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6/2/23, 22:26 L1AP4_Language learning: Revisió de l'intent

La meva pàgina inicial / Els meus cursos / Llengua estrangera Anglès II / Unit 1 / L1AP4_Language learning

Començat el dilluns, 6 de febrer 2023, 22:24

Estat Acabat
Completat el dilluns, 6 de febrer 2023, 22:26
Temps emprat 1 minut 30 segons
Qualificació 8,00 sobre 10,00 (80%) 1/3
6/2/23, 22:26 L1AP4_Language learning: Revisió de l'intent

1 Puntuació 8,00 sobre 10,00

Parcialment correcte

Error correction

Activity Read this student’s essay about how he learnt several languages. There are ten errors commonly made by students at this level.
Have a look at the errors in red and correct them in the box.

I am
have been

 interested in learning languages since I was a child. My parents took me on holidays to many countries when I
was little and I always enjoyed listen

 to the sounds of the people when they talked. At the


 school, we studied French but the teacher was not a native speaker. The grammar lessons were good but she
didn’t had

 a good accent, so we didn’t learn how to speak well. I picked up the accent and got more fluent when I
travelled to France later on.
At university, I decided to learn German. There was

 some German students on my course so we started a language exchange. It was too much

a lot

 fun and I enjoyed


 a lot. I didn’t get the grammar rules but I learnt a lot of slang and even bad words! Now when I travel to
Germany, I’m happy to talk to anybody.
I’m studying Italian online now. The course is well-organised and the activities are funny

 . I do interactive exercises on the internet and then I send my writing to my tutor and my online classmates. We
give each other feedback and do some speaking and write

 together. I have to be very disciplined to do the studying alone. There are lots of deadlines and I have to keep
to them because if I’m late, my colleagues can’t continue with the work. I think it’s a good way for

 study a language but I need to go to Italy to use it!

I am have been interested in learning languages since I was a child. My parents took me on holidays to many
countries when I was little and I always enjoyed listen listening to the sounds of the people when they talked. At
the At school, we studied French but the teacher was not a native speaker. The grammar lessons were good but
she didn’t had have a good accent, so we didn’t learn how to speak well. I picked up the accent and got more fluent
when I travelled to France later on. 2/3
6/2/23, 22:26 L1AP4_Language learning: Revisió de l'intent

At university, I decided to learn German. There was were some German students on my course so we started a
language exchange. It was too much a lot of fun and I enjoyed enjoyed it a lot. I didn’t get the grammar rules but I
learnt a lot of slang and even bad words! Now when I travel to Germany, I’m happy to talk to anybody.
I’m studying Italian online now. The course is well-organised and the activities are funny fun. I do interactive
exercises on the internet and then I send my writing to my tutor and my online classmates. We give each other
feedback and do some speaking and write writing together. I have to be very disciplined to do the studying alone.
There are lots of deadlines and I have to keep to them because if I’m late, my colleagues can’t continue with the
work. I think it’s a good way for to study a language but I need to go to Italy to use it!


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