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Good morning.

My name is Rivesh Anand , me and my fellow friends are here today to talk about
Impulsive Buying .

Today, we will explore

● the psychology behind impulsive purchases
● its impact on consumers, and
● strategies for businesses to leverage this behaviour.

So starting with
What is Impulsive Buying ?

Impulsive buying refers to the act of purchasing goods or services without prior
planning or consideration.

The Psychology Behind Impulsive Buying

● Impulsive buying is influenced by various psychological factors, including:

● Emotions: Impulse purchases are often triggered by emotions such as
excitement, happiness, or stress.
● Social Influence: Peer pressure, trends, and social media can prompt
impulsive buying to fit in or stay current..
● Instant Gratification: The desire for immediate pleasure or relief can
override rational thinking.

Impulsive Buying Triggers

For Example, Mr B wants to buy some groceries for his house so he goes to the shopping

● Few most Common triggers that would let Mr B to do impulsive purchases are:

● Point-of-Sale Displays: Eye-catching displays near checkout counters
attract attention and encourage last-minute buys.
● Limited-Time Offers: Urgency created by time-limited promotions compels
consumers to act quickly.
● Discounts and Deals: Special discounts or "buy one, get one free" offers
trigger impulsive purchases to save money.
● Create Fomo - Fear of missing out the product

Impacts of Impulsive Buying

While impulsive buying can provide immediate satisfaction, it may lead to:

● Financial Strain: Excessive impulsive purchases can result in

overspending and debt.
● Buyer's Remorse: After purchasing, consumers may regret impulsive
● Clutter: Accumulation of unnecessary items contributes to clutter and

Strategies for Businesses

● Businesses can capitalize on impulsive buying behavior through:

● Strategic Product Placement: Positioning products in high-traffic areas and
near checkout counters.
● Limited-Time Promotions: Creating a sense of urgency with time-sensitive
● Appealing Packaging: Eye-catching packaging and design can capture
attention and stimulate desire.

So we conclude

● Impulse buying happens because of an emotional or psychological trigger

that makes a customer to make a spontaneous purchase .

● And from business point of view impulsive buying can significantly increase
your customer base and revenue.

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