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Name: Peter John S.

Mangat Date: 03/02/2024

Title: The Case of Macedonia

Written Report

The Macedonia case study explores the idea and application of sustainable
development efforts. First, it defines sustainable development as maximizing human well-
being while preserving the requirements of future generations by integrating economic,
social, and environmental goals. In order to achieve sustainable development goals, the
document highlights the significance of strategic planning and stresses the necessity of
thorough analysis, stakeholder participation, and policy consistency. The creation of a
National Strategy for Sustainable Development (NSSD) in the Macedonian setting is
described with political background, project idea, goals, outcomes, and implementation

The NSSD project in Macedonia is described as an approach that addresses the

social, economic, and environmental aspects of sustainable development through a
participatory process overseen by national expert. Strategic planning, institutional structure,
and capacity building are all part of the initiative, which focuses on long-term sustainability
and EU accession criteria. Creating a National Council for Sustainable Development and
developing analytical tools like the Social Accounting Matrix (SAM), SESAME, and NAMEA to
facilitate sustainable development analysis are two major issues. Using Macedonia as a case
study, the book offers a thorough overview of the planning and execution process for
sustainable development initiatives.

Personal Insights
Sustainable development must always adhere to the concept of providing and
supporting the present economy without compromising the future generation. Sustainable
development must always take into account the three major aspects of society: social
welfare, environmental responsibility, and economic viability. Sustainable efforts must also
build support systems like funding agencies, and its approaches must be holistic and

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