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WALROCK HOMEBREW Tm Annes THE WITCH CHARACTER CLASS OPTION N Hot young human ‘with tousled red hair and a sheepish grin fac down a furious ore warrior nearly three times his size. With a word and a gesture, the boy's red hair suddenly erupts into a furry of long, vicious, living tendrils that wrap themselves around the legs and throat of the ore, dragging the shocked warrior off his feet and holding him alot Sitting atop a floating broom, a wood elf with lowing green eves gently directs ito pass by the royal palace and idle next to an open window overlooking the throne room, She spies, through the window, the king of all the realm holding court on his throne. The elf gingerly reaches into her sleeve and retrieves a rudimentary straw doll, fashioned with a tiny gold crown upon its head, and a gleaming silver pin, A single pinprick strikes through the heart ofthe doll, and the king doubles over clutching his chest in pain, sending his courtiers into a blind panic, The wood elf watches, satisfied, Pounding a handful of herbs into powder with her trusty mortar and pestle, an elderly tefing in a flowing trey robe tosses them into her eauldron, alr toabboil over an open ‘exudes a noxious grees sme. As she does so, oud and begins o froth wildly. In ust a handful of days, the titling will begin the distil lation process, eating a new vial of eldritch poison to seep life from the world Witches are learned practition rmagies, from atime when the are the earliest of and the natural wore studied as one. Eschewing the more esoteric magics studied by some of their peers, witches prefer practical magic with a variety of potential uses. Witches draw upon the power inherent in the nigh to breathe life into fallen comrades, brew mystical potions and poisons mighty enough to fell a dragon, and terrible curses that may plague an individual for the rest of thei ie ACOLYTES OF THE First MAGIC When the world was young and the mortal races existed ‘entirely at the mercy of primordial, gods, and monsters there were beings in the darkness that took a surprising mercy on those lesser creatures struggling to survive. Whether these beings were spirits, specific gods, or something more sinister, no two tales agree, ba th bargains they struck ushered the frst inklings of mortal ‘magic into the world, Witehes hold 2s tradition that it Proficiency a Finses Known Features Speleasting, Witch's Coven 2 Brewerat imbue Potion 2 sine (res), Occult Familiar 2 Ability Score Improvement 8 = a ‘wite's Coven feature 8 Enchant Broom a Ability Score Improvement 4 Jive (fest) “ — 4 Fine Fete “ Ability Score Improvement 6 = 6 ‘wite's Coven feature 6 = 6 Ability Score Improvement 46 Jine (rest) 6 - 46 Ability Score Improvement 6 Grand old Wytch —Spall Sots per Spall Level Vet 2nd aed ath Sth th 7th ‘was these magics that gave mortals a fighting chance, ‘while others more suspicious of witchcraft tell that this ‘was the first interference of malicious entities into mortal affairs, and an affront tothe pare will of the gods, Witches are always deeply individualistic, and in the present era have been divided by coven and practice ‘Though all witches learn from the writings of and words, spoken by their elders, some study the ancient ways as an evolving historical and scholastic pursuit, while others practice their magics wild and with full communion of the old beings who laid path of natural arcana before them. An endlessly diverse group of practitioners, Witehes rarely agree how best to use their magic, ven. ‘within the same coven. DEVOTED TO THE CRAFT ‘Though not all witches wander far and wide, no witeh lives what could be considered a normal lie. The rept tion of witches as curse binders and worse often pre: ccedles them, and even the best of witches often face at least an inkling of suspicion or fear from those they attempt to help. Nevertheless, witches are always dedicated to learn- ing the intricacies oftheir cra, though many witches do dabble. The specifics ofthe craft a witch learns are usually the product ofthe life that witeh has led. witeh that knows how to bind wounds fas likely done so on many occasions, while a witch skilled inthe arts of ‘cursing may have lived a life full of revenge and spite, CREATING A WITCH # When you create your witch character, consider strongly their morals and personal leanings. Witches always hold ‘opinions of the world that they are willing fo act upon, making them a dynamic and decisive foree, How do these attitudes shape your magic, and how has your ‘magic shaped them, in tur? Who was the witch that introduced you to magic? Did you stumble upon an occult ritual deep in the woods, or {id you enroll in a prestigious institute of witcheralt? ‘What values do those witehes close to you hold and how has they colored your personality and ideals? Finally what fas made you choose the life ofa wan. dering witch? Are you searching for untold secrets, ran- ning from your status as.a pariah, or seeking a land and place to call your own? In any case, your motivations are your own, and very litle will stop you from achieving them. Quick Bu You can make a witch quickly by following these sugues tions First, Ineligence should be your highest sb score fllowed by Consittion or Dexter. Seco sled! the hermit background. Third, select the Coven of the Dark Moon as your Witchis Coven, Fourth, choose the ac splash, druideraf nd poison spray canis ‘along with he following 1stlevel spells for your spell book: animal friendship, detect magic, and witch bolt. A a Wircn's Wisbow Historialy in Dungeons & Dragons, witches have been represented a: casting wth Inteligence due tothe devetion ‘oftheir ves to arcane requires an inteligence score of 13, and grants the weapon | and tool proficiencies associated with the witch, but no other © proficienies. You add all your witch level to your other caster levels when determining te spell los you receive fom mul tilassng Ifyou are using the rules for starting wealth present on page 143 ofthe Pleyers Handbook, 2 witch starts with 244 x 1038p. Wircn’s Coven ‘itch’ coven, a secretive society of witches that closely guards their magical secrets from those outside. ‘Select a coven from one of the following options: Coven of the Dark Moon, Coven of the Fall Moon, Coven ‘of the Half Moon, Caven of the Crescent Moon, or Coven of the Eclipse. These are detailed later in this class option. BREWCRAFT Natural magic and arcane magic are not separate ‘entities toa witch, Because ofthis, witches are masters ‘of unlocking the areane potential hidden in common. herbs and plants. Starting at 2nd level you can craft potions using the rules for crafting magic items on page 129 of the Dungeon Master's Guide, and both their ereation cast and crafting time is reduced by half for you. You can also craft poisons and other alchemical «creations, using the non-magieal crafting les on page 187 ofthe Player's Handbook to craft antitoxin, acid, alchemists fre, ale, basic poison, or any ofthe poisons listed on pages 257-258 of the Dungeon Master's Guide. ‘The crating time of these tems is reduced by half for ‘you, but their ereation cost remains the same. Your DM may decide that certain potions or poisons: (purple worm poison, as an example) are uncraftable to you unless you uncover specific rare ingredients frst. Should you acquire them, subtract the price of these rare ingredients from the crafting cost accordingly. Additionally, you can use your knowledge of herbalism to gather herbs that decrease the crafting cost of potions, poisons, and other items listed here, Whenever you have day of downtime, you can choose to spend it collecting herbs, After completing this day roll an Intelligence ‘check, ading proficiency with your herbalism