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A few months ago, Ana Margarita was calmly preparing her dinner of the day, while listening
to some relaxing music on the radio. She went for something easy, a tortilla. When she futted
the raw potatoes into the pan, she realised that she forgot to feed her cat, so she rapidly wnet
to that.

Unfortunately, she spent more time tan she thought, and, when she came back to the kitchen,
the pan was burning whith the now burnt food. She freacked out, as son as she saw the fire
coming out, she grabbed the fire extinguisher and the fire disappeared. Luckily, she didn’t had
to call the firefighters.

From no won, Ana Margarita has been taking good care of her kitchen, her final decisión was
to never preparate again tortilla. She has been taking cooking lessons, so everithing is ok
now. :D

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