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Elias Garza

February 16, 2022

Academic Strategies

Computer Science

1. Which of the following are languages used to code software?

a. Java
c. Python
d. All of the above **
2. Which of the following is responsible for the protocols used transfer data between computers
via the Internet?
a. HTTP**
c. www.
d. .com
3. Which of the following would be used in CSS to call this ID? <h1 id=”banner”>
a. #banner
b. .banner
c. $banner
d. Both A and B**
4. Which of the following is used to insert an image in HTML?
a. <img src = ” image.jpg ” >**
b. <pic src=”image.jpg”>
c. Insert.img (src = “image.jpg”)
d. None of the above
5. Which of the following powers a computer unit?
a. Power supply**
b. Hard drive
c. RAM
d. HDD

1. HTML stands for Hyper Text Markup Language

a. True**
b. False
2. FFFFFF is the color white
a. True**
b. False
3. FF0000 is the color red
a. True**
b. False
4. 00FF00 is the color yellow
a. True
b. False**
5. The current generation of HTML is HTML7
a. True
b. False**

1. Write the base skeleton used to start a website in HTML?











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