kit f you have one on your person. This check is made with advan- ‘age in a marsh or jungle, or disadvantage in a city, desert, or tundra. ‘Consult the following table, and receive the item asso lated with your result, You can sel these herbs to inter- ested partes, or use them to reduce the crafting cost of ay potion, poison, or other alehemical item listed in this Feature by the worth ofthe herbs. You can use multiple herbs ta further reduce the crafting cost of any relevant item you are creating Result tem ‘Worth 1014 1ib.ofcommon herbs. Sp 1524 ibofuncommon Sep herbs 25.29 1ib.ofrareherbs deviroot, embetear 30+ 1 fe ofveryrareherbs 500 gp starspine, oidweave Examples int, sage horsetal comfrey At 9th level, you can make this check twice per day of downtime spent gathering herbs, and at 15th level you ‘can make this check three times, receiving herbs ofthe associated quality for each result of 10 or greater IMBUE POTION ‘When witches are unable to spend great amounts oftime brewing potions, they ean imbue a tincture directly with theie arcane power, The result s a potion that is easier and less costly to make, but less stable and with longevity ‘Beginning. at 2nd level, when you take a short rest and have an empty vial on your person, you can choose one of the following spells you know and can cast with available spell slots: SpellLer sels st charm penon, command, ure wounds gate sf det mi fle iether ol mage cro sleep, speak ith animals 2nd hers arti, ble /deafes, deter thought dragon's breath, enhance abi, cvlrgfredce inl lerer retortion protection fem pion, ee inva, spider limb 1rd eatnap, dipel magi fign death, gaseous form, rondeteton protection fom energy, remove cus, rey ongues vampire ouch water breathing, water wk Sth charm martes, death ward, esl, fedorn afmovemert, greater inibly,onestin Sth awaken, commune with nature, contact other plane, dominate peron, greater restoration, legend lore, encomate, sl empowerment, sre ide Gh find the path, invest of fame, investiture of ice, investiture of sone, invetture of wind, tee seeing * this lis found in Xonatha’s Guide to Eventing, Immediately choose any details this spell would have you select and expend that spel!'s materials cost and a ‘spell slot equal to the spell level you intend the spell to function at, Instead of any targets specified by the spell, ‘the spells target becomes the creature that drinks the ‘potion. Ira ereature must have certain attributes to be ‘subject to the spell (such as a specific ereature type), the ‘potion only works on creatures with those attributes, tthe end of the short rest, you then ereate a potion that is able to impart the spell you selected, withthe details you have chosen. The spell slot you have used in the ereation ofthe potion does not refresh as long as the potion exists. Once the potion (or an item itis applied to) has been used, is destroyed, or otherwise ceases to exis the spel slot can refresh as it would normally; but does not automatically do so, Asan action, a ereature ean drink the entire potion, administer to another willing ereature, or apply it to an item of food or drink. The potion only confers effects on creature that drinks it entirely, or that consumes in cece ‘Wirchcnart Ano Genpen In many welds, witchcraft asa magical practice is closely | aligned with female identifeation. For whatever reason, the | mies that he witches of these words practice ate primary (oreiclusively) the domain os single gender. However, the witch as presented here does not by default align with one gender or another. Members of any gender may bea witch, though cultural and social mores around gender and witcheraf likely vary dramatcaly from seting to setting. nety the item of food oF drink to which itis applied, Such a creature immediately gains the effects ofthe spell you selected, wit the specific details you chose when. You first created the potion. An applied potion on a con ‘sumnable item ean be detected by a creature holding the item with a successful Intelligence (Arcana) or Wisdom (Survival) check made against your spell save DC. ‘Spells imparted by this potion last for their normal durations, listed within the text of the spells themselves. Ifa spell conferred by this feature requires concentra: tion, the creature that drank the potion must maintain ‘concentration on the effect asf they east the spell them: selves, Ifa potion would would require the creature inking it to make a saving throw, that saving throw is made against your spell save DC, At any time, you can have a number of active potions fom this feature equal to Your witch level divided by 3, rounded down. You can also cause any of your potions from this feature to no longer retain their potency with a bonus acti may be, Jinx The interplay between natural and arcane magic allows a Witeh to achieve a variety of strange effects, which may be harmful, beneficial, of outright odd, These effects, known as jinkes, area cornerstone of any witch's magie ‘When you reach 3rd level, you gain knowledge of one regariless of how far away froma you they Jinx of your choice, listed near the end of this section, ‘and you learn more at certain levels as indicated by the Jinxes Known column of the Witch table, Jinxes are potent magical effects that you can use on your turn, ‘unless otherwise specified in the text ofthe jin. Ifa jinx requires a saving throws itis made against your spell save DC. Effects that specifically suppress magic, such as the pel antimagie feld, also prevent you from wsing jinxes. within their area. ‘You can tse this feature only once fo produce one jinx you know, before requiring a short or long rest to refresh {your usage ofthis feature. Beginning at Oth le ‘use this feature twice between rests with any inxes that you know, and at 17th level you can use this feature three times between rests, OCCULT FAMILIAR Since time immemorial, witches have formed bonds with Familiar spirits, which stand as symbols and sources of their magical power. Historical, familias have acted as ‘messengers between witches and the unknowable ent ties that taght them the ways ofthe arcane, but in ‘modern times familiars mostly serve as companions and. foils to their chosen witch At Sr level, you learn the. find familiar spell and can. ‘only cast it asa ritual, unless you Tearn it from another soutve, The spell doesnt count against your number of spells known, and when cast asa ritual you ignore any material components, Famniliars you conjure with this spell gain a number of additional benefits + The familiae's Charisma and Intelligence scores become 12, unless they are already higher + The familiar speaks, reads, and understands all Janguages you know. +The familiar is proficient in one additional skill out of Arcana, Deception, Nature, Persuasion, or Survival (choose when itis first summoned + The familiae's movement does not provoke opportunity attacks. +The familia gains a number of additional maximum hit points equal to your witch level + Ifthe familiar succeeds on a sav take ha vg throw and would fakes no damage. au ROLEPLAYING A FAMILIAR Familiar ged withthe power of speech often carry their ‘on force of personality, and, ie witches, have very strong ‘pinions on what goes on around them. A familia ean be roleplayed a numberof ways, suchas being aol to the witch they ae palted with steadfast suppor, ofan inquisitive telekster that alvays seems to find vouble. “Whether the witch's player or the DM rolepays a familar Is left intentionally vague, and should be discussed with your sroup, though the player is expected to control the familar in ‘Combat. Ara further option, many familars are content to Be passive observers, only commenting if necessary, should Foleplying a familiar prove too disruptive tothe fow of gameplay. ‘Should you wish ta further define your familia’ identi, however, ou can roll onthe ables included here for yout familae’s personality ideal, and fa. A familias bond always,“ must protect my master and ensure ther success.” we ee 68 Personality Tait 1 rmendlessly optimist, and determined to ind the best in everthing! 