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135. Todent(p. 20) mM.

lo become stronger, resiiient

lá. Vandalism (p. 20) n. To damage Cmeta/)

15. Totell sb. apart (p. 21) O. Thin

16. To and fro (p. 21) p. A tool for digging

17. . To play catch Cp. 21) q. To slap or hit as a punishment

18. To sneak (p. 22) r. To trip while walking

19. Persistent (p. 23) s. To walk with difficulty because of a damaged or stiff leg

Fill in the Blank. Complete each sentence by filling in the blanks with the
provided vocabulary,
Conjugate the verbs in the right tense.

To play catch - to and fro — to talk out - to spank - to smirk - to sneak - bruised
— to trip over - vandalism

— to shove - lean — to toughen up - to limp - persistent — to dent - to stumble —

to tell apart —

to shovel - wuss

and in time learned how to spealt Spanish fluently.

Josh was


figure was silhouetted by the sun.

cheek is a dead giveaway that he got into a fight again.

downstairs, early on Christmas morning, to see if Santa had been.

The children
The little boy will have to ¡Fhe does not want to go home ctying every day.

in his cage.

The lion paced |

The collision the car.

_the toys on the floor and fell down.

The child
occurring, call the police.

A MM tu 0 EE o

IF you witness an act of

just before the finish line, which cost him first place.
11. Janet couldn't stand her boss, so she when she heard he had been fired.
until she managed to get through to the


12.Linda and ue

front of the crowd.


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