination to
the shadow realm where it belongs. Remember, Rome wasn't built in a day, and neither is a masterpiece.
So, grab your sketchbook, sharpen those pencils, and let's paint the town lazy – one stroke at a time.

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