2 1mpolte refined, and dctnguished a ll mes. 3 show my love though relentless sarcatm. 4 Magic fascinates me. My master must learn more fit 5m very shy. Strangers must fist atm my trust 5 _Thavea voracious appetite, and am always looking fornew snacks 7 woe that my master isn't good enough constantly nudge them towards greatness, 8 lm frustrated with my lack ofthumbs and often ty new techniques to compensate for his. ds Ideal 1 Knowledge. We must krow everthing there sto know! (Neutral) 2 Secrets. The more hidden something i, the greater its worth, (Neutral) 3. Obedience Like it or not, my master makes the rules here. (Lawful) 4 Freedom. !do what! want, and | may or may not spologte later (Chaoti) 5 Greed. When Ind something l want, | have to have it (Neutral) 6 Respect. All should respect my master's ability, and by extension myself. (Neutral) 4 Flew 1 alvays wath ny master to ee wha hey are doing wrong | vice my lspprovl nlite, subtle ways. 2 Myeatiosy is completely ou of check 3 feel sift foursiesgresterthan am, and am bold toa fault cs 5 4 manurvepentant coward et my master fight for re, rm staying out oft 5 thoaré shiny ejects in all my master’s pockets sect Ce ee 6 Everyone except my masteris expendable to me, and I make sure they know ENCHANT BRooM AY Tth level, you've learned the secret ritual required to make a witeh’s broom, the fying conveyance of any true ‘witch, You can undertake an hour-long ritual that prepares one broom (or. with your DM's permission, any ‘sufficiently broom-like object) to become your witchs broom. After this ritual is complete, this broom counts as a ‘broom of fying (Dungeon Master's Guide, page 156), and you choose the command word needed to activate it. This broom responds only to your use ofits command ‘word, and will refuse to move ifanyone else tries to ride it while you are not already on it, The broom i sil able to move about unoccupied as narmal, however. Ifyou perform this ritual on a second broom while you already have a witch's broom benefiting from this fea- ture, the frst witch's broom returns to its initial mundane state, and the new broom becomes your witch's broom, FINE FETTLE At 11th level, you are perpetually healthy and resistant to ‘conditions that could be the death of others. Ys have resistance to poison damage and are immune to disease and the poisoned condition, GRAND OLDE WyTcu ‘Once you reach 20th level, you have been honored with the ttle of Grand Ode Wyteh, bestowed on only the tgreatest practitioners of witehcraf.I'you fol initiative and have no uses of your Jinx ability remaining regain ‘one of ts uses, Additionally, you age only 1 year for every § years you grow oldes, are immune to the negative effets of aging, and cannot unwillingly die irom old age. WitTcH’s COVENS When te rst witches learned magic rom mysterious iis inthe dea of night they were charged with find- ing new practitioners and teaching them the ways of natural arvana. While this orginally tok the frm of a eee eee nearer nee scholastically-orinted witches can teat their cavens Peeeeeecatince tere teearrers scaden ‘Regardless, coven trationaly exist with members inmutiples of tree, a number considered auspicious in the annals ofwitchera, Each coven ensues its mem bers excel in a pateular area of witcherat, «legacy that can be dated back the earliest days ofthat covens eaten COVEN OF THE DARK Moon All witches possess a supernatural tie to the magic of shadows and the night, but those that band together under the Caven of the Dark Moon are the most innately acquainted with this midnight arcana. Known as dark ‘itches, they are sworn undler the darkness of a new moon to sow eurses and discord, disrupting the stc- tures of society, for better or for worse. As such, witches, ‘of this coven tend to be chaotic in nature, but may be 00d, neutral, or evil depending on their individual morals. Dark Moon SPE ‘You gain advanced tutelage into specific spells important to-your coven. You add to your spelibook each of the spells on the following list atthe witch level associated With them. These spells count as witch spells for you. are always prepared, and do not count against the total ‘spells you can prepare or learn each level Dark Moon Spetis Witch Lovel Spells st bane, Tata's hideous laughter 3rd——_bindness deaf, darkness Sth” anlmote dead, bestow cure Th Bligh, Evad’s back tentacles sth canagio, ltt plague ‘Mipnicut’s Own ‘When you join this coven at Ist level, you gain darkeision ‘out to 30 feet, or increase the range of your existing dark: vision by 30 feet. Your darkvision can see through mag cal darkness. Additionally by using a bonus action on your tarn you ‘can reduce the light level in a 10 foot radias centered on yourself, lowering it from bright light ro dim light, or from, dim light to darkness, This lasts for up to I minute or ‘until the creature the darkness s centered on moves oF takes damage. At 3rd level when you use this portion of this ability, yout can choose to center the reduction in light on your {familiar instead of yoursell Only one such zone can be active at any time, and ereating a new one on a different {anget causes the first to dissipate, z ‘Minions oF THE Dark Moon AY 6th level, you have an almost reflexive grasp on the ‘dark energies at your command, and can use them to create minions at a moment’ notice. Ifa medium or ‘small humanoid dies while within 10 feet of you oF your Tamiliar Yous ean use a reaction fo instantly animate their corpse as your choice of either a skeleton or a zombie (Player's Handbook, pages 310-311). ‘This creature lasts for an hour or until tis destroyed, after which it disintegrates into dust, You can use this ability 2 number of times equal to your Intelligence mod fier (minimum once), after which you require a long rest 1 refresh its uses, Further, any skeleton or zombie you create with a witch spell or feature has its maximum hit points increased by half your witch level, and adds half your proficiency bonus to its rolls to hit with attacks. CREATE SCARECROW Starting at 14th level, ou discover the terifying secret 1 reating scarecrow servators, golems of thatch, weav- ing, and wood that each contain a humanoid soul, Creat ing a scareerow requires an hour long ritual involving a humanoid either killed within the past hou, or re. Strained for the duration ofthe ritual, during which you ‘construct the scarecrow’s body from available materials ‘and imbue it with the humanoids soul, If the hu isalive during this ritual, they die upon the ritual’s ‘completion A scarecrow lasts until tis destroyed, and you can have no more than 4 scarecrows active at any time, Cre ating a new scarecrow while you have 4 active seare- ‘rows causes a randomily-chosen active scarecrow to burst into Hames and be reduced to ash, The statistics fora scarecrow can be found on page 208 of the Monster Manual. ‘Scarecrows have none of the memories oftheir mortal souls, but occasionally retain quirks and manner. isms. Your DM may decide to rol or choose one of the ‘options on the following table, ifthey wish (o add charac ter to your scarecrows. It is recommended that no more than two of your scarecrows develop a quirk, however, to avoid disruption to the flow of gameplay. 610 Scarecrow Quirk 1 Bows respect to anyone it considers of iemportance 2 Often becomes lost staring atitselfina mirror or reflective surface 3. Wihen left idle, makes stitched dolls that resemble it rmontl frm. 4 Dances silently by itself when thinks no one looking. 