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Assignment 1: Getting Started with C

Objective: Familiarize students with the basic setup and syntax of C programming.


1. Write a C program to print "Hello, World!" to the console.

2. Implement a program to calculate the sum of two numbers entered by the user.
3. Write a program to find the area of a rectangle given its length and width.

#include <stdio.h>

int main() {
printf("Hello, World!\n");
return 0;

This code works because it is a simple C program that utilizes the printf() function from
the standard input-output library ( stdio.h). Here's a breakdown of why it works:

1. #include <stdio.h>: This line includes the standard input-output library ( stdio.h) in the
program. This library provides functions like printf() for input and output
2. int main() { ... }: This is the main function of the program. In C, every program must
have a main() function, which serves as the entry point of the program. The int
before main() indicates that the function returns an integer value, typically 0 to
indicate successful execution.
3. printf("Hello, World!\n");: This line prints the string "Hello, World!" to the console.
The printf() function is used for formatted output. In this case, it takes a string
"Hello, World!\n" , where \n represents a newline character, causing the output to
appear on a new line.
4. return 0;: This statement exits the main() function and returns 0 to the operating
system, indicating that the program executed successfully. In C, returning 0 from
main() typically signifies that the program terminated without errors.

Overall, this code is a simple C program that prints "Hello, World!" to the console,
demonstrating a basic use of the printf() function for output and the main() function as
the entry point of the program.

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