5 Wes on spare aticles of doting tins, unless told specially not to 6 Attempts to secret collect one specifc ype ofitem, sucht forks or bel oes one typeof garing Et and wil attempt to in any games ofthat type it sees, Sometimes sterpte text object, despite nat having functions mouth 9 Wires laters and even book, though he wring appears to be gbberish 10 Gathers flower and es ogve them ochidren COVEN OF THE FULL Moon ‘Though the night may be dark. its not without life, com: ‘passion, and mercy. The light of the full moon is beacon fo those that travel by night, assuaging their fears and Jending them hope in the darkness, So, too, do the itches sworn to the Coven of the Full Moon give hope and healing, both to thei allies and to the domains of nature. Witches ofthis coven are known as white ‘witches and are often neutral or good, very rarely having, ay reason to stray towands evil, though they may be as lw oF chaotic as they see it FULL Moon SPELLS ‘You gain advanced tutelage into specific spells important to your coven. You add to your spelibook each of the spells on the following list atthe witch level associated ‘with them, These spells count as witch spells for you, are always prepared, and do not count against the total spells you can prepare or learn each level Fuut Moon Speus Witch Level Spells Tet eure wound healing word rd calm mations le reeration Sth move eure, rviiy Tth eure of purty, death ward 9th pele and good, greater estoration ABUNDANT HEALTH ‘When you join this coven at 1st level, your healing magic carries with it the abundance of nature. Ifa witch spell or ability you use heals. target to their maximum hit points, any healing the spell or ability would doin excess ‘of this amount instead becomes temporary hit points for the target, which last for up to one minute, FAMILIAR SOLACE At th level, your familia’ tiesto your magic can save those around them from the specter of death. On your ‘umn, you can use a bonus action to stabilize any number of creatures of your choice that are at O hit points and Within 5 feet of your familiar. In addition, creatures affected by this ability regain 1 hit point. Once a creature regains a hit point from this bility, i cannot regain hit points from this feature again ‘unt has taken along rest LicHT OF THE FULL Moon Starting at 14th level, you can choose one creature you ‘can see within 60 feet of you as an action, imbuing that creature with the radiance ofthe full moon for one ante, Daring tis ime, te eeature emits din ight in 430 foot radii of itself Any erature you designate within dis it Immune to having its maximum hit points reduced, and ‘can use a honus action on its turn to draw power from ‘the moonlight, healing itself for an amount of hit points ‘equal to your Intelligence modifier + half your witch level, ‘Once you use this ability you eannot use it again until you have taken a long rest. CovEN OF THE HALF Moon Notorious for playing tricks on mortal eyes, moonlight casts strange shadows, making things appear fo be other than they are. When the moon is perfectly halElit and half covered in shadows; the dim light it easts clouds the ‘ruth of all things, in equal part revealing andl creating lies and deceptions. Witches ofthe Coven ofthe Hall Moon are experts at erafting moonlight to their will using it to both expose and author nev treacheries ‘These grey witches (as they are known) trend towards. being neutral, though many good! and evil grey witches. ‘exist. Though many grey witches are chaoti, some few are lawfal, using their deceptions and trickery to rein force the order of society nl civilization, Har Moon SPELLS ‘You gain advanced tutelage into specific spells important to your coven. You add to your spellbook each ofthe spells on the following list atthe witeh level associated ‘with them. These spells count as witch spells for you, are always prepared, and do not count against the total spell you can prepare or learn each level Hatr Moon Spetts Witch Level spells Yet deg celf lent mage 3rd iorimoge,phontazmal force Sth yprotc pater, major image Th greater invsibity,hallainetor tain Stead coming REVEALING LIGHT When sou join this coven at Ist level, you have advantage ‘on any Investigation checks made to discern the true nature ofan illusion or whether or not a creature is in its tite form. You learn the minor illusion cantrip if you do not already know it, and you can cast it using a bonus action of an action. Discuise FaMiLiar AL oth level, your familiar is under the effects of ‘ permanent disguise self spell which uses your spell save DC. You and your familiar ean both dlismiss, reapply o adjust the appearance of this lusion by using an action on your respective turns. Reapplying this spell daes not require expending a spell sot Further tis spell ean make your familiar appear to be any size no greater than Medium, and can appear fo give your familiar a hu ‘anoid body shape. Your familiar stil retains its normal configuration of limbs, however, and cannot physically interact with any ‘object that requires hands. the ilusion has a fhumanoid appear ance the illusion does not behave ‘exactly as your familiar does, Rather, it follows the general idea of what liar is doing. Thus, an 8 of halfling placed on top ‘of cat familias does not walk ‘on four teys as a cat does, but rather walks on two, as would bbe normal for a humanoid, FicMeNrs: Starting at 14th level you gain the ability to craf potent illusory curses. You can touch a creature and ase an ‘ction to force it to make a Charisma saving throw ‘against your spell save DC, It fails, tis subject to one of the following curses of your choice. You decide the parameters of the curse when you frst inflict it, and i lasts until a remove curse spell or similar magic i easton the target. The curse also fades after you take along rest, unless you choose to extend it, ‘expending your use ofthis feature to do so. Otherwise, ‘once you use this feature and a creature fails is saving ‘throw, you cannot use it again until you take a long rest. “The curses you can select from are as follows: False Face. The target is affected by anillasion that makes them (and their clothing, amor, weapons, and ‘other belongs on their person) look different in a method ‘of your choosing. They can seem up to I foot shorter or taller be visibly heavier or lighter, but must have the ‘same basic arrangement of limbs ‘This illusion is powerful enough to hold up to physical inspection, seeming real to the touch, modifying the target's voice and other sounds they would produce, and ‘even emitting convincing smells. ereature ean discern, thatthe target is under an illusion, but must frst use an action to inspect the target and succeed on their choice ‘of either an Intelligence (Arcana) or Intelligence (investigation) check, with disadvantage, against your spell save DC. Wrongsighe. You change how one facet ofthe world appears tothe target, substituting reality with what you ‘wish the target to see. You could, as examples, dictate that all doors appear open to the target, or that all humans appear fo be ores. You cannot change how the entire world appears tothe target: you cannot choose for the target to peroeive the world to be made of lava, but you can specify thatthe target sees the floor of any given oom as lava, Ifthe target suspects a facet of the world is not what it ‘seems, they ean use an action to make an Intelligence (investigation) check with disadvantage against your spell save DC. On a success they know the target for ‘what it really i, though their incorrect perception of the target does not change, Over time, the tanget may begin to assume certain things are illusions and act as such, bout they most likely wll not always be correct. COVEN OF THE CRESCENT MOON Witches are practical and pragmatic by nature, and many ‘know full well the limits of spelleraft. The green witches, ‘of the Coven of the Crescent Moon train with both blade and spell, and sive themselves as the protectors of ‘witeherait, both within and without, and fend tobe lawful in nature, Should a witeh-hunter make too much head- ‘way ora spelleaster delve too deeply into the darkest se- ‘rets of magic, the green witches will be there, fighting t0 restore the balance. Crescent MOON SPELLS ‘You gain advanced tutelage into specific spells important to your coven. You add to your spelibook each of the spells on the following list atthe witch level associated with them. These spells count as witeh spells for you, are always prepared, and do not count against the total spells You can prepare or learn each level Crescent Moon Speuis Witch Lovel Spells st fle if hilt 3rd oud of daggers, shadow bade Sth elemental weapon protectin from eneray Tth fe shi, stonestin 3x cestuctive wave, sel wind re® * this pli found in Xonatha’s Guide 0 Evenehing BATTLE WITCHCRAFT When you join this coven at 1st level, you are trained to be more adept at melee combat, You gain proficiency ‘with the scimitar shortsward, and rapier. When you hold a sickle, sthas the finesse property in addition to its regu lar properties and deals 146 slashing damage on a hit. Further, you add your Intelligence modifier as a bonus to rolls for initiative and on any Constitution saving throws you make to maintain concentration on a spell CRESCENT STRIKE Also at Ist level, once on your turn when you bit a target With a melee attack while you are holding a Weapon, you ‘can cleave into a different creature within 5 feet ofthe inital target, dealing an additional 146 damage of your ‘weapon's type to that creature, Ifyou have a familiar, instead of dealing this damage you can choose to have your familiar use its reaction to ‘deal 1d6 bludgeoning, piercing, or slashing damage (your choice) to one creature adjacent to it. This damage dealt by your familiar is magical for the purposes of resistance and immunity Dealt in either way, this damage increases by 140 at 6th level (2d6), 10th level (340), 14th level (46). and 18th level (50). Extra Artack, Beginning at 6th level, you can attack twice, instead of ‘once, whenever you take the Attack action on your turn. HASTENED ARCANA, ‘Starting at 14th level, you can concentrate to channel {your magical ability even as you strike, On a turnin ‘which you use the Attack action, you can use a bonus n to cast one witch cantrip you know that would normally require an action. aa ‘Your Moons May Vary ‘The magic wielde by witches holds strong thematic ties to the nigh, and the covens witches form identify themselves with a specif phase ofthe moon, practicing rituals and dedications under its auspice However, not every setting has moon, Witches in ‘settings without a moon tend to identify themselves with Consteltions or other celestial Bosies, types those that ‘hace 2 symbology with what ther coven represents, For example, the Coven ofthe Full Moon in such 2 setting could ‘det with a constliation inthe shape ofa tree or 3 legendary healer. Lkewse, the Coven ofthe Dark Moon might Identify themselves with a cirbyit planetoi, fat moving and | barely visible in the right sky that has taken on the + mythologieal trappings of e particular trickster pnt. Ina weld with multiple moons, each coven may conse crate themselves to one ofthem, 0” toa particular celestial ttangement of moons Inthe sky. In such a word, the Coven ofthe Half Moon might hold a binary combination af one fll ‘oon and one new moon tobe sacred, st an example COVEN OF THE ECLIPSE All witches know fully wel there are magics they are for bidden to studs forgotten secrets that, if dabbled with, ‘ean easily be the end of the world. Though exceedingly fare, these red witches fall within the Caven ofthe Eclipse, dedicating themselves to their craft under the auspice of a lunar eclipse. Such witches can easily be evil malefactors obsessed with power, or they can simply be chaotic seekers of truth, willing to goto any length to understand the origins oftheir abilities, ECLIPSE SPELLS ‘You gain advanced tutelage into specific spells important to your coven, You add to your spellbook each of the spells on the following list atthe witch level associated ‘with them. These spells count as witeh spells for you, are always prepared, and do not count against the total spe an prepare or learn each level Ecupse Speus Witch Level Spells Yet arms of Hadar, dsonant whizes 3rd crown of med Sth hunger af Hadar, summon lesser demons! 3th phantaema kil, summon eestrdemon™ Sth inmoation, informal colling thi spel foud in Xanothar’s Guide to Everything Tue OLD SPEECH When you join this coven at 1st level, you learn the languages Infernal and Abyssal Asan action on your tuen, you ean choose one crea: ture that can hear you within 30 feet of you and issue ‘commanding word in one ofthese languages, which terres its target into submission. That creature must make a Wisdom saving throw against your spell save DC If it fails, it becomes prone and frightened of you. The ‘creature can recover normally from prone, and is fright ened of You until the end ofits next tuen, Once you use this ability, you require a short or long rest before you can ise it again, FIENDISH AFFINITY At oth level, the dark powers behind your magic entrust ‘you with one oftheir own. When you cast fin familiar you can choose to have your familiar be an imp or a ‘quasit, Should you select one ofthese familiar, you ‘cannot choose fori to be any type other than a fend. Further, while your familiar is an imp o a quasit, you can choose to make one creature that shares a space ‘with your familiar appear to be a fiend toll other fiends that perceive it, You decide the exact natare of this fiend! ish appearance, but it cannot be ofa different size than the ereature you are targeting, A ereature ane this appearance has advantage om all Charisma checks made against fiends, andl creatures conjured by spells such as summon lesser demons and summon greater demon ider this creature one oftheir own. Hacrorm Starting at 4th level you can use a bonus action to let Your fiendish power avertake you and transform into a hight hag, a blue skinned, horned demonic creature, ‘many of whom are the progenitors of this coven. Thi form lasts for up to a minute, until you are rendered unconscious, of anti you dismiss it with another bonus action, Once you use this ability, you cannot use it aga until you have completed a long rest. While in this form, you gain the following: + Your type is fiend, instea + Darkvision out to 120 feet. + Resistanc of any other types you have ring, and slashing damage from nonmagical weapons that aren't silvered, + Asan action, you can cast the spell ethereainess at will a.a 7th level spell without expending a spell slr. When cast inthis way, the spell ends when you return oyout original form. + Damage dealt by your cantrips uses the highest possible number on each de, instead of rolling. ere ‘A Worip WitHour KANATHAR'S Some ofthe subclascesdetiled here hinge heavily onthe spells included in Xonathor's Guide to Evershing, though not al groupe may have acces to this ecource. Ifyour group does nat use XGA, several atemative spells have Been include, listed with the witch levels a which they would be received Coven ofthe Crescent Moon 3rd level: magic weapon ‘Sth level: banishing ste Coven ofthe Eclipse Sthleve-frebal Tih level: wal of fre ‘Sth level: cloudil, lame strike JINXES Iraj has prerequisites, you must meet them to learn it Whenever you gain a witch level, ou can replace a jinx you know with another jinx that you meet the prereq uit for. Ifyou do so, any persistent fects ofthe jinx you no Tonger know cease to function Animate HAIR Using a bonus action, our hair grows toa length of five feet and begins to undulate, forming four large, living tendeils. While under the effects of this jinx, you can use Your hair to make attacks or lit small items, Items lifted by your hair ean weigh collectively up to twenty pounds, ‘oF up to fur objects (one per tendil of five pounds or lighter. You are able to manipulate these objects with Your hair as you woud your hands, Ifattacking, your hair counts as an unarmed strike ‘with the reach property, which adds your choice of either your Intelligence or Dexterity modifier in place of Strength on its ros to hit. Ona hit, your hair deals blu ‘Beoning damage equal to 148+ your choice of either your Intelligence or Dexterity modifier. You can also use your hais to perform a grapple against any creature within its reach. Use a check with your choice of either your Dexterity or Intelligence modifier in place of any Strength (Athleties) checks the ‘grapple would have you make. Your hair can grapple up to four creatures separately, as each tendeil counts as an ‘open hand for this purpose. ‘Your hair can hold weapons and shields as it would any other item, but eannot use them to make attacks or ‘confer any bonuses, Your hair also does not confer upon you any additional attacks or object interactions beyond ‘what you would otherwise he eapable of ‘This effect lasts for up to one minute oF until you dlismiss it with a bonus aetion, whereupon your hair resumes its previous length and appearance, and drops any objects or creatures it may be holding. ANIMATE Hut Prerequisite: 13th level ‘As an hourlong ritual undertaken as part ofthis fins, you ‘can animate a hovel, hu, or small house, causing 10 grow two fo eight legs that can be organic or inorgar appearance. “This animated hut isa construct immune (o disease, pofson damage, and being frightened, poisoned, or ‘charmed, and has an AC of 16, 100 hit points, a speed of 50 feet, 26 Strength, 12 Dexterity, 18 Constitution, a4 in all other statisties, and is considered to be Gangantuan in size, Ifthe owner ofthis hut does not consent tothe ritual taking place, the jinx will be expended with no effec, Irthe hut is reduced fo 0 hit points, it returns to its inanimate state, but may suffer some structural damage indoing so. While you are within this hut, you eam expend an action to cause the hut to move in a direction of your choice. Asa part of this action, you can cause the hut to take either the Dash or Dodge action Ifyou are not ‘within the hut bat on the same plane asi, you ean calli to move to you (taking the Dash action) as a continuous. ritual that lasts until the hut arrives, which requires you to stay within the same location for the rituals duration, Ineeither case, the hut is semiintelligent and will avoid obvious pitfalls and hazardous terrain. Ifthe hut Witch's Movinc StRoNGHOLD If you desire the Animate Hut jinx may be used wit struc: ture granted bythe Fonresses, Temples, and Stronghold: supplement, alo avalabe from Wan Honranew onthe DM's Gul, Ifyou choete te do £0, Animate Hut may make ambi tory any structure wth 2 lees room points. Bult roome continue to function mostly 35 normal, hough it may be ‘easier or harder for aders to se Your trade-specfic rooms ‘depending onthe structure's location. Use sidebar tues found in The Invisible Hand at Work on the Traders and Merchants page fyour structure ends up ina favorable or Unfaverabie leestion for trae, ‘Additionally, should the Animate Hut jit not meet your needs, both the call stronghold and ase land spells may be considered witch spells for you. ‘cannot find a way forward (if itis too lange fora path, for example), you instinctively know that something is block- {ng it. The hut is unable to attack, and will actively avoid harming creatures or destroying terrain inthe course of its movement. Ifyou undertake this ritual while you already have an animated hut, the first hut returns to its inanimate state, ‘and the new hat becomes your animated hut. At 17th level when you undertake this ritual, ou can instead ‘cause the hut to grow wings and ly granting ita flying speed of 100 feet withthe hover quality instead ofits ‘normal movement speed, Beast SKIN Prerequisite: 5th level ‘As a bonus action, you can transform into a beast of CR O without a swimming oF fying speed for up to one hot In all ways other than those listed here, this transforma tion follows the rules for a druids Wild Shape feature, as ‘outlined on pages 66:67 ofthe Player's Handbook, While in this form, you are unable to use any other jinxes you know. Regardless of how many uses your Jinx feature has, you can only use this jinx one time before requiring, along rest fo refresh its usage Once you reach 11th level, the beast you transform into can have a swimming of fying speed. CacKLe As a bonus action you elit a wicked cackle, unnerving, to those nearby. Creatures within 15 feet of you cannot target you with opportunity attacks until the beginning of your next tur, ComBNe Potions Prerequisite: th level ‘You undertake & 10 minute ritual (o combine two potions ‘or poisons you have on your person into a single tem With the effects ofboth. The potions or poisons you're ‘combining can have been created with your Breweraft or Imbuse Potion features, found in the wider world, of both, You cannot combine two potions that would require ‘concentration, nor can you combine a previously 410 Potion Mishape 1 The peton fumes turn your skin green. Only a removecanespellcan end this eect. 2 Alatge unsighty wat grows in prominent positon enyeur bod, 3. The destroyed potion explodes, catching ou on re an eaing 16 re arage each tun until you use an action render yourselfprone ad pu i out 4 The pation releases atone masa 36 fyou had cast the pel stinking cud cetered on yoursel 5 oll 110. Tis isthe perentageofyour har that faout. ae SS hd 6 The potion ignites in aloud fash and an expose bong. You a blinded and deafened for one minute. 7 Smote fim the potion deadens you senses. tee weal 27 coke 8 The ption’ fumes lou your mind snd you forget allevents that happened within the st hour 9 Within 20 fet of yu, alplans wit and le, nd al food and mil spi s 10 One andomiy determined tem on your przonis cranspored 0 the Ethereal Pane ‘combined potion or poison with any other item. IFyou are combining two potions created with Imbue Potion, they still count as two potions forthe purposes ofthe features potion limit Atthe end ofthe ritual, make an Intelligence (Alehemist’ supplies) check with a DC of 30 — your ‘itch level. On a suecess, you have created the combined potion or poison, and hoth of the new items effects can be applied with single action, If this cheek fails, however, one ofthe items you attempted to combine is destroyed, chosen at random. Further, oll once on the Potion Mishaps table, and suffer the result, Conjure EFFIGY Prerequisite: Sth level Using this jinx requires that you first have a lock of hair a fingernail a seate, a locket, oF another similar personal item betonging to its target. On any of your turns, without using this nx, you can use a bonus action and attempt 0 retrieve such an item from a target within 5 fet of either You, your familar, or a mage hand under your contro Make a melee spell attack roll using your against the target. Ona hit you retrieve one inconsequential personal item of your choice. While you are holding a personal item, you can use an ‘action on your turn to conjure a1 tb. straw doll that re- ‘sembles the creature you choose that one ofthese items belongs to. This doll appears inthe hand holding the per- ‘sonal item, andthe target's personal item i alfxed tothe doll in some way. This doll lasts for one hour before it and any personal items used in ts creation lose their magical potency and no longer function. ‘Damage done with this doll cannot kill a creature, and ifacreature is reduced to 0 hit points through usage of| this dll ts rendered unconsefous but is immediately stabilized. Any damage dealt with the use of this dol ‘counts as magical for the purposes of overcoming resis tance ancl immunity. As part of the action used to conjure the dolor as a separate action on alate turn while you are holding the doll, you can perform any of the following: Pinprick. You pull outa short pin and stab the dol Make a spell attack roll against the creature the dol sembles. On a hit it takes piercing damage equal to 1d8 + your Intelligence modifier This damage gains an a tional d8 at Sth level (248), 11th level (38), and 17th level (48). Open Flame. You expose the dollto fire, burning it You can choose to expend! a spell sot as a part ofthis ‘action, The creature the resembles must make a Cha risma saving throw fit fail, it takes 246 fre damage, plus an extra 1d6 foreach level ofthe spel slot you ex pended (ifyou used one). I the target succeeds om its saving throw, i akes half this amount. In either case, this destroys the dott Tarows You throw the doll up to 10 feet ina direction you choose. The creature it resembles must make a Cha ‘sma saving throw: It fais, it is moved 10 feet ina di- ‘of your choice other than upwards for every 5 feet “yourthrew the dll Ifthe ereature fais the save andi it ‘or the doll collide with any solid objects other than the floor) during this throw oF forced movement, the ereature takes bludgeoning damage equal to your witch level rast. You throw the dollto the ground and stomp on it The ereature it resembles must make a Charisma ‘saving throw: IF fails, tis rendered prone and takes >ludgeoning damage equal to your witch level CurSE oF CRavING Prerequisite: 13th level, Coven ofthe Dark Moon or Coven of the Eelipse Using an action you touch one humanoid, which must make a Charisma saving throw. Ii fails, the target sut- fers your choice of one ofthe following curses, which can >be negated with a remove curse or similar magic. Only ‘one creature can be affected by this ability at any time, ‘and subjecting a new creature to this jinx releases a pre viously cursed target ‘The effects you can apply are as follows: Adoration. The target develops a deep admiration for a creature of your choice, which you must have seen and. that knows atleast one language, The ereature you ‘choose can be yourself. The target is considered ‘charmed by that creature. When the target takes a long rest, it can repeat the initial saving throw, ending this effect on a success ‘Starvation. The target has either an unending hunger ‘or thirst (your choice) that no amount of food or water ‘ill satiate, At the end of the day (typically ater a long rest), the target suflers the effects of food or water deprt- vation, as listed on page 185 of the Plaver’s Handbook; sift had consumed no food or water that day. This ‘effect only functions ifthe target needs to eat food or drink water to survive. Bach day after suffering depriva- tion in this war, the target may repeat the initial saving throw IF sticreeds, this effect ends, though the target lil suffers the effects of food or water deprivation until they are mitigated normally ENLARGE FAMILIAR Prerequisite: Sth level ‘As a bonus action you use your magic to increase your familiar's size and strength dramatically, making them a much more formidable foe. Your familiar grows to medium size, gains an AC of 8+ your proficiency bons + your Intelligence modifier and they gain an additional ‘amount of maximum hit points equal to your witch level, {Gn addition (othe increase they receive from Occult Familiar), The Strength, Dexterity, and Constitution ‘scores of your familiar all increase to 10 (unless they are ‘ureater alread), and you choose one of these scores to instead increase to 14, ‘Your familiar also gains an attack which adds your In telligence modifier and proficiency bonus to its rol to it (Go place ofthe familiar's own stats), and on abit deals piercing, bludgeoning, of slashing damage (yous choice) ‘equal 10 148 + your Intelligence modifier. Your familiar sill cannot attack on its wn, and you must use a bonus action fo allow it to use an Attack action, ot use a reac- tion of your own to allow t to make an opportunity attack. Ifyou have the Crescent Strike feature the dice it provides when your familiar deals damage grow from ‘6s to d8s fr the duration of this jinx. ‘Tis transformation lasts for up to one minute, until yout familiar is reduced to 0 hit points, or until you end it ‘a8 no additional action, At 1th evel, you can choose to instead to have your Tamiliar grow to Large size, you do, your familiar gains further 5 additional maximum bit points, and the attack. itthis ability grants deals an extra 1d8 damage. Evi. Eve ‘As a bonus action, choose one ereature within 60 feet of you and one type of save. That ereature has disadvantage ‘on that save until the end of your next turn, AAC Lth level, instead choose two types of saves for the creature to suffer disadvantage on. At 17th level, instead choose three types of saves. Gurpin LicuT Prerequisite: Sth level, Coven of the Full Moon or Coven of the Half Moon Using a bonus action, you create a luminous beacon over your head that shines with the radiance ofthe moon. Any ‘reatures you designate within 30 feet of you ean use a reaction to immediately move a distance up to their ‘movement speed closer to you. This movement does not provoke opportunity attacks. HEADOLOGY ‘As-a bonus action, choose one skill out of Persuasion, Deception, Intimidation, or Insight. Checks you make ‘with this skill within the next minute have advantage, [ACth level, instead choose two skills from this ist. At 11th level, choose three skills, and the frst creature against whom you succeed on a check with one of your ‘chosen skillsis charmed by you or frightened of you (our choice) forthe duration. POISON BRIARS Prerequisite: Sth level ‘You cause poisonous brambles to instantly grow at any location you choose on the ground without 60 feet of you that is not already occupied by a creature. You create a ‘number of 5 foot by 5 foot by 2 foot high patches of ‘rambles equal to half your witch level (round up). These patches do not have to be contiguous, and are considered dlificlt terrain, Acreature that moves into or starts ts urn in pateh ‘of brambles must make a Constitution saving throw. Ifit Iails, i takes piercing damage equal to your Intelligence ‘modifier, and poison damage equal to your witch level ‘These briars have an AC of 10, and each pateh lasts for 1 ‘minute or until they recelve 10 slashing or fre damage. ‘SHARE PAIN ‘When you ora creature you can see within 60 feet of you are hit with an attack, you can use a reaction to transfer ‘some of the attack’s damage back to the attacking, crea ture. Reduce the damage the ereatuce hit withthe attack. receives by half (round up), and the attacking creature must make a Constitution saving throw. Ii fais it takes, the same amount of damage received by the target ofits attack, WALK THE CRESCENT Pati Prereiiste Sth evel, Coren of the Crescent Moon ee RAW tctln om your arn, rou car teleport. oit you can se within 5 feet You can port before, after, or (if you have the Extra Attack ) inbetween the tacks granted hy or tack WARDING MISFORTUNE. Using a bonus action, target one creature you can see ‘within 60 feet of you, which can be yourself. Until the start of your next turn, any attacks against that creature ‘ase made with disadvantage. AAU 1th level, you can target two creatures with this ‘effect, At 17th level, you can target theee creatures. Wircrwarp Asa bonus action, you and your familiar teleport, each of {you appearing at the ather' previous location. At L1th level, one creature adjacent to either you or your familiar can be teleported as well, appearing in a ‘pace of your choosing within 5 feet of either your fail: ia of yoursel. WITCH SPELLS “This ection includes all spells available to the witch eesti ree etree resect Wart Coven, Speils fund ina location other than the Players Handbook cary a symbol denoting thei source. An inde for these symbols canbe found below. Symbol Source None Player's Handbook Elemental Ei Player's Companion f Xanathar's Guide to Everything Coder of Wave: (avaiable on DM's Guild) Cantaips (0 Levet) ‘Acid Splash (Conjuration) Chill Touch (Necromancy) Control Flames (ransmutation) * Create Bonfire (Conjurstion)*t Dancing Lights (Evecation) Druideraft (Tansmutation) Friends (Enchantment) Frostbite (Eveeation) *t Guidance (Divination) Gust (Tansmutation) “+ Infestation (Conjuration) j Mage Hand (Conjurstion) Magic Stone (Transmutation) ° Mending (ransmuation) Message (Tranemutation) Minor Ilusion (usin) Mold Earth (ransmutation) *t Poison Spray (Conuration) Peestiigiation (Transmutation) Primal Savagey (Transmutation) + Produce Flame (Conjurtion) Ray of Frost (Evecation) Ripple (Conjutation) ‘Shape Water (Transmtton) * ee Spare the Oying (Necromaney) Fe, Thaumatugy ransmattion) a ‘Them Whip (Transmatation) 34 Tl the Dead (Necromancy) + ast Leven, Alarm (Abjuration, tua) Animal Friendship (Enchantment) Beast Bond (Divination) CCetapult (ansmutaion) *f (Cause Fear (Necromancy) + CChatm Person (Enchantment) Command (Enchantment) ‘Comprehend Languages (Dwviation} Create or Destroy Water (Tranzmutation) Detect Evil and Good (Divination) Detect Magi (Divination tua) Detect Poizon and Disease (Divination, ritual) Earth Tremor (Evoeation) *} Entangle (Conjuration) Faerie Fite (Evocation) Feather Fall (Transmutation) Flowsight (OWinaton) Fog Cloud (Conjurtion) CGocaberry (Tansmutation) lee Knife (Conjuration) Identify (Divination, ritual) Musor Serit(llusion, ritual) Luck of he Ses (Transmutation, ritual) Mage Armor (Abjuration) Protection fim El and Good (Abjurstion) Purify Food and Drink (Transmutation, ritual) Ray of Sickness (Necromaney) Sleep (Enchantment) Snare (Abjuration) f Speak with Animals (Divination, ritual) Unseen Servant (Conjustion,eitul) Witch Bolt (Evecation) 2np Level Aer Self (ransmutation) Avimal Messenger (Enchantment, tual) Augry (Divination, ritual) Barkan (Tansmutation) Beast Sense (Dvration, rival) Bighys Blistering Barnacle (Conjurton) = Detet Thought (Divination) Dragon's Breath (Tansmutation) + Dust Dev Conjration) + Eartbind (lansmutation) *f Enhance Abily ansmutaton) Enlarge/Reduce (Tans mutation) Emtval(Enhantmert) Gentle Repose (Necromaney, tua) ust of Wind (Evcaton) Hold Person (Enchantment) Invisibility (sion Kock (Transmataton) Locate Animals or Plants (Divination ritual) Object (Divination) out (sion, rush Mel? Aci Arow (section) Mis) Step (Conjuation) Moonbeam (Evoestion) Nystls Magic Aur (lion) Protection from Poin (Aburation) Ray of Enfeeblement(Necromancy) See invisibility (Divination) Silence (illusion, ritual) Sink (ransmutation) ‘Skywrite (ransmutation, ritual) *} Sniloes Snowball Swarm (Evocation) *} Spider Climb (Transmutation) Spike Growth Transmutation) ‘Suggestion (Enchantment) Urehin’sSpines (Transmutation) ‘iarding Wind (Evecation) °F Web (Conjuration) Zone of Truth (Enchantment) 3rD Leve CCatnap (Enchantment) Claivoyance (Divination) Conjure Animals (Conjuration) CCounterspell(Abjuration Create Food and Water (Conjuration) Dispel Magle (Abjuration) Enemies Abound (Enchantment) + Erupting Earth (Teansmutaton) Fear (llusion) Feign Death (Necromancy, ritual) {Gaseous Form (Transmutation) (Glyph of Warding (Abjration) Leomund's Tiny Hut (Evocaton, ritual) Life Transference (Necremaney) Magic Circle (Abjuretion) Meld into Stone (Evoeation, ritual) Nondetection (Abjuration) Phantom Sted (illusion, rtul) Plant Growth (Transmutation) ‘Sending (Evecation) Set Storm (Conjuration) Slow (Transmutation) ‘Speak with Dead (Necromancy) ‘Speak wth Pants (Transmutation) ‘Stinking Cloud (Conjurtion) Tidal Wave (Conjuration) Tiny Setnt (Transmutation Tongues (Divination) Vampiie Toueh (Neeromaney) ater Breathing (Transmutation, ritual) Water Walk Tansmutation, ritual gre Leven. Arcane Eye (Oviation) Banishment (Abjuration) CChatm Monster (Enchantment) Compulsion (Enchantment) Confusion (Enchantment) Conjure Minor Elemental: (Conjuration) Conjure Woadland Beings (Conjuration) Control Water (Tranzmutation) Dominate Beast (Enchantment) Fabicate (iansmutation) Freedom of Movement (Abjuration) Giant Inset (Teansmutation) Grasping Vine (Conjuration) Guardian of Nature (ransmuttion) Ice Storm (Evocation) Locate Creature (Divination) Polymorph (Transmutation) Stone Shape (ransmutation) sre Leven, Animate Objects (Transmutation) ‘Awaken (Transmutation) Commune with Nature (Divination, ritual) Conjure Elements (Conjurstion) Contact Other Plane (Divination, ritual) Control Winds (Transmutation) * Dominate Person (Enchantment) Dream (illusion) eas (Enchantment) Hallow (Evocation) Hold Monster (Enchantment) Legend Lore (Divination) Modify Memory (Enchantment) Posswall(Transmutation) Pana Binding (Abjuration) Reincarnate (ransmutation) Sexyng (Divination) Skil Empowerment (Transmutation) Telekiness (Trancmutation) Teleportation Circle (Conjuration) Transmute Rock (Transmutation) Tee Stride (Conjuration) Wall of Stone (Evocstion} Wrath of Nature (Evoeation) + rH Leven, Bones af the Eath(Tranemutation) * Cirle of Death (Necromancy) Conjure Fey (Conjuration) Create Homunculus (ransmutation) + Create Undead (Necromancy) Fyebite (Necromancy) Find the Path (Divination) Flesh to Stone (Tranzmutation) Guards and Wards (Abjration) Investiture of Flame (Transmutaton) *} Investiture of ce (Transmutation) =f Investiture of Stone (Tanzmutation} “> Investiture of Wind (Transmutation)*f Magic Jar (Necromany) Mass Suggestion (Enchantment) Mental Prizon llusion) f Mordenkainen's Capable Caravel (Conjuration, ritual) Move Eath (Tranemutation) (to's irresistible Dance (Enchantment) Planar Ally (Conjuration) Soul Cage (Necromancy) + “Transport via Plants (Conjurstion) ‘True Seeing (Divination) Thar (Conjuration) 77H Leven Etherealness (Iransmnutation) Finger of Death (Necromancy) Forcecage (Evocstion) Mirage Arcane (llusion) Cheoirs: Photoshop & design by Walrock Homebrew Visit Watgocx Howensew for more! Blog Twitter: @WalrockHomebrew Patron: nt Cees: Diana Nock (@jinwile), witch, witch's cottage, cat, broom, animated hut, and wand done as commission Portfolio: Patron: Tumblr: dungeendumpstertumblecom Caspar David Friedrich, George Cattermole, Willam Beard, and Joseph Farquharson, public domain ‘Thanks tothe kind folks ofthe Discord of Many Things, red, /e, and tumbly, to /u/Smyris for their rezouree pack, and to Jufskybugl2 for thei Photorhop guide! Pane Shift (Conjuration) Power Word Pain (Enchantment Project Image (illusion) Sequester(ansmutation) Simlacrum (illusion) symbol (Abjuration) Whittwind (vocation) rH Levet [Ab-Dalzim’s Horse Witting (Necromancy) ‘Animal Shapes (Transmutaton) “Antimagie Field (Abjuration) ‘Antipathy/Sympathy (Enchantment) CContrl Weather (Transmutstion) Dominate Monster (Enchantment) Earthquake (Evocation) Feeblemind (Enchantment) usory ragon (illusion) + Maddening Darknezs (Evocation) + Mind Blank (Abjuration) Power Word Stun (Enchantment) TH Leven. Foresight (Divination) Gate (Conjration) Imprisonment (Abjuration) Mats Polymorph (Transmutation) Projection (Necromancy) Power Wed Kil (Enchantment) Paychie Seresm (Enchantment) Shapechange (Tansmutstion) Storm of Vengeance (Conjuration) True Polymorph (Tansmutation) Weir sion)

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